Big Tech Rigs an Election


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
Whatever the result of the 2020 presidential election, we can’t say Robert Epstein didn’t warn us.

Robert who? you ask.


Epstein, a Democrat, is also a Harvard-educated behavioral psychologist and the former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today. He’s also the guy who long ago sounded the alarm about the threat posed to our republican form of government by Google and its Big Tech brethren. None of this comes as a surprise to our Mark Alexander, who’s been following Dr. Epstein’s work for years.

In mid-2019, Epstein testified before Congress, and the substance of his testimony lent support to what every fair-minded person who’s ever done a politics-related Google search has long suspected: “Data I’ve collected since 2016 show that Google displays content to the American public that is biased in favor of one political party — a party I happen to like, but that’s irrelevant. … Democracy as originally conceived, cannot survive Big Tech as currently empowered.”

Too bad no one on Capitol Hill took him seriously.

BJ - Clearly the people running the fraud took him seriously.
Russia, Russia, Russia? A few hundred thousand dollars spent on Facebook made Trump win? LMAO!

How about complete dominance on the internet to censor anything anti-Biden?

Rigged, rigged, rigged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Screw the court petitions. We have all the evidence we need here.
Russia, Russia, Russia? A few hundred thousand dollars spent on Facebook made Trump win? LMAO!

How about complete dominance on the internet to censor anything anti-Biden?

Rigged, rigged, rigged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Screw the court petitions. We have all the evidence we need here.

That's just it and PROGS ignore it or approve. PROG leaders leave a stink everywhere they go.

You can add education to that mix too, and while you're at it victim roles too. PROGS adore victim roles, it justifies their poor dispositions and that makes them happy.
Russia, Russia, Russia? A few hundred thousand dollars spent on Facebook made Trump win? LMAO!

How about complete dominance on the internet to censor anything anti-Biden?

Rigged, rigged, rigged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Screw the court petitions. We have all the evidence we need here.

That's just it and PROGS ignore it or approve. PROG leaders leave a stink everywhere they go.

They must be squashed like stinkbugs.
“Whatever the result of the 2020 presidential election…”


We already know the result – Biden will be president January 2021.
The Darkness of the long night will be evident. Liberties will be restricted even more then now. Perhaps Republican Judges will become extremist and make laws like Prog Judges have done.
The House tried, media tried, DOJ tried, FBI hierarchy tried, a member of the US Senate perjured himself, disgraced the Senate, and tried, they all failed, all that was left was social media, mainstream media, gang of self-righteous Techies, to adopt censorship as a last resort, and it stuck.
Now the question is how long will China Joe remain in the White House until he is impeached? Once his fails to deliver on appointing National Socialists to his cabinet the clock starts ticking.

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