BIG!!! Supreme Court agrees to hear birther case

she probably was eligible for that automatically when she was admitted to the bar. same as getting one's notary public. all you do is file a paper and pay a fee.

Not defending her but actually a real estate license is a hard course and test.

in most states admittance to the bar automatically confers a real estate license.

that's why most real estate agents are drunkards.

They've got newspaper items to prove it. How'd they get there? Does Obama have a time machine? :lol:

HAHAHA. That's your proof? It was in the papers?

Newspapers don't check stuff like this. Anyone can call in and say they had a birth and it will be printed.

So someone called from Kenya? You just don't care how ridiculous your story is, do you?

No one has ever proven Obama's mother ever visited Kenya in her entire life.

I'm sure his daddy did not want her to run into his other wife there. :)
To be frank, what amazes me is how many posts you have n this thread. If this birther thing is so rediculous to you, why do you keep on posting about it? Let it go. It is the right of an American to question anything he or she pleases. And if a Supreme Court Justice lends any credence to it by allowing it to appear in front of him, so be it.

And my right as an American to post all the hell I want to.
Defensive are we?
I have NO problem with the SC taking it up.
But they will not. It will be shit canned.
I didnt say you didnt have the right to post all the hell you want.
But I always thought you were a conservative...and a conservative should applaud those that speak out when they believe government is doing the wrong thing.
Now, I understand not applauding a birther.....but to continaully and endlessly chastise her?
I dont know.....guess it is not what I would have expected from you.

But please....carry on.

Being a conservative does not mean being an idiot. Simply because one of your "team" takes a position does not mean you should idly stand by and say nothing while he is advocating an idiotic position. Being an idiot hurts your team.

Why is that so hard to understand?
I PRAY this case makes it to oral arguments.
It will finally show how weak a case this has always been, there is NO evidence and most likely the perjury allegations in most all of the other cases will be allowed in as rebuttal evidence against Tait and her merry band of KOOKS.
Everyone please pray this case makes it to oral argument. It would make TV I hope for all to see what I saw in the Georgia case.

Won't happen. I wish it would but it won't.

The SCOTUS is not a venue for cranks and nutters.
Forget the birth certificate. I believe he was born in Hawaii. They need to check and see if he became a citizen of his step father's home country after he was adopted.

I am more interested in having someone verify Obama's selective service registration. The one Obama posted on his website was problematic. The date was off center, only contained two numerals on the year instead of 4 like ALL others and the 8 was upside down, indicating that a stamp from 2008 was used and the '20' was removed. It was stamped upside down to appear to be 80, though should have been stamped 1980.
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Forget the birth certificate. I believe he was born in Hawaii. They need to check and see if he became a citizen of his step father's home country after he was adopted.

I'd refer you to the Immigration and Nationalization Act of 1952 (the applicable law at the time of Obama's birth). The law stated (as it was before and as it has been since) that parents cannot relinquish the citizenship of a minor child (which Obama was during the Indonesian period). Even if a parent attempts to relinquish the United States Citizenship of a child born a citizen, they can't do it - the child retains their citizenship. The only person that can relinquish citizenship is that person themselves and only after they reach the age of majority.

Secondly, there has been (IIRC) no documents that ever showed that his step-father ever adopted him.

Forget the birth certificate. I believe he was born in Hawaii. They need to check and see if he became a citizen of his step father's home country after he was adopted.

I am more interested in having someone verify Obama's selective service registration. The one Obama posted on his website was problematic. The date was off center, only contained two numerals on the year instead of 4 like ALL others and the 8 was upside down, indicating that a stamp from 2008 was used and the '20' was removed. It was stamped upside down to appear to be 80, though should have been stamped 1980.

Forget the birth certificate. I believe he was born in Hawaii. They need to check and see if he became a citizen of his step father's home country after he was adopted.

I am more interested in having someone verify Obama's selective service registration. The one Obama posted on his website was problematic. The date was off center, only contained two numerals on the year instead of 4 like ALL others and the 8 was upside down, indicating that a stamp from 2008 was used and the '20' was removed. It was stamped upside down to appear to be 80, though should have been stamped 1980.

Jesus, the bullshit just never ends.

I would like to see evidence ALL other Selective Service stamps used all 4 digits of the year on their forms.
You all sure are afraid of something. Most here don't seem to care if it's right or legal as long as their guy wins. They're afraid for the people to even see the information. Let the Supreme Court do it's job, and hopefully do it right, and we can put all doubt behind us or prosecute a president for treason. Supreme Court, DO YOUR JOB.

I certainly am afraid of something. I'm afraid my party coddles retards and does not have enough integrity to tell birfers to shut up and go away.
Even if President Barrack Obama was not born in the United States of America, there is no reason that we should not accept his presidency. Those who argue the constitution do not understand the actual implications of the constitution and what it represents. The citizenship clause of the constitution is a racially motivated amendment which was created only to prohibit the people that were stolen from Afrika from being able to rule the land that we stole from the Native Amerikans. So you see, this is irrelevant to the context of the big picture.

The big picture is this:

When you think critically about a document that was written hundreds of years ago by racist, sexist, classist individuals, what part of that reflects the current democracy that we live in?

13% of our country consists of people who were not born here, and because of that we deny them the ability to be President completely because of that.

35% of this country are non-whites, and 12.3% of those are Afrikan, whom were the target of this racist law when it was formed, to prevent the Afrikans from ever being a part of this society. Barrack Obama is an Afrikan...and he is president. It has happened and nothing can take it back, the correct path has been chosen.

And now we must question what this 'natural born' clause really means. If it is not under the guise of racism, then what benefit can we possibly have, suppressing 32% of the country by telling them that they may have lived in our country from 3 months of age, but they will never be Amerikan enough to be President because as a society we wanted to prevent the Afrikan from being president....which these white supremists did not succeed at, by the way. us Americans a favor and stay out of our country.
You all sure are afraid of something. Most here don't seem to care if it's right or legal as long as their guy wins. They're afraid for the people to even see the information. Let the Supreme Court do it's job, and hopefully do it right, and we can put all doubt behind us or prosecute a president for treason. Supreme Court, DO YOUR JOB.

I doubt if they do. The SC takes bribes on every case and they're taking them here. There are absolutely no honest govt officials in america.

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