BIG!!! Supreme Court agrees to hear birther case


22 cases around the country already and everyone they have lost because, guess why?
They have NO evidence.
Show me some evidence. Where is it?

We've shown you the evidence a thousand times. Obozo's own literary agency said he was born in kenya,. Said if for 16 years.

I'll go with what Hawaii says, especially since they have private sources to back them up. There's nothing to back up your evidence, only an apology for an error.

Even when you people are provided evidence (see pamphlet shown earlier in the thread), you idiots still refuse to consider it......yet you demand that anyone who questions obama's American birth should just unequivocally accept whatever it is your side presents as "evidence". Yea, ok. :eusa_hand::cuckoo::dunno::bang3:

What could I be afraid of?
Where is there any evidence? Where is it?
You are the one afraid of something.
No wonder we lose elections to the Democrats. Only a dumb ass believes this shit.

Obozo's own literary agency said he was born in kenya and that means he told them that. That's what scares you. HAHAHA

It's curtains for obozo.

It only means that the literary agent made a mistake.

Oh, yes, of course. It can't possibly be because obama is lying his ass off, now can it?
[Even when you people are provided evidence (see pamphlet shown earlier in the thread), you idiots still refuse to consider it......yet you demand that anyone who questions obama's American birth should just unequivocally accept whatever it is your side presents as "evidence". Yea, ok. :eusa_hand::cuckoo::dunno::bang3:

They have no choice. Even liberals know the pamphlet is a smoking gun and all they can do is ignore it.
[Even when you people are provided evidence (see pamphlet shown earlier in the thread), you idiots still refuse to consider it......yet you demand that anyone who questions obama's American birth should just unequivocally accept whatever it is your side presents as "evidence". Yea, ok. :eusa_hand::cuckoo::dunno::bang3:

They have no choice. Even liberals know the pamphlet is a smoking gun and all they can do is ignore it.

Yup....they absolutely can't stand it when confronted with this type of information. They lose their minds and start the whole distract and deny's endless. It will be interesting to see what their reaction is when obama's cover is blown at some point in the future.....whether it's now or 15 years from now. But it will happen.
[Even when you people are provided evidence (see pamphlet shown earlier in the thread), you idiots still refuse to consider it......yet you demand that anyone who questions obama's American birth should just unequivocally accept whatever it is your side presents as "evidence". Yea, ok. :eusa_hand::cuckoo::dunno::bang3:

They have no choice. Even liberals know the pamphlet is a smoking gun and all they can do is ignore it.

Yup....they absolutely can't stand it when confronted with this type of information. They lose their minds and start the whole distract and deny's endless. It will be interesting to see what their reaction is when obama's cover is blown at some point in the future.....whether it's now or 15 years from now. But it will happen.

just what we needed... another birfer moron.

and no, it won't.

but thanks for showing us how pathetic you are so we won't expect much from you.
They have no choice. Even liberals know the pamphlet is a smoking gun and all they can do is ignore it.

Yup....they absolutely can't stand it when confronted with this type of information. They lose their minds and start the whole distract and deny's endless. It will be interesting to see what their reaction is when obama's cover is blown at some point in the future.....whether it's now or 15 years from now. But it will happen.

just what we needed... another birfer moron.

and no, it won't.

but thanks for showing us how pathetic you are so we won't expect much from you.

Anyone who spells birther as "birfer" simply cannot be taken seriously. And spelling it that way on purpose makes you look even more stupid.
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Yup....they absolutely can't stand it when confronted with this type of information. They lose their minds and start the whole distract and deny's endless. It will be interesting to see what their reaction is when obama's cover is blown at some point in the future.....whether it's now or 15 years from now. But it will happen.

just what we needed... another birfer moron.

and no, it won't.

but thanks for showing us how pathetic you are so we won't expect much from you.

Anyone who spells birther as "birfer" simply cannot be taken seriously. And spelling it that way on purpose makes you look even more stupid.

ok birfer..
Yup....they absolutely can't stand it when confronted with this type of information. They lose their minds and start the whole distract and deny's endless. It will be interesting to see what their reaction is when obama's cover is blown at some point in the future.....whether it's now or 15 years from now. But it will happen.

just what we needed... another birfer moron.

and no, it won't.

but thanks for showing us how pathetic you are so we won't expect much from you.

Anyone who spells birther as "birfer" simply cannot be taken seriously. And spelling it that way on purpose makes you look even more stupid.

In your case, we can make an exception, and anoint you birfertard.

I hope that satisfies your stringent intellectual standards.
Sorry bout that,

1. Sooner or later Obamie will get a pay back on the forgeries he did.
2. When that happens I will be a happy birther!
3. If Obamie keeps doing what he's doing on the second amendment the S. Court will have to take him Down.

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Will the court actually look at the evidence for once or will they make a fool of themselves like all the other federal courts who threw birther cases out for no legal reason.?

Finally. Hopefully the truth will come out but I doubt that it will.

What truth is that?

That you're a birther IDIOT?

Orly Taitz will never step inside the supreme court building.

This is a fantasy story from her website.

She is a sick person.
release Obama's college records !!
Not sure why this is called a birther case. I didn't see in the little bit you offered where it is questioned the place Obama was born. I guess any critique of Obama is now being written off as birther stuff.

But the fact is the he did live over seas under an assumed name for many years.

Truth is he is keeping all his records sealed, why? My opinion, he lied about where he was born. Snopes says he didn't receive a Fulbright scholarship but that doesn't mean he didn't benefit otherwise or maybe it was just that he wanted to be like his daddy.

Truth is it is hard to explain how he got into Harvard considering his younger years drug use and performance.

Something is going on with the SS number thing although snopes writes it off, very much like his bio stating Kenyan birth, to a typographical error. So many people making mistakes concerning one man, what are the odds? Jean Paul Ludwig Obama SSN

From the following linked article: Snopes concludes that "the most likely explanation" is a "simple clerical or typographical error." Obama, they contend, lived in the Hawaii zip code of 96814, while the zip code for Danbury, CT is 06814. As it happens, "clerical error" is the same excuse used to explain away Obama's claim to a Kenyan birth in his literary agent's 1991 promotional piece.

Read more: Articles: A Possible Explanation for Obama's Connecticut Social Security Number

Further more Obama has his records hidden for a reason, the above site gives a better reason for Obama's SS number.

But in the end it will not matter. Nixon was brought down by an aggressive press, Obama has no such concern.
The Debunker’s Guide to Obama Conspiracy Theories

The following is an index of links to articles on this web site (and a few to others) that debunk various claims made about Barack Obama. The claims are arranged by category. Updated December 24, 2012.

Table of Contents:

Obama’s birth certificate
Other claims about Obama’s birth in Hawaii
Obama born in Kenya stories
Obama in Indonesia stories
Obama’s Selective Service registration
Obama’s social-security number
Obama legal fees and sealing records
Obama higher education myths
Obama is not a natural born citizen because of his parentage
Other crank claims​

Let the claims begin!

DETAILS: The Debunker's Guide to Obama Conspiracy Theories
Not sure why this is called a birther case. I didn't see in the little bit you offered where it is questioned the place Obama was born. I guess any critique of Obama is now being written off as birther stuff.

But the fact is the he did live over seas under an assumed name for many years.

Truth is he is keeping all his records sealed, why? My opinion, he lied about where he was born. Snopes says he didn't receive a Fulbright scholarship but that doesn't mean he didn't benefit otherwise or maybe it was just that he wanted to be like his daddy.

Truth is it is hard to explain how he got into Harvard considering his younger years drug use and performance.

Something is going on with the SS number thing although snopes writes it off, very much like his bio stating Kenyan birth, to a typographical error. So many people making mistakes concerning one man, what are the odds? Jean Paul Ludwig Obama SSN

From the following linked article: Snopes concludes that "the most likely explanation" is a "simple clerical or typographical error." Obama, they contend, lived in the Hawaii zip code of 96814, while the zip code for Danbury, CT is 06814. As it happens, "clerical error" is the same excuse used to explain away Obama's claim to a Kenyan birth in his literary agent's 1991 promotional piece.

Read more: Articles: A Possible Explanation for Obama's Connecticut Social Security Number

Further more Obama has his records hidden for a reason, the above site gives a better reason for Obama's SS number.

But in the end it will not matter. Nixon was brought down by an aggressive press, Obama has no such concern.

Social security # errors in credit reports, health care records and all other records average about 7 in every American's life time.
GIGO garbage in, garbage out.
Every day data entry workers enter in 400 million social security numbers by hand into data banks.
Mistakes everywhere.
Elvis is not alive, aliens did not build the pyramids, Marilyn Monroe was not killed by Jimmy Hoffa and Obama did not have Kenyan spies put birth announcements in the Hawaii papers the day after he was born.
You are not stupid so quit making ignorant claims.
I would like to see evidence ALL other Selective Service stamps used all 4 digits of the year on their forms.


Here is an article the is defending Obama and it says they can not find another example of where a two digit number is used, not saying there are those who have not.

Circular date stamps and Obama’s Selective Service registration - Obama Conspiracy Theories

Another interesting thing is that Obama's date is ahead of that of the Post Office. Obviously he could have but the date in incorrectly and innocently as could have the PO not changed the date stamp. What it is, is another example of someone making a mistake that explains yet another curiosity concerning Obama. That man had a lot of incompetent people in his life, now they are in his cabinet.

Still interesting, is not the age to register 18?
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