BIG!!! Supreme Court agrees to hear birther case

22 lawsuits already in numerous states on the eligibility of Obama to be President.

Name ONE, JUST ONE case where they birthers introduced ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE that showed any fraud, manipulation of any records or anything to prove that Obama was not born in Hawaii.

Where is it in any of those cases?
Fact is there is NO evidence, never has been any evidence and will never be any evidence.
That is why most of those cases were dismissed before they made it to argument.


First of all I doubt there is any evidence you will find credible.

Second, what evidence of what do you want shown?

Obama was born in Hawaii, do you need that evidence?

Obama supplied a bio to his publisher that was factually incorrect, you had to see it. Of course the publisher said she made a mistake and what a mistake it was. How you can be typing in Hawaii and instead type in Kenya is really quite a mistake.

So the logic is that there are two lies, one told to the publisher and one the publisher is now saying. It would be different if it were not Obama's book, but it was he had to know.

You have no evidence. No one does.
22 lawsuits already in numerous states on the eligibility of Obama to be President.

Name ONE, JUST ONE case where they birthers introduced ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE that showed any fraud, manipulation of any records or anything to prove that Obama was not born in Hawaii.

Where is it in any of those cases?
Fact is there is NO evidence, never has been any evidence and will never be any evidence.
That is why most of those cases were dismissed before they made it to argument.


First of all I doubt there is any evidence you will find credible.

Second, what evidence of what do you want shown?

Obama was born in Hawaii, do you need that evidence?

Obama supplied a bio to his publisher that was factually incorrect, you had to see it. Of course the publisher said she made a mistake and what a mistake it was. How you can be typing in Hawaii and instead type in Kenya is really quite a mistake.

So the logic is that there are two lies, one told to the publisher and one the publisher is now saying. It would be different if it were not Obama's book, but it was he had to know.

You have no evidence. No one does.

So it is a fact Obama was never born and crazy woman Orly Taitz hit a home run.
Obama did not have Kenyan spies put birth announcements in the Hawaii papers the day after he was born.

No one said he did. But relatives could have done that to make him an american citizen thus qualifying him for the benefits of being such. THINK

So your contention is that Obama's ancestors were fortune telling evil geniuses? Otherwise who would even foresee the possibility that a little black kid from some rink ass country in Africa would need fake US citizenship so that forty years into the future he could become President of the US?

Think indeed. The next thought you have will be the first one.
Orly Taitz is Ayn Rand reborn

The roughly 10,000 petitions that the court receives annually are referred to the regular conference meetings for discussion, then around 100 are picked by the justices for oral arguments and a final decision. The votes of four justices in the conference are needed to schedule arguments. The scheduling comes a week after another birther activist suggested impeaching Roberts if he attempted to swear-in Obama later this month.

orly taitz is shemp howard reborn

that's an insult to shemp howard. at least he was arguably funny.
Why is the SC hearing this now. Is israel pressuring them over Obozo's nomination of anti-israel Hagel for Sec of Defense? I want obozo gone but one thing i do like about him is he seems to be anti-israel. Romney was an israel-firster.

again, you lying nutcase, they aren't "HEARING" the case. petitions for certiorari are referred to the court for conference to determine IF they will consider the case. most petitions for cert are denied.

this is something like the tenth time you've been told that.

damn, you're learning disabled.
Why is the SC hearing this now. Is israel pressuring them over Obozo's nomination of anti-israel Hagel for Sec of Defense? I want obozo gone but one thing i do like about him is he seems to be anti-israel. Romney was an israel-firster.

again, you lying nutcase, they aren't "HEARING" the case. petitions for certiorari are referred to the court for conference to determine IF they will consider the case. most petitions for cert are denied.

this is something like the tenth time you've been told that.

damn, you're learning disabled.

but, in this case, it could be working.

this time orlie brown will kick the football into the bleachers.

i KNOW it.
22 lawsuits already in numerous states on the eligibility of Obama to be President.

Name ONE, JUST ONE case where they birthers introduced ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE that showed any fraud, manipulation of any records or anything to prove that Obama was not born in Hawaii.

Where is it in any of those cases?
Fact is there is NO evidence, never has been any evidence and will never be any evidence.
That is why most of those cases were dismissed before they made it to argument.


First of all I doubt there is any evidence you will find credible.

Second, what evidence of what do you want shown?

Obama was born in Hawaii, do you need that evidence?

Obama supplied a bio to his publisher that was factually incorrect, you had to see it. Of course the publisher said she made a mistake and what a mistake it was. How you can be typing in Hawaii and instead type in Kenya is really quite a mistake.

So the logic is that there are two lies, one told to the publisher and one the publisher is now saying. It would be different if it were not Obama's book, but it was he had to know.

You have no evidence. No one does.

You just repeating the same thing is BS.

We know for a fact he has a Conn. numbered SS card.

We know for a fact that his bio said he was born in Kenya for many, many years. This is spite of knowing he was born in Hawaii.

So what exactly is it that you want more evidence? I can't give you evidence he was born in ken ya because he was born in Hawaii. But you certainly have been shown the evidence that he had to have started the lie of him being born in Kenya, the question we can't answer is why he lied for so long.

So your contention is that Obama's ancestors were fortune telling evil geniuses? Otherwise who would even foresee the possibility that a little black kid from some rink ass country in Africa would need fake US citizenship so that forty years into the future he could become President of the US?

HAHAHAHA. No one is saying that you nitwit. Stop knocking down straw men.

All africans would love to have US citizenship.
Was Obama technically in violation of the law or was he in compliance?


Selective Service System: Registration Information


The law requires virtually all male U.S. citizens (regardless of where they live), and male immigrants residing in the U.S. (permanent resident aliens), to register within 30 days of their 18th birthday. Therefore, to be in full compliance with the law, a man turning 18 is required to register during the period of time beginning 30 days before, until 30 days after his 18th birthday...a 60-day window.

Late registrations are accepted, but not once a man reaches age 26. Men who do not register within the 60-day window are technically in violation of the law and should register as soon as possible.

A male non-citizen who first takes up permanent residence in the U.S. when he is at least 18 years old, but not yet 26 years old, must register within 30 days of becoming a resident. If he first enters the U.S. as a resident when he is 26 years old or older, he does not register with Selective Service because he is too old to register. Male non-citizens in the U.S. temporarily (valid student or visitor visa, diplomatic corps, etc.) do not register.

And this proves he was not born in the
again, you lying nutcase, they aren't "HEARING" the case. petitions for certiorari are referred to the court for conference to determine IF they will consider the case. most petitions for cert are denied.

Hey bigtalk. I expect the court will turn down super-orly but that's ok. It will just mean one more rejection without the courts examining the evidence and that strengthens the birther claim that we are not getting fair treatment. THE FIX IS IN and the courts continue to prove it.
again, you lying nutcase, they aren't "HEARING" the case. petitions for certiorari are referred to the court for conference to determine IF they will consider the case. most petitions for cert are denied.

Hey bigtalk. I expect the court will turn down super-orly but that's ok. It will just mean one more rejection without the courts examining the evidence and that strengthens the birther claim that we are not getting fair treatment. THE FIX IS IN and the courts continue to prove it.

hey shootspeeders,

think about it.

you never got a physics nobel prize.

that means the fix is in.
Obama supplied a bio to his publisher that was factually incorrect, you had to see it.

See it where?

Come on is that the best you can do?

'Born in Kenya': Obama's Literary Agent Misidentified His Birthplace in 1991 - ABC News

How do you mix Kenya and Hawii? How do you even get the idea to do such? How do you supply the bio information to the publisher then when they make such a gross mistake take over 10 years to fix it????

Obama has to be the first birther, all you can say is who gives a sh...
i'm going to start a petition on the WH website demanding we round up all the people who don't believe obama was born in hawaii...and put them in a "special" camp with transportation via short bus

i'm going to start a petition on the WH website demanding we round up all the people who don't believe obama was born in hawaii...and put them in a "special" camp with transportation via short bus


this petition will then be cited by orly and WND and then here on this board as being proof that obama is a dictator and a fraud.
But in the end it will not matter. Nixon was brought down by an aggressive press, Obama has no such concern.

Got that right. Plus the dems controlled both houses of congress back then. Today the repubs just control one. Of course that could change in the 2014 elections

Yeah, with Republicans turning off 90% of the electorate, I'm guessing it'll change to full Democrat control.
But in the end it will not matter. Nixon was brought down by an aggressive press, Obama has no such concern.

Got that right. Plus the dems controlled both houses of congress back then. Today the repubs just control one. Of course that could change in the 2014 elections

Yeah, with Republicans turning off 90% of the electorate, I'm guessing it'll change to full Democrat control.

It was 51/49 with Obama having a 47+ head start, get over yourself.
Yeah, with Republicans turning off 90% of the electorate, I'm guessing it'll change to full Democrat control.

You got it all wrong. It's the dems who are trying to take away our guns and 90% of the public hates them for that.

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