Big Jobs Numbers for Biden. The Biden BOOM in Full Effect

All the good results are from Dem presidents, all the failed terrible results are from the failed GOP
Bill Clinton: Golden Age of Prosperity, booming GDP, booming jobs, budget surpluss
GWB: Dark Age of Failure, inherited a balanced budget turned it into mega deficits, started 2 wars we didn't need and didn't win those wars, crashed the economy BIGLY
Obama: fixed the Bush mess, inherited an economy losing 900k jobs a month and gave Trump a country with 4.7% unemployment !!
Trump: spent like a drunken sailor doubling the annual deficit before covid, then trippled it after... Never had good GDP growth, weak low growth of 2.5%, barelly better than Obama. Fucked up covid and left the country in ruins. Biden: Fixed the trump disaster, crushed covid, 6+% GDP growth, BEST first 5 months is US history
The GOP is the party of total failure, with failed results, and excuses for their failed results.
All the major problems in America are a result of GOP fuck ups.
You're such a flaming idiot full of so much revisionist BULL, obviously an idiot in the true sense just repeating unsupportable clap trap spoon fed you from others , you're not worth bothering wasting any further breath on. A true useful idiot who can best serve others by leaving his body parts to science.
Refute anything I said with facts and links from valid sources.


I just bitch slaped the shit out of you... And you can't respond at all !!!!! AHAHAHAH!!!!

Everything I posted is irrefutable fact and I challenge any Trash Trumpers to refute it with factual links, from real sources.

Bill Clinton: Golden Age of Prosperity, booming GDP, booming jobs, budget surplus THIS HAPPENED IT IS 100% FACT IRREFUTABLE

GWB: Dark Age of Failure, inherited a balanced budget turned it into mega deficits, started 2 wars we didn't need and didn't win those wars, crashed the economy BIGLY THIS HAPPENED IT IS 100% FACT IRREFUTABLE

Obama: fixed the Bush mess, inherited the Bush CRASH, an economy losing 900k jobs a month and gave Trump a country with 4.7% unemployment !! THIS HAPPENED IT IS 100% FACT IRREFUTABLE

Trump: Spent like a drunken sailor doubling the annual deficit before covid, then tripled it after... Never had good GDP growth, weak low growth of 2.5%, barely better than Obama. Fucked up covid and left the country in ruins. THIS HAPPENED IT IS 100% FACT IRREFUTABLE

Biden: Fixed the trump disaster, crushed covid, 6+% GDP growth, BEST first 5 months is US history THIS HAPPENED IT IS 100% FACT IRREFUTABLE


The GOP is the party of total failure, with failed results, and excuses for their failed results.
All the major problems in America are a result of GOP fuck ups.

The truth hurts mothafucker... What???
Nobody can refute anything I posted.
geezus go get some pom poms and stand out in front of the WH and do cheers for the fucking guy.....
Biden: Fixed the trump disaster, crushed covid, 6+% GDP growth, BEST first 5 months is US history THIS HAPPENED IT IS 100% FACT IRREFUTABLE


The truth hurts mothafucker... What???
Nobody can refute anything I posted.

Unfortunately, things like GDP growth. Jobs created, or even unemployment rate are data points that can't be dismissed as "fake news" They are not opinions, but hard data.
I agree completely.

When you look solely at the facts and economic data, it shows the GOP has a terrible record on the economy, while Democrats have achieved substantially higher returns.

Trumpers can't handle the truth.
+850k Jobs !

I know Trumpers a really upset right now that America is booming and soaring to new heights of greatness because of Biden, his economic policies, and his Covid crushing policies.

This is just the beginning of another Bill Clinton Golden Age of prosperity. Biden is going to take America to new highs.

Biden is winning because he has re-emphasized American tech dominance.
Trump emphasized low skill, low wage manufacturing jobs for his idiot, high school dropout base.

Trump had LOW growth, weak growth. Biden has high growth. Trump fucked up covid bad, and he paid the price. In life you must be held accountable for your failures, and Trump failed.

Trumpers hate that Biden is better than Trump and America is much better under Biden.

This is what winning is. MAGA = Biden.



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Pedo Joe still riding Trump's coattails
tRump left office with two million less jobs than he started with. There are no coattails to ride.
The Trump vaccines are forcing Dimwingers who shut down their states to open them back up, resulting in all these jobs.

Biden is riding Trump’s coattails.

Nice job, President Trump!

Pedo Joe still riding Trump's coattails
tRump left office with two million less jobs than he started with. There are no coattails to ride.
The Trump vaccines are forcing Dimwingers who shut down their states to open them back up, resulting in all these jobs.

Biden is riding Trump’s coattails.

Nice job, President Trump!
Wow, that's a really really stupid thing to say.

I don't know why I'm surprised.

Hey, Crepitus you wanna take a stab at answering the question below all you Dimtards have been running away from?
Can any board Dimtard point out the exact Pedo Joe policy that created these jobs?
An actual pandemic respns instead of denial and wishful thinking.

You failed to tell us the EXACT policy that created jobs, Dumbass.

Try again.
I told you his plan to create jobs. Defeat covid by vaccinating people and reopening the economy.

It's not complicated.
Specifics. What part of the plan? How much has been spent and on what? Then explain how that money directly created jobs.

Veggie Joe had nothing to do with the vaccine and opening the economy. In fact, he was against opening the economy.
December 2020
IYO…….economy closed

July 2021
Economy open

So who opened the economy JackAss?
Republican Governors.
All the good results are from Dem presidents, all the failed terrible results are from the failed GOP
Bill Clinton: Golden Age of Prosperity, booming GDP, booming jobs, budget surpluss
GWB: Dark Age of Failure, inherited a balanced budget turned it into mega deficits, started 2 wars we didn't need and didn't win those wars, crashed the economy BIGLY
Obama: fixed the Bush mess, inherited an economy losing 900k jobs a month and gave Trump a country with 4.7% unemployment !!
Trump: spent like a drunken sailor doubling the annual deficit before covid, then trippled it after... Never had good GDP growth, weak low growth of 2.5%, barelly better than Obama. Fucked up covid and left the country in ruins. Biden: Fixed the trump disaster, crushed covid, 6+% GDP growth, BEST first 5 months is US history
The GOP is the party of total failure, with failed results, and excuses for their failed results.
All the major problems in America are a result of GOP fuck ups.
You're such a flaming idiot full of so much revisionist BULL, obviously an idiot in the true sense just repeating unsupportable clap trap spoon fed you from others , you're not worth bothering wasting any further breath on. A true useful idiot who can best serve others by leaving his body parts to science.
Refute anything I said with facts and links from valid sources.


I just bitch slaped the shit out of you... And you can't respond at all !!!!! AHAHAHAH!!!!

Everything I posted is irrefutable fact and I challenge any Trash Trumpers to refute it with factual links, from real sources.

Bill Clinton: Golden Age of Prosperity, booming GDP, booming jobs, budget surplus THIS HAPPENED IT IS 100% FACT IRREFUTABLE

GWB: Dark Age of Failure, inherited a balanced budget turned it into mega deficits, started 2 wars we didn't need and didn't win those wars, crashed the economy BIGLY THIS HAPPENED IT IS 100% FACT IRREFUTABLE

Obama: fixed the Bush mess, inherited the Bush CRASH, an economy losing 900k jobs a month and gave Trump a country with 4.7% unemployment !! THIS HAPPENED IT IS 100% FACT IRREFUTABLE

Trump: Spent like a drunken sailor doubling the annual deficit before covid, then tripled it after... Never had good GDP growth, weak low growth of 2.5%, barely better than Obama. Fucked up covid and left the country in ruins. THIS HAPPENED IT IS 100% FACT IRREFUTABLE

Biden: Fixed the trump disaster, crushed covid, 6+% GDP growth, BEST first 5 months is US history THIS HAPPENED IT IS 100% FACT IRREFUTABLE


The GOP is the party of total failure, with failed results, and excuses for their failed results.
All the major problems in America are a result of GOP fuck ups.

The truth hurts mothafucker... What???
Nobody can refute anything I posted.
See the clown with no links to back up his bullshit claims.
All the good results are from Dem presidents, all the failed terrible results are from the failed GOP
Bill Clinton: Golden Age of Prosperity, booming GDP, booming jobs, budget surpluss
GWB: Dark Age of Failure, inherited a balanced budget turned it into mega deficits, started 2 wars we didn't need and didn't win those wars, crashed the economy BIGLY
Obama: fixed the Bush mess, inherited an economy losing 900k jobs a month and gave Trump a country with 4.7% unemployment !!
Trump: spent like a drunken sailor doubling the annual deficit before covid, then trippled it after... Never had good GDP growth, weak low growth of 2.5%, barelly better than Obama. Fucked up covid and left the country in ruins. Biden: Fixed the trump disaster, crushed covid, 6+% GDP growth, BEST first 5 months is US history
The GOP is the party of total failure, with failed results, and excuses for their failed results.
All the major problems in America are a result of GOP fuck ups.
You're such a flaming idiot full of so much revisionist BULL, obviously an idiot in the true sense just repeating unsupportable clap trap spoon fed you from others , you're not worth bothering wasting any further breath on. A true useful idiot who can best serve others by leaving his body parts to science.
Refute anything I said with facts and links from valid sources.


I just bitch slaped the shit out of you... And you can't respond at all !!!!! AHAHAHAH!!!!

Everything I posted is irrefutable fact and I challenge any Trash Trumpers to refute it with factual links, from real sources.

Bill Clinton: Golden Age of Prosperity, booming GDP, booming jobs, budget surplus THIS HAPPENED IT IS 100% FACT IRREFUTABLE

GWB: Dark Age of Failure, inherited a balanced budget turned it into mega deficits, started 2 wars we didn't need and didn't win those wars, crashed the economy BIGLY THIS HAPPENED IT IS 100% FACT IRREFUTABLE

Obama: fixed the Bush mess, inherited the Bush CRASH, an economy losing 900k jobs a month and gave Trump a country with 4.7% unemployment !! THIS HAPPENED IT IS 100% FACT IRREFUTABLE

Trump: Spent like a drunken sailor doubling the annual deficit before covid, then tripled it after... Never had good GDP growth, weak low growth of 2.5%, barely better than Obama. Fucked up covid and left the country in ruins. THIS HAPPENED IT IS 100% FACT IRREFUTABLE

Biden: Fixed the trump disaster, crushed covid, 6+% GDP growth, BEST first 5 months is US history THIS HAPPENED IT IS 100% FACT IRREFUTABLE


The GOP is the party of total failure, with failed results, and excuses for their failed results.
All the major problems in America are a result of GOP fuck ups.

The truth hurts mothafucker... What???
Nobody can refute anything I posted.
See the clown with no links to back up his bullshit claims.
Great comeback, you weak little bitch. That's the best you can do???

What I posted is provable fact, proven by hard data, economic data. Government data.

Didn't you put me on ignore after the smacked the shit out of you???
You might be the biggest weakling on this board.

What a joke !!!
Pedo Joe still riding Trump's coattails
tRump left office with two million less jobs than he started with. There are no coattails to ride.
The Trump vaccines are forcing Dimwingers who shut down their states to open them back up, resulting in all these jobs.

Biden is riding Trump’s coattails.

Nice job, President Trump!

Pedo Joe still riding Trump's coattails
tRump left office with two million less jobs than he started with. There are no coattails to ride.
The Trump vaccines are forcing Dimwingers who shut down their states to open them back up, resulting in all these jobs.

Biden is riding Trump’s coattails.

Nice job, President Trump!
Wow, that's a really really stupid thing to say.

I don't know why I'm surprised.

Hey, Crepitus you wanna take a stab at answering the question below all you Dimtards have been running away from?
Can any board Dimtard point out the exact Pedo Joe policy that created these jobs?
An actual pandemic respns instead of denial and wishful thinking.

You failed to tell us the EXACT policy that created jobs, Dumbass.

Try again.
I told you his plan to create jobs. Defeat covid by vaccinating people and reopening the economy.

It's not complicated.
Specifics. What part of the plan? How much has been spent and on what? Then explain how that money directly created jobs.

Veggie Joe had nothing to do with the vaccine and opening the economy. In fact, he was against opening the economy.
December 2020
IYO…….economy closed

July 2021
Economy open

So who opened the economy JackAss?
Republican Governors.
Then prove it ... show black unemployment for each month in 1968...
Stop playing games. Unless you have evidence of black unemployment being lower at any time prior to Trump being President bring it. Otherwise, you lose.

You claimed it was the lowest ever. I don't have to post shit just because you can't prove your bullshit.

Typical Trumper, can't accept provable reality.
This is why you people need Fake Fox news, to feed you the lies that you need to avoid accepting truth.
All I do is school every one of you retards. I have not seen 1 single trumper on here that has any form of intelligence at all. Trump inherited 4.7% unemployment.

Here ya go:

The number of unemployed and the unemployment rate both declined during 2016, continuing their downward trends. In the fourth quarter of 2016, 7.6 million people were unemployed and the unemployment rate was 4.7 percent, 0.3 percentage point lower than a year earlier. Employment, as measured by the Current Population Survey (CPS; see accompanying box), expanded by 2.5 million in 2016, about in line with the gains in the previous year. After rising between the fourth quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016, the employment–population ratio held fairly steady, ending the year at 59.7 percent in the fourth quarter. The civilian labor force—the sum of the employed and the unemployed―grew by 2.1 million, to 159.6 million. The labor force participation rate, at 62.7 percent in the fourth quarter of 2016, was little changed from a year earlier.

EDITORIAL: Obama's unemployment rate lies exposed by ...


Dumbfuck... your article is from 2015. Obama left office in 2017 with 4.7% unemployment.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
+850k Jobs !

I know Trumpers a really upset right now that America is booming and soaring to new heights of greatness because of Biden, his economic policies, and his Covid crushing policies.

This is just the beginning of another Bill Clinton Golden Age of prosperity. Biden is going to take America to new highs.

Biden is winning because he has re-emphasized American tech dominance.
Trump emphasized low skill, low wage manufacturing jobs for his idiot, high school dropout base.

Trump had LOW growth, weak growth. Biden has high growth. Trump fucked up covid bad, and he paid the price. In life you must be held accountable for your failures, and Trump failed.

Trumpers hate that Biden is better than Trump and America is much better under Biden.

This is what winning is. MAGA = Biden.

You gotta be kidding me, Bonkers. The only BOOM Biden has created is the sound of the entire country imploding under his whackjob warped senile ministrations.

NOTHING has happened here other than the natural rebound that is inevitable after a year of shutdowns CAUSED by the democrats! Biden hasn't done SQUAT.
Yet the facts disagree with you, per usual.

850+k jobs, 6+% GDP growth

The Biden economy is better than Trump's in every aspect across the board.
Trump unemployment rate 3%

Bidens unemployment rates 6%

Facts suck doesn't it?
Uh, no, Trump left office with 6.3% unemployment. Not 3%. Who the fuck knows from where your brain deciphered 3% under Trump. :cuckoo:

SO unemployment is still unemployment and it is measured the same under Obama and Trump, or any other president...

I don't get what your point is??

Trump inherited 4.7% unemployment... These are facts, deal with it and accept it, or be a little faggot bitch about it.

I don't care, but you look stupid, and pathetic.
Not surprising. If you want to tout fake numbers go right ahead.

Just don't expect the rest of us to go along with your fantasy.

Also, your insults are falling short........And are very telling.

Congress Moves To End Obama’s Manipulated U3 Unemployment ...


Dumbfuck, do you even realize if the unemployment was actually 50% when Trump took over, it's even higher now because by every measure, Trump left office with unemployment higher than when he started.

Refute anything I said with facts and links from valid sources. YOU CAN NOT DO THAT.
I've got worthwhile things to do other than waste my time on you. You're not even worth reading past the first line other than to say you're a total idiot. I wouldn't waste my time trying to convince you the sky is blue or that the Sun rises in the East, because I'd fail.

Pox on USMB for even giving your type a forum to spew your garbage. I guess the owners of USMB WANT this to be the National Enquirer of "debate" forums." This forum can be no better than its highest common factor (what idiots like you always wrongly call lowest common denominator), and you are surely RIGHT NEAR THE BOTTOM.

I know when I've met my match against absolute itinerant ignorance and garbage.

You are now on IGNORE.
^^^ Owned!
Refute anything I said with facts and links from valid sources. YOU CAN NOT DO THAT.
I've got worthwhile things to do other than waste my time on you. You're not even worth reading past the first line other than to say you're a total idiot. I wouldn't waste my time trying to convince you the sky is blue or that the Sun rises in the East, because I'd fail.

Pox on USMB for even giving your type a forum to spew your garbage. I guess the owners of USMB WANT this to be the National Enquirer of "debate" forums." This forum can be no better than its highest common factor (what idiots like you always wrongly call lowest common denominator), and you are surely RIGHT NEAR THE BOTTOM.

I know when I've met my match against absolute itinerant ignorance and garbage.

You are now on IGNORE.




Welcome to the club, bro.

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