Big Dem win in rural Wisconsin. Team Blue just won in a landslide in what WAS deep Trump territory

This will change the balance of power in won't? Not even close you say?

Hey, nobody said it would, way to not get it.
It's a local election based on local issues. It is YOU that does not get it.

Unlike many on this board most people's lives do not revolve around Trump

Hmmm.... I don't know about that...The president's whims can affect all of us in various ways. We need to know what the heck he is up to at all times.
"Will be going to Pennsylvania today in order to give my total support to RICK SACCONE, running for Congress in a Special Election (March 13). Rick is a great guy. We need more Republicans to continue our already successful agenda!" - President Trump
Anyone who doesn't think there is a Democratic wave coming in the midterm is delusional. This is the same pattern we saw leading up to the 2006 midterms when Democrats took back the House and Senate and the same pattern we saw with Republicans in 2010 when they took them back.
Yeap, and what we learn and what i have been crowing about is the power of mass propaganda. The three institutions that own our collective psyche are the education system, the mass media and entertainment industry.

Just like in 2006, when the economy was actually doing quite well, the media hammered home that it was horrible. Unemployent was at 4.6 percent and things were not nearly as bad as the media said. The surge worked well, but because of hype the democrats took control of the House and Senate. They had control of both from 2007 to 2010. What did the economy do after the democrats sabotaged the economy in order to blame republicans in that big eletion year of 2008? Well, why did the democrats ignore ALL 18 warnings about the housing bubble that year? Dont think the democrats are that low?

So, what did the economy do under the democrats from 2007 to 2010?

We are seeing the same thing going on now. The relentless attack of the media. Racism RACISM RACISM RACISM RACISM RACISM RACISM RACISM RACISM RACISM RACISM RACISM RACISM RACISM RACISM RACISM RACISM RACISM RACISM RACISM over and over again. As they relentlessly IGNORE the thriving economy. Calling the money going back to the middle class crumbs. The media and entertainment relentlessly ignoring all of it.

This what we are seeing. No shock to me. You?
The Dem won 1,600 more votes, that she was a woman running against a man e.g. gender probably accounted for most of those votes and she no doubt pretended to be conservative like filthy lying Dem's always do in these districts. Yet the spin was this is a referendum on Trump? You liberal retards are deluding yourselves again. :itsok:

The wins aren't delusions.
Here's a little something to think about, for all the Trump supporters touting the economy as the savior of Trump and the GOP in the upcoming election...

The unemployment rate in St. Croix county, in the WI district this Democrat just won?


Unemployment Rate in St. Croix County, WI

As James Carville coined back in the 90s, "It's the economy, stupid." Typically, that is a correct analysis, but back then he couldn't account for the Trump Factor. Trump is like playing checkers with a pigeon. He'll shit all over the board and then strut around like he won.
Here's a little something to think about, for all the Trump supporters touting the economy as the savior of Trump and the GOP in the upcoming election...

The unemployment rate in St. Croix county, in the WI district this Democrat just won?


Unemployment Rate in St. Croix County, WI

As James Carville coined back in the 90s, "It's the economy, stupid." Typically, that is a correct analysis, but back then he couldn't account for the Trump Factor. Trump is like playing checkers with a pigeon. He'll shit all over the board and then strut around like he won.
Yeah, we got it. All of a sudden, its not about the economy for some strange mysterious reason. Its about cute bumper sticker sayings, and cliches.
Here's a little something to think about, for all the Trump supporters touting the economy as the savior of Trump and the GOP in the upcoming election...

The unemployment rate in St. Croix county, in the WI district this Democrat just won?


Unemployment Rate in St. Croix County, WI

As James Carville coined back in the 90s, "It's the economy, stupid." Typically, that is a correct analysis, but back then he couldn't account for the Trump Factor. Trump is like playing checkers with a pigeon. He'll shit all over the board and then strut around like he won.
Yeah, we got it. All of a sudden, its not about the economy for some strange mysterious reason. Its about cute bumper sticker sayings, and cliches.

No, it's all about how Trump is so reprehensible that even the coincidental good economy can't save him and his Republican enablers.
Here's a little something to think about, for all the Trump supporters touting the economy as the savior of Trump and the GOP in the upcoming election...

The unemployment rate in St. Croix county, in the WI district this Democrat just won?


Unemployment Rate in St. Croix County, WI

As James Carville coined back in the 90s, "It's the economy, stupid." Typically, that is a correct analysis, but back then he couldn't account for the Trump Factor. Trump is like playing checkers with a pigeon. He'll shit all over the board and then strut around like he won.
Yeah, we got it. All of a sudden, its not about the economy for some strange mysterious reason. Its about cute bumper sticker sayings, and cliches.

No, it's all about how Trump is so reprehensible that even the coincidental good economy can't save him and his Republican enablers.
Trump is nowhere near as reprehensible as Bill Clinton, that guy was a dirtbag and still is. He stole billions from Haiti........and you support him...that's sad
there are special elections in 3 different states, not that anyone would care. they're too busy caring about whether Trump is a drug addict.

If you would bother to check it out, the GOP candidate was a jerk and the DemocRAT made conservative pledges all down the line.

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