Biden's win based on unconstitutional perversions of election laws

Not a Monkeys Uncle

Diamond Member
Jan 25, 2022
Democrats in Pennsylvania broke federal and state laws to pervert election laws, resulting in an unconstitutional win for Biden.

Pennsylvania’s Constitution (Article 7) requires that if you want to vote in an election, you must do so in person. This was done to prevent fraudulent voters. (Yes, you are allowed to vote absentee, but only under certain identified exceptions….and that’s stated in the Constitution.) So, in Pennsylvania, “no excuse” mail-in voting is unconstitutional.
Laura and I are watching the scenes of mayhem unfolding at the seat of our Nation’s government in disbelief and dismay. It is a sickening and heartbreaking sight. This is how election results are disputed in a banana republic – not our democratic republic. I am appalled by the reckless behavior of some political leaders since the election and by the lack of respect shown today for our institutions, our traditions, and our law enforcement. The violent assault on the Capitol – and disruption of a Constitutionally-mandated meeting of Congress – was undertaken by people whose passions have been inflamed by falsehoods and false hopes. Insurrection could do grave damage to our Nation and reputation. In the United States of America, it is the fundamental responsibility of every patriotic citizen to support the rule of law. To those who are disappointed in the results of the election: Our country is more important than the politics of the moment. Let the officials elected by the people fulfill their duties and represent our voices in peace and safety. May God continue to bless the United States of America.

"The violent assault on the Capitol – and disruption of a Constitutionally-mandated meeting of Congress – was undertaken by people whose passions have been inflamed by falsehoods and false hopes."

-- President George Bush

George Bush says trump lied when he told "The Big Lie" to his supporters.
Democrats in Pennsylvania broke federal and state laws to pervert election laws, resulting in an unconstitutional win for Biden.

Pennsylvania’s Constitution (Article 7) requires that if you want to vote in an election, you must do so in person. This was done to prevent fraudulent voters. (Yes, you are allowed to vote absentee, but only under certain identified exceptions….and that’s stated in the Constitution.) So, in Pennsylvania, “no excuse” mail-in voting is unconstitutional.

The PA SC still has to rule on this, and chances are they will not find it against the PA Constitution. The GOP led legislature that passed the bill did not fine it unconstitutional until after their god lost the election. That tells you all you should need to know
The OP is right. Real Americans are waiting for the fraudulent votes to be thrown out.
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There is a massive breakdown in social order, like a third world country. This is what an illegitimate regime does to you. This is what the problem is with stealing an election. This is why we will never back off getting to the bottom of 3 November.

The OP is right. Real Americans are waiting for the fraudulent votes to be thrown out.
You want citizen votes to be thrown out, which they won't be.

Democrats didn't put that law in, in 2019.

Both republicans and democratic legislators voted to make it law. Rs had two years before this election to contest it. They had previous elections with this law, electing Republicans to office.... The Rs didn't contest it, until they knew Trump was going to lose.

The courts ruled it was okay, the state operated under the court the time of the election.

Both repubs and dems had EQUAL OPPORTUNITY to vote absentee ballot during this election.

The results will not change, because later courts ruled differently.

If the later court ruling had happened before the election, then both democrats and repubs would have voted in person, early and on election day.
Laura and I are watching the scenes of mayhem unfolding at the seat of our Nation’s government in disbelief and dismay. It is a sickening and heartbreaking sight. This is how election results are disputed in a banana republic – not our democratic republic. I am appalled by the reckless behavior of some political leaders since the election and by the lack of respect shown today for our institutions, our traditions, and our law enforcement. The violent assault on the Capitol – and disruption of a Constitutionally-mandated meeting of Congress – was undertaken by people whose passions have been inflamed by falsehoods and false hopes. Insurrection could do grave damage to our Nation and reputation. In the United States of America, it is the fundamental responsibility of every patriotic citizen to support the rule of law. To those who are disappointed in the results of the election: Our country is more important than the politics of the moment. Let the officials elected by the people fulfill their duties and represent our voices in peace and safety. May God continue to bless the United States of America.

"The violent assault on the Capitol – and disruption of a Constitutionally-mandated meeting of Congress – was undertaken by people whose passions have been inflamed by falsehoods and false hopes."

-- President George Bush

George Bush says trump lied when he told "The Big Lie" to his supporters.
Don't you have an insurrection to run, an election to rig, a COUP to carry out, Fake Russian Collusion to pay for, False Affidavits you have to file in FISA, Spy on Our President, or Collude with Russia and China?

Or are you too busy shining Dictator boots for Putin, Biden and Trudeau?
You want citizen votes to be thrown out, which they won't be.

Democrats didn't put that law in, in 2019.

Both republicans and democratic legislators voted to make it law. Rs had two years before this election to contest it. They had previous elections with this law, electing Republicans to office.... The Rs didn't contest it, until they knew Trump was going to lose.

The courts ruled it was okay, the state operated under the court the time of the election.

Both repubs and dems had EQUAL OPPORTUNITY to vote absentee ballot during this election.

The results will not change, because later courts ruled differently.

If the later court ruling had happened before the election, then both democrats and repubs would have voted in person, early and on election day.
You should be picking the corn out of Asterisk Faux Joe's diaper instead of trying to convince us that Putin and Xi didn't help you righ the 2020 election.
There is a massive breakdown in social order, like a third world country. This is what an illegitimate regime does to you. This is what the problem is with stealing an election. This is why we will never back off getting to the bottom of 3 November.

Notice how Biden has run in to his Bunker since 2020 because he is every bit as illegitimate as now as Hitler was in 1932. They know it too. That's why they have to call Soccer Moms and Truckers "terrorists".
Democrats in Pennsylvania broke federal and state laws to pervert election laws, resulting in an unconstitutional win for Biden.

Pennsylvania’s Constitution (Article 7) requires that if you want to vote in an election, you must do so in person. This was done to prevent fraudulent voters. (Yes, you are allowed to vote absentee, but only under certain identified exceptions….and that’s stated in the Constitution.) So, in Pennsylvania, “no excuse” mail-in voting is unconstitutional.

Easier to commit fraud when voting in person or by mail?
Everyone needs to read that article, including liberals. All those fraudulent votes for Biden need to be thrown out.
They were not fraudulent votes. The court ruling at the time ruled it was okay.

So BOTH SIDES were allowed to vote via absentee ballot and BOTH sides did vote absentee ballot.

If the courts had ruled differently and absentee was not allowed due to the pandemic emergency, then both sides would have campaigned and worked to get their voters to vote in person.

You can't change a legal voting means, after the fact, just because you lost.
Democrats in Pennsylvania broke federal and state laws to pervert election laws, resulting in an unconstitutional win for Biden.

Pennsylvania’s Constitution (Article 7) requires that if you want to vote in an election, you must do so in person. This was done to prevent fraudulent voters. (Yes, you are allowed to vote absentee, but only under certain identified exceptions….and that’s stated in the Constitution.) So, in Pennsylvania, “no excuse” mail-in voting is unconstitutional.

Yeah? I didn't see that anywhere. I did find this though.....

4. Method of elections; secrecy in voting.

All elections by the citizens shall be by ballot or by such other method as may be prescribed by law: Provided, That secrecy in voting be preserved.


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