Biden’s Spending Will Go To Illegal Immigrants While Tax Hikes Will Destroy American Jobs


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden’s Spending Will Go To Illegal Immigrants While Tax Hikes Will Destroy American Jobs​

9 Apr 2021
Democrats’ claimed their legislation that they rammed through Congress along party lines earlier this year was about COVID Relief, but just 9% of the bill actually addressed the health challenges the country has been facing, while the rest of it was geared towards Democrats’ political priorities.
Most notably, the law steered $350 billion for state and local governments, even though state revenues largely recovered and came in higher than expected. Now, Governor Andrew Cuomo and Democrat lawmakers in New York are taking this influx in revenue and doling it out to illegal immigrants:

It's openly being advertised by the PM/DSA Democrats that the spending bill will include and go to Illegal Immigrants.
See: biden budget deal
Laferia wrote: biden's budget deal must not be an illegal alien bill. Their must not be amnesty for illegal aliens in a budget deal. Congress and biden must work for US citizens not for illegal aliens. the democlowns are attaching a provision for amnesty for illegal aliens. The provision must be removed.

The willy nilly spending of the PM/DSA Democrats will destroy this country. Seperating rhetoric from the facts. Democrats are attempting to make this country into a Socialist totalitarian state ruled by the Democrat Socialists of America. In other words the Communist Party of the USA.
The money should go towards shipping them back home and keeping them out.

I'd even be ok with supporting a system in which American citizens that don't like america and think it's racist get a free flight to another country in exchange for a denouncement of American citizenship.

Either of those is worth American tax dollars.
Tax and spend Dem states have been begging for a bailout since Obama was elected in 2008. Biden and Dems are cramming through a multi trillion dollar PORK pie to glutton themselves on.

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