Biden's Speech Will Blame Trump... For a Withdrawal That Biden's Been Pushing For For 12 Years


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
It was Trumps policy to also send illegals back to Mexico too, yet somehow that got overturned to the point Joe shipped thousands of ChiCom Flu suffering illegals all over the US.
The world awaits to hear from the press what flavor ice cream is eating today.

Biden has not been pushing for withdrawal from Afghanistan for 12 years. As many of the articles I have posted have reminded people, Biden has flip-flopped and been all over almost every side during the last decade+.
Biden has not been pushing for withdrawal from Afghanistan for 12 years. As many of the articles I have posted have reminded people, Biden has flip-flopped and been all over almost every side during the last decade+.
Ah. Before he was against it he was for it then against it for it where’s my mom? Joe.
The worst thing he can do is blame Trump. He pulled the trigger on the withdrawal without a plan to get Americans and Afghan allies out safely. Pathetic execution and pathetic intelligence. I'm not saying to support for the continuation of our presence there but at least get everyone out safely. What is the plan to combat terrorist groups going forward? Is there a plan?

Biden will even blame Trump for going on vacation admist the Afghanistan chaos. There isn't a thing Biden will say that doesn't put blame on Trump....what a dumbass. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

It's Saigon 2.0 - The 2021 version.
Trump cut our troop strength to a lousy 2,500 before he left. There job was to protect what was left of Bagram airbase. The Taliban has had complete control of the country with the exception of Kabul and Bagram, so ya, let's blame Biden for losing the war...
It was Trumps policy to also send illegals back to Mexico too, yet somehow that got overturned to the point Joe shipped thousands of ChiCom Flu suffering illegals all over the US.
The world awaits to hear from the press what flavor ice cream is eating today.

Afghan conflict: US and Taliban sign deal to end 18-year war Trumps withdrawal deal.

Would not have mattered if we pulled out 10 years ago or 10 years from now and regardless of whoever was or is President this pullout would have played out exactly the same.
Trump cut our troop strength to a lousy 2,500 before he left. There job was to protect what was left of Bagram airbase. The Taliban has had complete control of the country with the exception of Kabul and Bagram, so ya, let's blame Biden for losing the war...
Things were quite under Trump.
Then Applesauce brains stepped in.
Biden has not been pushing for withdrawal from Afghanistan for 12 years. As many of the articles I have posted have reminded people, Biden has flip-flopped and been all over almost every side during the last decade+.
Biden is a mass murderer of Americans.Their blood is on his hands.

Trump made a deal with the Taliban that the U.S. would be out by May 1st. Biden extended the timeline. You should be criticizing Biden for making the troops stay longer than they would have if Trump was still president. There hasn't been an American soldier killed in Afghanistan in a year and the Taliban said they will renew attacks on the U.S. if all the troops aren't out by May 1st. What Biden just did endangered American lives. The democrats should be condemned for doing this, not applauded. If democratic voters cared about America, and the lives of fellow Americans, then they would condemn the democrats for not getting all the troops out of Afghanistan within the next two weeks rather than celebrating the fact he just endangered the lives of Americans to an organization that committed the worst terrorist attack in America in the nation's history.

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