Biden's speech. Pretty damn good

Do not underestimate the power of these Fake News Parrots to parrot the psycho Leftist shit the Left tells them ....
Yes every respected media around the world and law-enforcement agrees with us also. You have Rupert Murdoch and his spawn. Pathetic hateful propaganda.

Jesus God, not one of you socialist assholes can't go without even ONE post without reminding us that Democrats have more admiration for, interest in and connection with the foreign nations of this world than for the people of our own country!

Who are all these "respected media around the world," the ones you respect for agreeing with YOU after you threatened to blacklist them if they didn't?
Chris Wallace also was impressed. Not me as most high school students can read a teleprompter, especially after some practice.

But a press conference where reporters ask questions require a quick mind and subject knowledge is far more

Chris Wallace has been kissing Biden's ass and taking shots at Trump lately. Biden read a prepared speech off a teleprompter that he practiced 20 times, big whoop. Go give Biden a big smooch on the lips Chris Wallace you lowlife Dem scrum loving traitor.
Journalism must be quite a shock to you......

Journalism is dead franco.
Do not underestimate the power of these Fake News Parrots to parrot the psycho Leftist shit the Left tells them ....
Yes every respected media around the world and law-enforcement agrees with us also. You have Rupert Murdoch and his spawn. Pathetic hateful propaganda.
The police unions support Trump, moron.
none of the GOP phony scandals and conspiracy theories have gone anywhere in the real world of law enforcement. And I'm not talking about the drones.....

Yeah, tell that to Clinesmith.

Another phony scandal that will go nowhere. He wasn't trying anything criminal. How many millions did this investigation cost to find out what we already knew....

Wow, more commie lies. Durham isn't the only prosecutor looking into the actions of the maobama regime. There's another looking into the unnecessary unmaskings of US citizens. And don't think your ignoring my proof of his lies went unnoticed, neither did your hypocrisy.

All your stupid investigations have proved only that GOP propaganda is total garbage LOL

Of course you have links, right?

And why haven't you addressed bidens lies?

Of course. There aren't any Biden lies just the usual Republican garbage propaganda from Rupert Murdoch... Try real news someday

Damn, I wasn't aware Realclearpolitics was owned by Murdoch, you got a link for that? OH HELL, who am I kidding, you have yet to provide any links for your garbage lies. Typical commie. LMAO.

Media bias/fact check for RCP

Real Clear Politics - Media Bias/Fact Check
Funded by / Ownership. RealClear Investors and Crest Media is the owner of RealClearPolitics. John McIntyre is the Co-founder & CEO, Tom Bevan is the Co-founder & Publisher and Erin Waters is the President of the RealClear Media Group.
Real clear politics is a kolding operation it has nothing to do with any of this GOP lying propaganda....
Chris Wallace also was impressed. Not me as most high school students can read a teleprompter, especially after some practice.

But a press conference where reporters ask questions require a quick mind and subject knowledge is far more

Chris Wallace has been kissing Biden's ass and taking shots at Trump lately. Biden read a prepared speech off a teleprompter that he practiced 20 times, big whoop. Go give Biden a big smooch on the lips Chris Wallace you lowlife Dem scrum loving traitor.
Journalism must be quite a shock to you......

Journalism is dead franco.
Do not underestimate the power of these Fake News Parrots to parrot the psycho Leftist shit the Left tells them ....
Yes every respected media around the world and law-enforcement agrees with us also. You have Rupert Murdoch and his spawn. Pathetic hateful propaganda.
The police unions support Trump, moron.
none of the GOP phony scandals and conspiracy theories have gone anywhere in the real world of law enforcement. And I'm not talking about the drones.....

Yeah, tell that to Clinesmith.

Another phony scandal that will go nowhere. He wasn't trying anything criminal. How many millions did this investigation cost to find out what we already knew....

Wow, more commie lies. Durham isn't the only prosecutor looking into the actions of the maobama regime. There's another looking into the unnecessary unmaskings of US citizens. And don't think your ignoring my proof of his lies went unnoticed, neither did your hypocrisy.

All your stupid investigations have proved only that GOP propaganda is total garbage LOL

Of course you have links, right?

And why haven't you addressed bidens lies?

Of course. There aren't any Biden lies just the usual Republican garbage propaganda from Rupert Murdoch... Try real news someday

Damn, I wasn't aware Realclearpolitics was owned by Murdoch, you got a link for that? OH HELL, who am I kidding, you have yet to provide any links for your garbage lies. Typical commie. LMAO.

Media bias/fact check for RCP

Real Clear Politics - Media Bias/Fact Check
Funded by / Ownership. RealClear Investors and Crest Media is the owner of RealClearPolitics. John McIntyre is the Co-founder & CEO, Tom Bevan is the Co-founder & Publisher and Erin Waters is the President of the RealClear Media Group.
Real clear politics has nothing

The Dem state controlled media has been lying to you for decades franco. Cut the cord, join us in the real world of facts.
There is no crimewave except for black gangsters drug gangs killing each other for the shrinking White drug money.....
So the killing of blacks is not really a crime to you eh?
it's not a crime wave, it is criminals killing criminals to see who gets to sell drugs to YT....
Yep. Crime has nothing to do with criminals. :uhoh3:
It was actually the first segment of the convention I have watched. But I knew it was tonight and planned to give a listen, though I already planned to vote for the Biden/Harris Ticket. I liked it. A President for the whole country not just the the party faithful but the whole country, including those that do not support. He did a good delivery, smooth, steady and deliberate. He is somebody Democrat can get behind and someone Republican can get behind and he will try to re-unite the country. Did anybody see the statement of support, of 70 Republican National Security officials that put out a joint letter tonight, with officials from trump administration, going all the way back to the Reagan administration. Here is a link.
whole country? what the fuck did you listen to? this BEIJING joe will give this country to china--you best hope this brain dead piece of shit dont get in
Meanwhile China just took Hong Kong and Trump has nothing to say about that. His anti-china thing is just to cover for his stupid coronavirus reactions.
What then, Francine, you want Trump to start a war right before an election with a superpower so you can then call him a dangerous, imbalanced warmonger?
So Franco got duped by Biden's emo-speech.
This is not breaking news.
It just makes Franco a super-dupe.
And you love trumps total baloney stream of consciousness racist idiotic phony scandal babbling garbage speeches don't you? Absolute idiocy.
Not only idiocy, but one could say functional brainwashed moronics, huh, Frank? :smoke:
Last edited:
G i watch Fox so I thought he was a babbling idiot demented LOL
  1. A prepared speech.
  2. Someone else wrote it.
  3. Weeks to memorize it.
  4. Days to practice it.
Live debates and real life aren't like that.

Now we know why Biden ran from 6 debates and refuses to interview on Chris Wallace.
Someone else write this too?
Powell endorses Biden, says Trump is a liar and a danger to the nation

Former military leaders kept up a barrage of criticism of President Trump on Sunday for his threat to use military force against protesters, warning the commander in chief’s actions could drive a wedge between the U.S. military and civilians.

The most withering critique came from Colin Powell in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.” The former secretary of state and chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff called Trump a chronic liar who had “drifted away” from the Constitution and become a danger to the country.
Powell said he plans to vote for Joe Biden for president and urged Americans to search their conscience and vote for the candidate who is best for the country as a whole, not only themselves.

“We’re not the country of just the president, we have a Congress, we have a Supreme Court,” said Powell, lamenting the silence from Republican members of Congress and lauding the retired military officials who have spoken out against Trump...
G i watch Fox so I thought he was a babbling idiot demented LOL
  1. A prepared speech.
  2. Someone else wrote it.
  3. Weeks to memorize it.
  4. Days to practice it.
Live debates and real life aren't like that.

Now we know why Biden ran from 6 debates and refuses to interview on Chris Wallace.
Someone else write this too?
Powell endorses Biden, says Trump is a liar and a danger to the nation

Former military leaders kept up a barrage of criticism of President Trump on Sunday for his threat to use military force against protesters, warning the commander in chief’s actions could drive a wedge between the U.S. military and civilians.

The most withering critique came from Colin Powell in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.” The former secretary of state and chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff called Trump a chronic liar who had “drifted away” from the Constitution and become a danger to the country.
Powell said he plans to vote for Joe Biden for president and urged Americans to search their conscience and vote for the candidate who is best for the country as a whole, not only themselves.

“We’re not the country of just the president, we have a Congress, we have a Supreme Court,” said Powell, lamenting the silence from Republican members of Congress and lauding the retired military officials who have spoken out against Trump...
Has Powell ever voted for a Republican?
You have no evidence for any of that crap.
Mountains of proof. But then, when did a lack of evidence ever stop you from any of your 313,571 crazy TDS rantings?

And Obama had the longest economic recovery ever
Yeah, it took forever to arrive, devalued the US dollar, sent the nation into receivership, and ran over into the next administration.

and gave us more jobs in his last 3 years than Trump did in his first 3 years. You live on an imaginary planet.
You should know being the chairman for Planet Caravan.

It was actually the first segment of the convention I have watched. But I knew it was tonight and planned to give a listen, though I already planned to vote for the Biden/Harris Ticket. I liked it. A President for the whole country not just the the party faithful but the whole country, including those that do not support. He did a good delivery, smooth, steady and deliberate. He is somebody Democrat can get behind and someone Republican can get behind and he will try to re-unite the country. Did anybody see the statement of support, of 70 Republican National Security officials that put out a joint letter tonight, with officials from trump administration, going all the way back to the Reagan administration. Here is a link.
whole country? what the fuck did you listen to? this BEIJING joe will give this country to china--you best hope this brain dead piece of shit dont get in
Sounds like another BS straw man to me. You do know trump praise China about 15 times for it's handling of the Coronavirus epidemic, right? It is you boy that really support China, I won't even get into his furnishing a plain to take 17 tons of PPE there in early Feb.
15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe
G i watch Fox so I thought he was a babbling idiot demented LOL
  1. A prepared speech.
  2. Someone else wrote it.
  3. Weeks to memorize it.
  4. Days to practice it.
Live debates and real life aren't like that.

Now we know why Biden ran from 6 debates and refuses to interview on Chris Wallace.
Someone else write this too?
Powell endorses Biden, says Trump is a liar and a danger to the nation

Former military leaders kept up a barrage of criticism of President Trump on Sunday for his threat to use military force against protesters, warning the commander in chief’s actions could drive a wedge between the U.S. military and civilians.

The most withering critique came from Colin Powell in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.” The former secretary of state and chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff called Trump a chronic liar who had “drifted away” from the Constitution and become a danger to the country.
Powell said he plans to vote for Joe Biden for president and urged Americans to search their conscience and vote for the candidate who is best for the country as a whole, not only themselves.

“We’re not the country of just the president, we have a Congress, we have a Supreme Court,” said Powell, lamenting the silence from Republican members of Congress and lauding the retired military officials who have spoken out against Trump...
Powell once pretended to be a Republican, so why would anyone think he's credible?
G i watch Fox so I thought he was a babbling idiot demented LOL
  1. A prepared speech.
  2. Someone else wrote it.
  3. Weeks to memorize it.
  4. Days to practice it.
Live debates and real life aren't like that.

Now we know why Biden ran from 6 debates and refuses to interview on Chris Wallace.
Someone else write this too?
Powell endorses Biden, says Trump is a liar and a danger to the nation

Former military leaders kept up a barrage of criticism of President Trump on Sunday for his threat to use military force against protesters, warning the commander in chief’s actions could drive a wedge between the U.S. military and civilians.

The most withering critique came from Colin Powell in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.” The former secretary of state and chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff called Trump a chronic liar who had “drifted away” from the Constitution and become a danger to the country.
Powell said he plans to vote for Joe Biden for president and urged Americans to search their conscience and vote for the candidate who is best for the country as a whole, not only themselves.

“We’re not the country of just the president, we have a Congress, we have a Supreme Court,” said Powell, lamenting the silence from Republican members of Congress and lauding the retired military officials who have spoken out against Trump...
Has Powell ever voted for a Republican?
There's no tangible evidence to that effect.
G i watch Fox so I thought he was a babbling idiot demented LOL
  1. A prepared speech.
  2. Someone else wrote it.
  3. Weeks to memorize it.
  4. Days to practice it.
Live debates and real life aren't like that.

Now we know why Biden ran from 6 debates and refuses to interview on Chris Wallace.
Someone else write this too?
Powell endorses Biden, says Trump is a liar and a danger to the nation

Former military leaders kept up a barrage of criticism of President Trump on Sunday for his threat to use military force against protesters, warning the commander in chief’s actions could drive a wedge between the U.S. military and civilians.

The most withering critique came from Colin Powell in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.” The former secretary of state and chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff called Trump a chronic liar who had “drifted away” from the Constitution and become a danger to the country.
Powell said he plans to vote for Joe Biden for president and urged Americans to search their conscience and vote for the candidate who is best for the country as a whole, not only themselves.

“We’re not the country of just the president, we have a Congress, we have a Supreme Court,” said Powell, lamenting the silence from Republican members of Congress and lauding the retired military officials who have spoken out against Trump...
Powell once pretended to be a Republican, so why would anyone think he's credible?
Powell is as republican as John Kasich.
It was actually the first segment of the convention I have watched. But I knew it was tonight and planned to give a listen, though I already planned to vote for the Biden/Harris Ticket. I liked it. A President for the whole country not just the the party faithful but the whole country, including those that do not support. He did a good delivery, smooth, steady and deliberate. He is somebody Democrat can get behind and someone Republican can get behind and he will try to re-unite the country. Did anybody see the statement of support, of 70 Republican National Security officials that put out a joint letter tonight, with officials from trump administration, going all the way back to the Reagan administration. Here is a link.
whole country? what the fuck did you listen to? this BEIJING joe will give this country to china--you best hope this brain dead piece of shit dont get in
Meanwhile China just took Hong Kong and Trump has nothing to say about that. His anti-china thing is just to cover for his stupid coronavirus reactions.
What then, Francine, you want Trump to start a war right before an election with a superpower so you can then call him a dangerous, imbalanced warmonger?
I wouldn't put anything past the republican blazing AH
G i watch Fox so I thought he was a babbling idiot demented LOL

He actually seemed to have an amazing speech and I actually found him very well spoken. He did a great job highlighting how awful our current president has handled the Virus, over 5 million infected and 170,000 dead...and some people claim this is a success story. I can't imagine Joe doing any worser a job than Trump has done managing the virus, that would be hard to do. At least Joe is pro ObamaCare.
G i watch Fox so I thought he was a babbling idiot demented LOL
  1. A prepared speech.
  2. Someone else wrote it.
  3. Weeks to memorize it.
  4. Days to practice it.
Live debates and real life aren't like that.

Now we know why Biden ran from 6 debates and refuses to interview on Chris Wallace.
Someone else write this too?
Powell endorses Biden, says Trump is a liar and a danger to the nation

Former military leaders kept up a barrage of criticism of President Trump on Sunday for his threat to use military force against protesters, warning the commander in chief’s actions could drive a wedge between the U.S. military and civilians.

The most withering critique came from Colin Powell in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.” The former secretary of state and chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff called Trump a chronic liar who had “drifted away” from the Constitution and become a danger to the country.
Powell said he plans to vote for Joe Biden for president and urged Americans to search their conscience and vote for the candidate who is best for the country as a whole, not only themselves.

“We’re not the country of just the president, we have a Congress, we have a Supreme Court,” said Powell, lamenting the silence from Republican members of Congress and lauding the retired military officials who have spoken out against Trump...
Powell once pretended to be a Republican, so why would anyone think he's credible?
Powell is as republican as John Kasich.
You mean Barack Obama.
Chris Wallace also was impressed. Not me as most high school students can read a teleprompter, especially after some practice.

But a press conference where reporters ask questions require a quick mind and subject knowledge is far more

Chris Wallace has been kissing Biden's ass and taking shots at Trump lately. Biden read a prepared speech off a teleprompter that he practiced 20 times, big whoop. Go give Biden a big smooch on the lips Chris Wallace you lowlife Dem scrum loving traitor.
Journalism must be quite a shock to you......

Journalism is dead franco.
Do not underestimate the power of these Fake News Parrots to parrot the psycho Leftist shit the Left tells them ....
Yes every respected media around the world and law-enforcement agrees with us also. You have Rupert Murdoch and his spawn. Pathetic hateful propaganda.
The police unions support Trump, moron.
none of the GOP phony scandals and conspiracy theories have gone anywhere in the real world of law enforcement. And I'm not talking about the drones.....

Yeah, tell that to Clinesmith.

Another phony scandal that will go nowhere. He wasn't trying anything criminal. How many millions did this investigation cost to find out what we already knew....

Wow, more commie lies. Durham isn't the only prosecutor looking into the actions of the maobama regime. There's another looking into the unnecessary unmaskings of US citizens. And don't think your ignoring my proof of his lies went unnoticed, neither did your hypocrisy.

All your stupid investigations have proved only that GOP propaganda is total garbage LOL

Of course you have links, right?

And why haven't you addressed bidens lies?

Of course. There aren't any Biden lies just the usual Republican garbage propaganda from Rupert Murdoch... Try real news someday

Damn, I wasn't aware Realclearpolitics was owned by Murdoch, you got a link for that? OH HELL, who am I kidding, you have yet to provide any links for your garbage lies. Typical commie. LMAO.

Media bias/fact check for RCP

Real Clear Politics - Media Bias/Fact Check
Funded by / Ownership. RealClear Investors and Crest Media is the owner of RealClearPolitics. John McIntyre is the Co-founder & CEO, Tom Bevan is the Co-founder & Publisher and Erin Waters is the President of the RealClear Media Group.
Real clear politics is a kolding operation it has nothing to do with any of this GOP lying propaganda....
Chris Wallace also was impressed. Not me as most high school students can read a teleprompter, especially after some practice.

But a press conference where reporters ask questions require a quick mind and subject knowledge is far more

Chris Wallace has been kissing Biden's ass and taking shots at Trump lately. Biden read a prepared speech off a teleprompter that he practiced 20 times, big whoop. Go give Biden a big smooch on the lips Chris Wallace you lowlife Dem scrum loving traitor.
Journalism must be quite a shock to you......

Journalism is dead franco.
Do not underestimate the power of these Fake News Parrots to parrot the psycho Leftist shit the Left tells them ....
Yes every respected media around the world and law-enforcement agrees with us also. You have Rupert Murdoch and his spawn. Pathetic hateful propaganda.
The police unions support Trump, moron.
none of the GOP phony scandals and conspiracy theories have gone anywhere in the real world of law enforcement. And I'm not talking about the drones.....

Yeah, tell that to Clinesmith.

Another phony scandal that will go nowhere. He wasn't trying anything criminal. How many millions did this investigation cost to find out what we already knew....

Wow, more commie lies. Durham isn't the only prosecutor looking into the actions of the maobama regime. There's another looking into the unnecessary unmaskings of US citizens. And don't think your ignoring my proof of his lies went unnoticed, neither did your hypocrisy.

All your stupid investigations have proved only that GOP propaganda is total garbage LOL

Of course you have links, right?

And why haven't you addressed bidens lies?

Of course. There aren't any Biden lies just the usual Republican garbage propaganda from Rupert Murdoch... Try real news someday

Damn, I wasn't aware Realclearpolitics was owned by Murdoch, you got a link for that? OH HELL, who am I kidding, you have yet to provide any links for your garbage lies. Typical commie. LMAO.

Media bias/fact check for RCP

Real Clear Politics - Media Bias/Fact Check
Funded by / Ownership. RealClear Investors and Crest Media is the owner of RealClearPolitics. John McIntyre is the Co-founder & CEO, Tom Bevan is the Co-founder & Publisher and Erin Waters is the President of the RealClear Media Group.
Real clear politics has nothing

The Dem state controlled media has been lying to you for decades franco. Cut the cord, join us in the real world of facts.
There is no crimewave except for black gangsters drug gangs killing each other for the shrinking White drug money.....
So the killing of blacks is not really a crime to you eh?
it's not a crime wave, it is criminals killing criminals to see who gets to sell drugs to YT....

You're a liar, carjacking, robberies and muggings area also up.

G i watch Fox so I thought he was a babbling idiot demented LOL
  1. A prepared speech.
  2. Someone else wrote it.
  3. Weeks to memorize it.
  4. Days to practice it.
Live debates and real life aren't like that.

Now we know why Biden ran from 6 debates and refuses to interview on Chris Wallace.
Someone else write this too?
Powell endorses Biden, says Trump is a liar and a danger to the nation

Former military leaders kept up a barrage of criticism of President Trump on Sunday for his threat to use military force against protesters, warning the commander in chief’s actions could drive a wedge between the U.S. military and civilians.

The most withering critique came from Colin Powell in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.” The former secretary of state and chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff called Trump a chronic liar who had “drifted away” from the Constitution and become a danger to the country.
Powell said he plans to vote for Joe Biden for president and urged Americans to search their conscience and vote for the candidate who is best for the country as a whole, not only themselves.

“We’re not the country of just the president, we have a Congress, we have a Supreme Court,” said Powell, lamenting the silence from Republican members of Congress and lauding the retired military officials who have spoken out against Trump...
Powell once pretended to be a Republican, so why would anyone think he's credible?
Powell is as republican as John Kasich.
You mean Barack Obama.
Bri If you think you're a smart guy and still can't see trump is a blazing AH ,there's something wrong with you
G i watch Fox so I thought he was a babbling idiot demented LOL
  1. A prepared speech.
  2. Someone else wrote it.
  3. Weeks to memorize it.
  4. Days to practice it.
Live debates and real life aren't like that.

Now we know why Biden ran from 6 debates and refuses to interview on Chris Wallace.
Someone else write this too?
Powell endorses Biden, says Trump is a liar and a danger to the nation

Former military leaders kept up a barrage of criticism of President Trump on Sunday for his threat to use military force against protesters, warning the commander in chief’s actions could drive a wedge between the U.S. military and civilians.

The most withering critique came from Colin Powell in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.” The former secretary of state and chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff called Trump a chronic liar who had “drifted away” from the Constitution and become a danger to the country.
Powell said he plans to vote for Joe Biden for president and urged Americans to search their conscience and vote for the candidate who is best for the country as a whole, not only themselves.

“We’re not the country of just the president, we have a Congress, we have a Supreme Court,” said Powell, lamenting the silence from Republican members of Congress and lauding the retired military officials who have spoken out against Trump...
Powell once pretended to be a Republican, so why would anyone think he's credible?
Powell is as republican as John Kasich.
You mean Barack Obama.
Bri If you think you're a smart guy and still can't see trump is a blazing AH ,there's something wrong with you
He is an asshole . . . . to douchebags like you. That's why I like him.

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