Biden's Campaign Chair Cedric Richmond Compares Trump Voters to David Duke Voters

White Power Matters

Gold Member
Jun 12, 2020
Hmmm! As well as I remember correctly, patriotic former Louisiana House Representative David Duke got around 68% of the White vote in Louisiana when he ran against Edwin Edwards who bussed in negro voters from out of state to win. I never knew who Biden's campaign chair was till now so him saying this is not surprising. What Biden's pet chairman doesn't realize is that the silent White majority came out in 2016 and neutralized Hillary through the Electoral College. The same will happen again, especially with this race war going on.

You spelled his name wrong. King, Gohmert, Scalise, Cotton, Paul, Kobach, Pompeo, Pence and trump. All racists. And there are more.
I would ask you to provide racist comments from those folks, but we all know you are a lying sack, race bating asshole.
I find it hilarious that Dimwingers use someone who only served 3 years in the Louisiana House from 89-92 as the face of the Republican party, and claim that makes the Republican party racist.......................and ignore the fact they had a KKK Leader serving in the US Senate for decades until he went toes up in 2010.
Hmmm! As well as I remember correctly, patriotic former Louisiana House Representative David Duke got around 68% of the White vote in Louisiana when he ran against Edwin Edwards who bussed in negro voters from out of state to win. I never knew who Biden's campaign chair was till now so him saying this is not surprising. What Biden's pet chairman doesn't realize is that the silent White majority came out in 2016 and neutralized Hillary through the Electoral College. The same will happen again, especially with this race war going on.

Cedric's be's crazy.

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