Biden wants to investigate why gasoline prices are higher


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
The White House on Thursday asked the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to look into high gas prices, across the nation.
Republicans have blamed Biden's shift toward green energy, which includes nixing the Keystone XL pipeline permit and pausing new federal oil and gas leases.

The Kleptocrats are LIARs.
They want higher gasoline prices.
The White House on Thursday asked the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to look into high gas prices, across the nation.
Republicans have blamed Biden's shift toward green energy, which includes nixing the Keystone XL pipeline permit and pausing new federal oil and gas leases.

The Kleptocrats are LIARs.
They want higher gasoline prices.

Then I guess that Biden isn't a Democrat then. Or are you trying to hide the fact that the Oil Companies are contributing to Republicans heavily and Biden just wants his cut.
The White House on Thursday asked the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to look into high gas prices, across the nation.
Republicans have blamed Biden's shift toward green energy, which includes nixing the Keystone XL pipeline permit and pausing new federal oil and gas leases.

The Kleptocrats are LIARs.
They want higher gasoline prices.
Well there’s a fucking mystery. Shutting down production surely can’t be the cause.
"look into" actually means I'll pay some people to come up with some theories and I'll waste some time, money and effort and then it will just dissapear and I'll never mention it again.

But it should be easy to figure out. Gas was cheap as fuck when trump left office and he took over and in 6 months it skyrocketed.
Most of the oil we/USA used during global quarantines was developed and pumped by domestic production...
Yes, some Mexican, Venezuelan, and Canadian oil was used...but most came from the Gulf, Texas, and other sources.

Iran, Iraq, Saudis, UAE, Ethiopia and Russia were keeping their oil closer to home. Their production went to China, Japan, and EU...more would have come from the UK/Brent Sea but they were having Brexit issues.

OPEC knows how much oil to produce...but they really don't care. There's a fine line between too much and not enough.

Currently oil is off it's highs and much lower in price. It was over 75/barrel.

So I have no idea what on earth he is going on about.
In less than a year we went from being an energy independent exporter to begging the towel heads to produce more for us. Democrats think this is good.
Well we started using more...
And we still are a net exporter of Natural gas.
The White House on Thursday asked the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to look into high gas prices, across the nation.
Republicans have blamed Biden's shift toward green energy, which includes nixing the Keystone XL pipeline permit and pausing new federal oil and gas leases.

The Kleptocrats are LIARs.
They want higher gasoline prices.
Thief in Chief Biden just has to look in the mirror for that answer.
I believe that the current party line is that OPEC is to blame for the high oil prices. Joe will ask them to raise production. That's understanding the issue and being a leader and making things happen. Along the lines of Kamala letting us know that global warming is a big cause of the illegal migration disaster on the southern border. That was a big hit with the leaders she met in Mexico and Guatemala. They are not conditioned to just pretend our Democrat leaders make sense. They were like, huh? Do what now?
Biden jacks up gas prices over $1 and now the Dem spin begins. It's not due Dems stupid shit energy policies, no it's because OPEC needs to increase production or someone is price gouging. Dems never accept responsibility for their actions.
A year ago in this area, reg unl gas was about $2.25--today I saw $4.19, $3.89 is common and the cheapest today was $3.39 cash. Dems are morons.
Republicans have blamed Biden's shift toward green energy, which includes nixing the Keystone XL pipeline permit and pausing new federal oil and gas leases.
The nixing of the Keystone pipeline has done wonders for my midstream stock ET....

But that's just one reason....

The main reason is that people are traveling by airplanes...
The nixing of the Keystone pipeline has done wonders for my midstream stock ET....

But that's just one reason....

The main reason is that people are traveling by airplanes...
I think the airline industry might disagree with you since the dems closed the world with their draconian lockdowns and vaccine passports.

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