Major problem for Americans, including black majority communities- DoorDash is now accepting snap payments.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

This is wrong on many levels. Customers using food stamps are also ordering a lot of junk and snack food.


This is a failure by the US government. A despicable job by the BLM Democrats.. they always claim to care about blacks. Yet Look at the obesity rate in black communities in America it higher than it is another areas. The USA is the most obese country in the world. When we divide it down to race black Americans are the most obese group by racing America. About 57% of black women are obese compared to about 40% of black men.

What a despicable site this is. And the US government, including Republicans, has these Black people, many of them believe that the white man is evil. That America has a unique history when it comes to slavery. So what you see in inner-city communities across the country obese people might even black. They hate the US history. They’ve been brainwashed by the far left. And it results in a degraded society. It’s bad for children.

Could this be part of the design to keep black folks down like they’re nothing??? . Keep them in dilapidated neighborhoods with garbage roads and trash all over the place. Violence shootings all over the place , marijuana use and soft on crime policies. Republicans are responsible for these issues as well.

What do Democrats do in response to important topics like this? They call people names and nothing ever gets accomplished. This is a garbage country in many ways today compared to the beautiful glorious country we had in the middle of the 20th century during the post World War II economic boom. We have a lot of work to do. We need to have a healthier society and a better metal class which we don’t have today. With positive thinking and better leadership we will prevail.

It’s high time that the government steps in, the media and Hollywood do the right thing and confront the obesity issue in America, confront the issue with food stamps readjusted. Because right now we have a bad problem with the country and it is most affecting by far black communities who are moral and any other people in the country. They live in the roughest neighborhoods. They have the highest crime rates. It’s time for positive change for the better.

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This is wrong on many levels. Customers using food stamps are also ordering a lot of junk and snack food.

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This is a failure by the US government. A despicable job by the BLM Democrats.. they always claim to care about blacks. Yet Look at the obesity rate in black communities in America it higher than it is another areas. The USA is the most obese country in the world. When we divide it down to race black Americans are the most obese group by racing America. About 57% of black women are obese compared to about 40% of black men.

What a despicable site this is. And the US government, including Republicans, has these Black people, many of them believe that the white man is evil. That America has a unique history when it comes to slavery. So what you see in inner-city communities across the country obese people might even black. They hate the US history. They’ve been brainwashed by the far left. And it results in a degraded society. It’s bad for children.

Could this be part of the design to keep black folks down like they’re nothing??? . Keep them in dilapidated neighborhoods with garbage roads and trash all over the place. Violence shootings all over the place , marijuana use and soft on crime policies. Republicans are responsible for these issues as well.

What do Democrats do in response to important topics like this? They call people names and nothing ever gets accomplished. This is a garbage country in many ways today compared to the beautiful glorious country we had in the middle of the 20th century during the post World War II economic boom. We have a lot of work to do. We need to have a healthier society and a better metal class which we don’t have today. With positive thinking and better leadership we will prevail.

It’s high time that the government steps in, the media and Hollywood do the right thing and confront the obesity issue in America, confront the issue with food stamps readjusted. Because right now we have a bad problem with the country and it is most affecting by far black communities who are moral and any other people in the country. They live in the roughest neighborhoods. They have the highest crime rates. It’s time for positive change for the better.

Your playing the race card in the 2nd sentence doesn't help matters.

What is it with you and black people?

Anyway...the House had to pass this measure--it's ran by the GOP.
Isn’t it something how the far left Biden BLM supporters act like none of this is occurring. They prop up the stock market and say everything is going well.

“go Brandon the stocks are doing great.”

Oh yeah. Try going to the inner city black majority communities in America go to ask those folks how their Stock portfolio is. Time for a dose of reality.

What if the white far lefties flying their Ukraine and BLM flag had to live in a black majority community flooded with filth, drug use and obesity? How would they feel. How would they feel if They knew what it’s like for a young black kid who is trying to stay healthy playing a lot of basketball or baseball…. he opens up the refrigerator. There might not even be any food there but if there is food, it’s all junk food. His mom is ordering junk food on DoorDash while the dad is in jail. Meanwhile, CNN and the View are complaining about “white supremacy” and how evil American history is.

“When was America ever great” so says the radical rich BLM person while poverty is found all over the USA.

And the cycle goes on and on and on and then the cycle will continue unless we have change for the better that we respect American history… and we do something to revamp the food stamps program and bring back the American class like we used to have 75 years ago.
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It is unfortunate that in the wealthiest country of the world that organization like BLM exists. We have the highest obesity rate in the world. A bunch of Kentucky fried chickens in poor black majority communities. They don’t have healthy restaurants. And they got people who are multimillionaires in the US media and politicians who are super wealthy telling them that the problem is “white supremacy.” or that Donald Trump is the problem.

If the US government including Republicans actually cared about poor people, especially poor Black people they would bring forth major changes to the food stamps program and they would bring back millions of middle class jobs that we have lost in the past 75 years. Because today the middle class has been crushed. People can’t afford a home. They can’t afford groceries. Often high sugary processed foods are costing quite a bit more compared to healthy fresh food.

Got a lot of work to do in this Country
Facts means nothing to Democrats they have to be a form of evil. What other word is there to use? Maybe they’re high on drugs or simply not aware of the information at hand? A lot of them are aware of the information at hand yet they keep on banging on about “racism”

Ie Somebody brings forth a fact, like how a much higher percentage of Black people commit violent crimes or a much higher percentage of blacks are obese and left wing people complain about racism by the person who brings forth the fax.

The blm white lefties have to be evil. They’re not doing anything to solve the problem. They’re only making things worse by complaining about “white supremacy.”

There is no white supremacy in the USA. There is no structural racism. Racism and slavery existed all over the world in the past . Now today in America it doesn’t exist in any of the power areas.

What does exist is a high rate of obesity and high levels of poverty, more Americans than ever cannot afford a home. But it is black majority communities affected the most by this.

It wasn’t like this for a lot of whites and black 75 years ago. They had a better middle-class in those days.
It wasn’t like this for a lot of whites and black 75 years ago. They had a better middle-class in those days.
1. I believe that is an accurate statement.

2. Before World War II, both races acted differently from how they act today.

3. And sadly, the behavior of many African Americans has worsened since Civil Rights in the 1960s.

4. Dr. Booker T. Washington would be so disappointed. He assumed that his people once freed would become productive citizens.

(By the way, government can do only so much. So if some African Americans want to use delivery services to buy junk food, they should be able to do so.)
SNAP benefits should be limited to the following, and on,y redeemable in grocery stores:

  1. Milk, juice
  2. eggs, cheese
  3. bread
  4. cereal
  5. frozen vegetables
  6. canned fruit
  7. ground beef
  8. chicken
  9. tuna fish
  10. peqnut butter and jelly
  11. pasta, pasta sauce
  12. condiments like mayo, ketchup, mustard
That's a lie. The USA isn't even in the top 10.
Back up, a second brother. You know I treat you with respect I have not called you a liar. Don’t do that to me. Also, my post was about a number of things including our food stamps program which needs to be revamped


The USA is the most obese country in the developed world. Minor typo on my part It’s still horrible. We shouldn’t be number 12. We should be way way down on that list.

We are effectively the most obese country in world… the other ones are island nations that many people have not heard of or have a tiny population.


There are tons of sources showing this. It’s been an ongoing problem in this country for quite some time. But also, I made a whole bunch of other points related to how filthy and vile the country is today. With the intercity communities being hellhole. The middle-class being crushed. This country is not what it used to be in the 1950s. And that is my major point. I love America of the past. I love what our grandfathers put together. It was a much better country in the 1950s. And I love America.

I want this country to be a better place for all Americans black-and-white. Because it’s not today.🇺🇸
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1. I believe that is an accurate statement.

2. Before World War II, both races acted differently from how they act today.

3. And sadly, the behavior of many African Americans has worsened since Civil Rights in the 1960s.

4. Dr. Booker T. Washington would be so disappointed. He assumed that his people once freed would become productive citizens.

(By the way, government can do only so much. So if some African Americans want to use delivery services to buy junk food, they should be able to do so.)
Agreed totally.

With regards to the food stamps program the issue at hand many would say is it should only be used for healthy foods. Folks are using food stamps on DoorDash to buy junk food ….that’s the problem at him there.

It’s one thing for people to use food stamps on a platform like DoorDash that is controversial in of itself. It’s a whole Nother ball game when they’re able to buy junk food with it.
Didn't they always accept Snap payments? Why single out black communities anyway? Part of the democrat party plantation mentality?
Thats cheap processed food. Govt aint gonna spring for healthy fruits and vegetables. Cost too much.
It’s a shame that this is occurring in this country. Shouldn’t be like that. How do we get to this point where healthy fresh foods cost more than some snickers bar or a TV dinner packed with sodium.. It ain’t like that over in Singapore a much cleaner, safer and better country than we are today.

The food stamps program should not be used for junk food like candy or ice cream. That’s a government‘s fault. They should not allow folks on the food stamps program to buy candy bars or ice cream. That doesn’t make any sense. It needs to be used for healthy fresh food. Hell sometimes it cost more money for junk food, compared to healthy fresh meat or eggs.
Didn't they always accept Snap payments? Why single out black communities anyway? Part of the democrat party plantation mentality?

There’s a gigantic misunderstanding. Nobody is singling out black communities. I’m not interested if somebody suggest that I am “ racist “that’s not how I think and that’s not what was written. I’m not interested in that especially in this age of cancel culture and wokeism

Nowhere did I say blacks are inferior. I simply pointed out a statistical fact, which is that the most obese race in this country is black. That’s a fact

I’m glad to clear up the misunderstanding. Let’s get back to the topic. What could be done to make black majority inner city communities more healthy. What can be done to confront the obesity rates in America. What can be done to revamp the food stamps program in this country. What can be done to bring back the American middle class for whites and blacks in this country?
More dead door dashers? Or will they just refuse to go into those dangerous communities?
Already a large percentage of Door Dashers and Uber drivers are working in low income communities that are home to more shootings and what not.

And there’s tons of good working people and low income communities. But they are the ones with the most gang violence, degradation and drug issues.

Also when a customer is using snap or EBT benefits on a DoorDash or Instacart order and they have to make a change, it takes a long time therefore affecting the job of the delivery driver who has to spend more time doing the job for often much less money.
There’s a gigantic misunderstanding. Nobody is singling out black communities. I’m not interested if somebody suggest that I am “ racist “that’s not how I think and that’s not what was written. I’m not interested in that especially in this age of cancel culture and wokeism

Nowhere did I say blacks are inferior. I simply pointed out a statistical fact, which is that the most obese race in this country is black. That’s a fact

I’m glad to clear up the misunderstanding. Let’s get back to the topic. What could be done to make black majority inner city communities more healthy. What can be done to confront the obesity rates in America. What can be done to revamp the food stamps program in this country. What can be done to bring back the American middle class for whites and blacks in this country?
You played the race card in the 2nd sentence your racist piece of crap.
The DD driver in the OP sure does have an attitude problem. He sounds like he hates his job. He hates his job and projects his hate onto his customers. And he acts very judgemental towards them, as if they are his inferiors. Face to face, people instinctively know when someone hates them. And they may tip accordingly.

He shouldn't be in customer service.

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