Biden Vaccine Mandate: A 'Test-Run' For Marxist Tyranny AND An Impeachable Offense


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Despite all of President Joe Biden's failures since being sworn in, Biden successfully managed to do several things this week:

1. Biden continued to demonstrate he has ZERO credibility after promising not to leave Afghanistan until ALL Americans had been evacuated...and then leaving hundreds of Americans behind, that NOTHING he says can be believed.

2. Biden proved he is still one of the biggest 'Flip-Floppers' in American politics.

These two closely go together, based on what Biden told the American people eight months ago. Eight (8) months ago Biden declared (like he did about not leaving Americans in Benghazi ) he did not think that vaccines should be mandated and promised he would NOT make them mandatory:

No, I don’t think it should be mandatory. I wouldn’t demand it be mandatory.”
-Joe Biden


3. Biden VIOLATED the US Constitution by mandating vaccinations,...He and his staff KNOW it, and The Don't Care

The United States Constitution does not give the President of the United States to mandate vaccinations, does not give the President the power to enforce such an Un-Constitutional edict with punishment, monetary of otherwise.
- It violates Separation of Powers
- It violates Equal Protection

This decision is much like Biden's eviction moratorium, which, at the time, his staff acknowledged what they were doing was Un-Constitutional...but did it anyway.
-- "The retweet was breathtakingly daft on the eve of litigation over the order. It is reminiscent of President Biden admitting that his own White House counsel and their preferred legal experts all said that the eviction moratorium extension was likely unconstitutional."

"Courts will now be asked to ignore the admission and uphold a self-admitted evasion of constitutional limits," Turley added. The "problem is that the thing being ‘worked around’ is the Constitution."

Once again, Biden's WH Chief of Staff re-tweeted the FACT that despite knowing that a Vaccination Mandate is Un-Constitutional, they may have found a way of getting around the Constitution.

President Biden's WH Chief of Staff also just gave Congress all it needs to remove President Biden from office through Impeachment:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

This is the oath of office that Joe Biden took when he was sworn into office as President. Biden's WH Chief of Staff just re-Tweeted to the world that Joe Biden and his administration has willfully sought ways to violate / by-pass the Constitution rather than protect, defend, and adhere to the Constitution. This constitutes a violation of his oath of office and a breach of trust with the American people, acts worthy, and arguably that demand, Impeachment.

Despite all of President Joe Biden's failures since being sworn in, Biden successfully managed to do several things this week:

1. Biden continued to demonstrate he has ZERO credibility after promising not to leave Afghanistan until ALL Americans had been evacuated...and then leaving hundreds of Americans behind, that NOTHING he says can be believed.

2. Biden proved he is still one of the biggest 'Flip-Floppers' in American politics.

These two closely go together, based on what Biden told the American people eight months ago. Eight (8) months ago Biden declared (like he did about not leaving Americans in Benghazi ) he did not think that vaccines should be mandated and promised he would NOT make them mandatory:

No, I don’t think it should be mandatory. I wouldn’t demand it be mandatory.”
-Joe Biden

View attachment 537515

3. Biden VIOLATED the US Constitution by mandating vaccinations,...He and his staff KNOW it, and The Don't Care

The United States Constitution does not give the President of the United States to mandate vaccinations, does not give the President the power to enforce such an Un-Constitutional edict with punishment, monetary of otherwise.
- It violates Separation of Powers
- It violates Equal Protection

This decision is much like Biden's eviction moratorium, which, at the time, his staff acknowledged what they were doing was Un-Constitutional...but did it anyway.
-- "The retweet was breathtakingly daft on the eve of litigation over the order. It is reminiscent of President Biden admitting that his own White House counsel and their preferred legal experts all said that the eviction moratorium extension was likely unconstitutional."

"Courts will now be asked to ignore the admission and uphold a self-admitted evasion of constitutional limits," Turley added. The "problem is that the thing being ‘worked around’ is the Constitution."

Once again, Biden's WH Chief of Staff re-tweeted the FACT that despite knowing that a Vaccination Mandate is Un-Constitutional, they may have found a way of getting around the Constitution.

President Biden's WH Chief of Staff also just gave Congress all it needs to remove President Biden from office through Impeachment:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

This is the oath of office that Joe Biden took when he was sworn into office as President. Biden's WH Chief of Staff just re-Tweeted to the world that Joe Biden and his administration has willfully sought ways to violate / by-pass the Constitution rather than protect, defend, and adhere to the Constitution. This constitutes a violation of his oath of office and a breach of trust with the American people, acts worthy, and arguably that demand, Impeachment.

What a flippin dumbass. First, vaccine mandates are Constitutional and have been for over a century, see Jacobson v. Massachusetts. I mean you Republicans are so damn stupid. How many decades have we required vaccines for those attending school. Hell, you can't graduate from High School unless your vaccines are up to date. You Republicans never complained. Same for schools requiring masks. Some schools have required uniforms for years now, not a peep from you dumbfawks. But a mask, like somehow that is so much worse.

I mean the cognitive dissonance from you dipshits is mind bending. On one hand, well the vaccine kills people. Thousands have been killed by the vaccine. No comorbidity, nope, get the vaccine, die, it is certainly the vaccine. But, on the other hand, damn near no one has died from Covid. Nope, comorbidity, they were going to die anyway. Hell, yesterday I learned no one does a DNR unless they know they are going to die in six months. All those clients I help write one, hell, I reckon they are all dead now.

You don't want to get the vaccine, fine. If you work for the federal government or an employer with more than 100 employees, get tested every week. And insurance or the federal government better not be paying for it, you can pay for it. All perfectly constitutional, see Jacobson v. Massachusetts. Some health care workers are threatening to refuse treatment to morons that have not been vaccinated. I think that is a good call. I mean I got to be honest, I would rather Medicaid pay for the birth of an anchor baby than Medicare pay for ICU and a ventilator for some fool that has refused to get vaccinated.

You people are stupid. Beyond stupid. You spout off about the founders, the Constitution, "Make America Great Again", but that is all flippin talk. You don't give two shits about anyone but yourself. You will refuse the vaccine, get Covid, won't be able to breath, and then you will expect the government to move the world so that you can access a ventilator and have no problem denying or delaying surgery for someone else, no problem endangering the lives of the health care workers, no problem overwhelming the hospitals. You don't know diddly about the Constitution, probably never read the damn thing. And if push comes to shove you might be able to name three or four founders but certainly wouldn't be able to name anything they wrote. Trump didn't make America Great Again, he made this place a cesspool filled with narcistic assholes like himself. Go create your own country, you don't deserve this one.
Despite all of President Joe Biden's failures since being sworn in, Biden successfully managed to do several things this week:

1. Biden continued to demonstrate he has ZERO credibility after promising not to leave Afghanistan until ALL Americans had been evacuated...and then leaving hundreds of Americans behind, that NOTHING he says can be believed.

2. Biden proved he is still one of the biggest 'Flip-Floppers' in American politics.

These two closely go together, based on what Biden told the American people eight months ago. Eight (8) months ago Biden declared (like he did about not leaving Americans in Benghazi ) he did not think that vaccines should be mandated and promised he would NOT make them mandatory:

No, I don’t think it should be mandatory. I wouldn’t demand it be mandatory.”
-Joe Biden

View attachment 537515

3. Biden VIOLATED the US Constitution by mandating vaccinations,...He and his staff KNOW it, and The Don't Care

The United States Constitution does not give the President of the United States to mandate vaccinations, does not give the President the power to enforce such an Un-Constitutional edict with punishment, monetary of otherwise.
- It violates Separation of Powers
- It violates Equal Protection

This decision is much like Biden's eviction moratorium, which, at the time, his staff acknowledged what they were doing was Un-Constitutional...but did it anyway.
-- "The retweet was breathtakingly daft on the eve of litigation over the order. It is reminiscent of President Biden admitting that his own White House counsel and their preferred legal experts all said that the eviction moratorium extension was likely unconstitutional."

"Courts will now be asked to ignore the admission and uphold a self-admitted evasion of constitutional limits," Turley added. The "problem is that the thing being ‘worked around’ is the Constitution."

Once again, Biden's WH Chief of Staff re-tweeted the FACT that despite knowing that a Vaccination Mandate is Un-Constitutional, they may have found a way of getting around the Constitution.

President Biden's WH Chief of Staff also just gave Congress all it needs to remove President Biden from office through Impeachment:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

This is the oath of office that Joe Biden took when he was sworn into office as President. Biden's WH Chief of Staff just re-Tweeted to the world that Joe Biden and his administration has willfully sought ways to violate / by-pass the Constitution rather than protect, defend, and adhere to the Constitution. This constitutes a violation of his oath of office and a breach of trust with the American people, acts worthy, and arguably that demand, Impeachment.

He knows that even the Republicans wouldn't impeach him even if they had a majority with Kameltoe waiting in the wings.
Despite all of President Joe Biden's failures since being sworn in, Biden successfully managed to do several things this week:

1. Biden continued to demonstrate he has ZERO credibility after promising not to leave Afghanistan until ALL Americans had been evacuated...and then leaving hundreds of Americans behind, that NOTHING he says can be believed.

2. Biden proved he is still one of the biggest 'Flip-Floppers' in American politics.

These two closely go together, based on what Biden told the American people eight months ago. Eight (8) months ago Biden declared (like he did about not leaving Americans in Benghazi ) he did not think that vaccines should be mandated and promised he would NOT make them mandatory:

No, I don’t think it should be mandatory. I wouldn’t demand it be mandatory.”
-Joe Biden

View attachment 537515

3. Biden VIOLATED the US Constitution by mandating vaccinations,...He and his staff KNOW it, and The Don't Care

The United States Constitution does not give the President of the United States to mandate vaccinations, does not give the President the power to enforce such an Un-Constitutional edict with punishment, monetary of otherwise.
- It violates Separation of Powers
- It violates Equal Protection

This decision is much like Biden's eviction moratorium, which, at the time, his staff acknowledged what they were doing was Un-Constitutional...but did it anyway.
-- "The retweet was breathtakingly daft on the eve of litigation over the order. It is reminiscent of President Biden admitting that his own White House counsel and their preferred legal experts all said that the eviction moratorium extension was likely unconstitutional."

"Courts will now be asked to ignore the admission and uphold a self-admitted evasion of constitutional limits," Turley added. The "problem is that the thing being ‘worked around’ is the Constitution."

Once again, Biden's WH Chief of Staff re-tweeted the FACT that despite knowing that a Vaccination Mandate is Un-Constitutional, they may have found a way of getting around the Constitution.

President Biden's WH Chief of Staff also just gave Congress all it needs to remove President Biden from office through Impeachment:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

This is the oath of office that Joe Biden took when he was sworn into office as President. Biden's WH Chief of Staff just re-Tweeted to the world that Joe Biden and his administration has willfully sought ways to violate / by-pass the Constitution rather than protect, defend, and adhere to the Constitution. This constitutes a violation of his oath of office and a breach of trust with the American people, acts worthy, and arguably that demand, Impeachment.

Elections have consequences. Hopefully many that voted for him see that now.
How many decades have we required vaccines for those attending school. Hell, you can't graduate from High School unless your vaccines are up to date.
Public schools partially funded by the federal government and always via GOVERNMENT THREATS to OBEY or lose the federal money. Not private businesses or private schools. You forgot that part.
What a flippin dumbass. First, vaccine mandates are Constitutional and have been for over a century, see Jacobson v. Massachusetts.
I stopped reading as soon as I saw your OPINION being used as FACT. If you had supporting facts / information you would have posted it.
-- BTW, people can tell when snowflakes are lying when they declare something to be true - they never post links.

No, the President does not have the authority to mandate vaccinations, as ide from the fact that the SOB lied again by saying he would not do so.

Congress has never passed such legislation, and - as Barry admitted before doing it anyway, the President can not by-pass or make his own laws. That's Congress' job.

Feel free to....PLEASE the exact transcript from the Constitution...and link to it...where the Constitution specifically gives the President the power and authority to issue a self-created vaccine edict / mandate and the power / tools (prison, monetary fines, etc...) to enforce such an edict / mandate.

FLASHBACK: Biden Opposed Vaccine and Mask Mandates Eight Months Ago​

Joey Xi Bai Dung has contradicted himself time and time again.
America has become a totalitarian police state where the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies can fraudulently elect an incompetent corrupt president and expect the PEOPLE will not hold them responsible without any consequences or accountability whatsoever.
It’s well past time for states to reassert their 10th Amendment powers and take back the powers usurped by the federal government and to stop the federal government from further trampling the rights of the states and the people.
Despite all of President Joe Biden's failures since being sworn in, Biden successfully managed to do several things this week:

1. Biden continued to demonstrate he has ZERO credibility after promising not to leave Afghanistan until ALL Americans had been evacuated...and then leaving hundreds of Americans behind, that NOTHING he says can be believed.

2. Biden proved he is still one of the biggest 'Flip-Floppers' in American politics.

These two closely go together, based on what Biden told the American people eight months ago. Eight (8) months ago Biden declared (like he did about not leaving Americans in Benghazi ) he did not think that vaccines should be mandated and promised he would NOT make them mandatory:

No, I don’t think it should be mandatory. I wouldn’t demand it be mandatory.”
-Joe Biden

View attachment 537515

3. Biden VIOLATED the US Constitution by mandating vaccinations,...He and his staff KNOW it, and The Don't Care

The United States Constitution does not give the President of the United States to mandate vaccinations, does not give the President the power to enforce such an Un-Constitutional edict with punishment, monetary of otherwise.
- It violates Separation of Powers
- It violates Equal Protection

This decision is much like Biden's eviction moratorium, which, at the time, his staff acknowledged what they were doing was Un-Constitutional...but did it anyway.
-- "The retweet was breathtakingly daft on the eve of litigation over the order. It is reminiscent of President Biden admitting that his own White House counsel and their preferred legal experts all said that the eviction moratorium extension was likely unconstitutional."

"Courts will now be asked to ignore the admission and uphold a self-admitted evasion of constitutional limits," Turley added. The "problem is that the thing being ‘worked around’ is the Constitution."

Once again, Biden's WH Chief of Staff re-tweeted the FACT that despite knowing that a Vaccination Mandate is Un-Constitutional, they may have found a way of getting around the Constitution.

President Biden's WH Chief of Staff also just gave Congress all it needs to remove President Biden from office through Impeachment:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

This is the oath of office that Joe Biden took when he was sworn into office as President. Biden's WH Chief of Staff just re-Tweeted to the world that Joe Biden and his administration has willfully sought ways to violate / by-pass the Constitution rather than protect, defend, and adhere to the Constitution. This constitutes a violation of his oath of office and a breach of trust with the American people, acts worthy, and arguably that demand, Impeachment.

Whatever happened to your orange fuhrer's "injection" of disinfectants? When he got Covid, guess what? He took no disinfectant or hydroxychloroquine or any horse deworming drug shit. He took the medications recommended by his doctors. He and his family also got vaccinated.

And yet, you trumptards want to avoid vaccinations. You really are morons.

FLASHBACK: Biden Opposed Vaccine and Mask Mandates Eight Months Ago​

Joey Xi Bai Dung has contradicted himself time and time again.
America has become a totalitarian police state where the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies can fraudulently elect an incompetent corrupt president and expect the PEOPLE will not hold them responsible without any consequences or accountability whatsoever.
It’s well past time for states to reassert their 10th Amendment powers and take back the powers usurped by the federal government and to stop the federal government from further trampling the rights of the states and the people.

Biden is LIAR. Did you notice how he tried to mask his illegal mandate with a blanket of anger? Biden, "look how angry I am, I'm so angry I'm going to illegally FORCE you to get vaccinated because, damnit I'm mad as hell". Nothing but political theatrics.
Whatever happened to your orange fuhrer's "injection" of disinfectants? When he got Covid, guess what? He took no disinfectant or hydroxychloroquine or any horse deworming drug shit. He took the medications recommended by his doctors. He and his family also got vaccinated.

And yet, you trumptards want to avoid vaccinations. You really are morons.
Who said anything about avoidance? It should be a personal choice. You are one deranged leftist.
I mean the cognitive dissonance from you dipshits is mind bending. On one hand, well the vaccine kills people. Thousands have been killed by the vaccine. No comorbidity, nope, get the vaccine, die, it is certainly the vaccine. But, on the other hand, damn near no one has died from Covid. Nope, comorbidity, they were going to die anyway. Hell, yesterday I learned no one does a DNR unless they know they are going to die in six months. All those clients I help write one, hell, I reckon they are all dead now.
Lets see here, Biden has a vaccine (experimental and ineffective) second dose required, (also experimental and ineffective). Vaccine does not provide immunity nor prevent the spread. Booster required (politically forced approval by the FDA, still ineffective) Even with THREE doses of your vaccine, you can STILL contract and spread the virus. Still you want to force this vaccine on the unwilling. I think you are the very definition of cognitive dissonance
Despite all of President Joe Biden's failures since being sworn in, Biden successfully managed to do several things this week:

1. Biden continued to demonstrate he has ZERO credibility after promising not to leave Afghanistan until ALL Americans had been evacuated...and then leaving hundreds of Americans behind, that NOTHING he says can be believed.

2. Biden proved he is still one of the biggest 'Flip-Floppers' in American politics.

These two closely go together, based on what Biden told the American people eight months ago. Eight (8) months ago Biden declared (like he did about not leaving Americans in Benghazi ) he did not think that vaccines should be mandated and promised he would NOT make them mandatory:

No, I don’t think it should be mandatory. I wouldn’t demand it be mandatory.”
-Joe Biden

View attachment 537515

3. Biden VIOLATED the US Constitution by mandating vaccinations,...He and his staff KNOW it, and The Don't Care

The United States Constitution does not give the President of the United States to mandate vaccinations, does not give the President the power to enforce such an Un-Constitutional edict with punishment, monetary of otherwise.
- It violates Separation of Powers
- It violates Equal Protection

This decision is much like Biden's eviction moratorium, which, at the time, his staff acknowledged what they were doing was Un-Constitutional...but did it anyway.
-- "The retweet was breathtakingly daft on the eve of litigation over the order. It is reminiscent of President Biden admitting that his own White House counsel and their preferred legal experts all said that the eviction moratorium extension was likely unconstitutional."

"Courts will now be asked to ignore the admission and uphold a self-admitted evasion of constitutional limits," Turley added. The "problem is that the thing being ‘worked around’ is the Constitution."

Once again, Biden's WH Chief of Staff re-tweeted the FACT that despite knowing that a Vaccination Mandate is Un-Constitutional, they may have found a way of getting around the Constitution.

President Biden's WH Chief of Staff also just gave Congress all it needs to remove President Biden from office through Impeachment:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

This is the oath of office that Joe Biden took when he was sworn into office as President. Biden's WH Chief of Staff just re-Tweeted to the world that Joe Biden and his administration has willfully sought ways to violate / by-pass the Constitution rather than protect, defend, and adhere to the Constitution. This constitutes a violation of his oath of office and a breach of trust with the American people, acts worthy, and arguably that demand, Impeachment.

You wrote: "...after promising not to leave Afghanistan until ALL Americans had been evacuated..""

That's not what he said, Bozo. He never said that.

"President Joe Biden extended his commitment Aug. 20 to evacuate all Americans in Afghanistan as well as Afghans who helped coalition forces, even if it could not be done by a self-imposed Aug. 31 deadline."

And as you are seeing now, more are being flown out. Another flight out just took off today.

YOU are the LIAR.
What a flippin dumbass. First, vaccine mandates are Constitutional and have been for over a century, see Jacobson v. Massachusetts. I mean you Republicans are so damn stupid. How many decades have we required vaccines for those attending school. Hell, you can't graduate from High School unless your vaccines are up to date. You Republicans never complained. Same for schools requiring masks. Some schools have required uniforms for years now, not a peep from you dumbfawks. But a mask, like somehow that is so much worse.

I mean the cognitive dissonance from you dipshits is mind bending. On one hand, well the vaccine kills people. Thousands have been killed by the vaccine. No comorbidity, nope, get the vaccine, die, it is certainly the vaccine. But, on the other hand, damn near no one has died from Covid. Nope, comorbidity, they were going to die anyway. Hell, yesterday I learned no one does a DNR unless they know they are going to die in six months. All those clients I help write one, hell, I reckon they are all dead now.

You don't want to get the vaccine, fine. If you work for the federal government or an employer with more than 100 employees, get tested every week. And insurance or the federal government better not be paying for it, you can pay for it. All perfectly constitutional, see Jacobson v. Massachusetts. Some health care workers are threatening to refuse treatment to morons that have not been vaccinated. I think that is a good call. I mean I got to be honest, I would rather Medicaid pay for the birth of an anchor baby than Medicare pay for ICU and a ventilator for some fool that has refused to get vaccinated.

You people are stupid. Beyond stupid. You spout off about the founders, the Constitution, "Make America Great Again", but that is all flippin talk. You don't give two shits about anyone but yourself. You will refuse the vaccine, get Covid, won't be able to breath, and then you will expect the government to move the world so that you can access a ventilator and have no problem denying or delaying surgery for someone else, no problem endangering the lives of the health care workers, no problem overwhelming the hospitals. You don't know diddly about the Constitution, probably never read the damn thing. And if push comes to shove you might be able to name three or four founders but certainly wouldn't be able to name anything they wrote. Trump didn't make America Great Again, he made this place a cesspool filled with narcistic assholes like himself. Go create your own country, you don't deserve this one.
Did you know that having one of the 3 vaccines currently available in the US increases the odds of you contracting Delta? IOW-2 people stand near an infected person shedding the virus via coughing, the person who has been "vaccinated" is more likely to contract it. Now, please explain why it's rational to promote such a vaccine, when these findings continue to increase daily. Thank you.
Despite all of President Joe Biden's failures since being sworn in, Biden successfully managed to do several things this week:

1. Biden continued to demonstrate he has ZERO credibility after promising not to leave Afghanistan until ALL Americans had been evacuated...and then leaving hundreds of Americans behind, that NOTHING he says can be believed.

2. Biden proved he is still one of the biggest 'Flip-Floppers' in American politics.

These two closely go together, based on what Biden told the American people eight months ago. Eight (8) months ago Biden declared (like he did about not leaving Americans in Benghazi ) he did not think that vaccines should be mandated and promised he would NOT make them mandatory:

No, I don’t think it should be mandatory. I wouldn’t demand it be mandatory.”
-Joe Biden

View attachment 537515

3. Biden VIOLATED the US Constitution by mandating vaccinations,...He and his staff KNOW it, and The Don't Care

The United States Constitution does not give the President of the United States to mandate vaccinations, does not give the President the power to enforce such an Un-Constitutional edict with punishment, monetary of otherwise.
- It violates Separation of Powers
- It violates Equal Protection

This decision is much like Biden's eviction moratorium, which, at the time, his staff acknowledged what they were doing was Un-Constitutional...but did it anyway.
-- "The retweet was breathtakingly daft on the eve of litigation over the order. It is reminiscent of President Biden admitting that his own White House counsel and their preferred legal experts all said that the eviction moratorium extension was likely unconstitutional."

"Courts will now be asked to ignore the admission and uphold a self-admitted evasion of constitutional limits," Turley added. The "problem is that the thing being ‘worked around’ is the Constitution."

Once again, Biden's WH Chief of Staff re-tweeted the FACT that despite knowing that a Vaccination Mandate is Un-Constitutional, they may have found a way of getting around the Constitution.

President Biden's WH Chief of Staff also just gave Congress all it needs to remove President Biden from office through Impeachment:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

This is the oath of office that Joe Biden took when he was sworn into office as President. Biden's WH Chief of Staff just re-Tweeted to the world that Joe Biden and his administration has willfully sought ways to violate / by-pass the Constitution rather than protect, defend, and adhere to the Constitution. This constitutes a violation of his oath of office and a breach of trust with the American people, acts worthy, and arguably that demand, Impeachment.

I don't think Marx took a stance on vaccinations.
View attachment 537569
I don't think any of them did.....

Nice save, but your O/P is still filled with lies and bullshit.
Biden was wrong when he said this was not going to be another Saigon.
And it was worse.
But he has gotten 124,000 out and more are coming out now.
Biden will be remembered for doing something that previous presidents said they would and then didn't.
Trump would have fucked it up even more. Probably sending C17s over filled with rolls of paper towels.

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