Biden Tries to Change the Subject from Afghanistan to ‘Infrastructure’

No we are much stronger than just one man. That’s how we survived a blowhard like Trump as president
What will America and our place in the world be like after 4 years of biden screwups?

I think we will be in a much worse place than we were under trump
What will America and our place in the world be like after 4 years of biden screwups?

I think we will be in a much worse place than we were under trump
I think pulling us out of Afghanistan will put us in a worse place so I agree. But pulling out of Afghanistan was both a trump and Biden policy so both own it
But pulling out of Afghanistan was both a trump and Biden policy so both own it
We dont know what the pullout would have been under trump

would he abandon our most important military base and be reduced to begging the taliban to not kill Americans?

its doubtful

up until recently I supported the pullout

but I was wrong

we should have remained there and so trump was wrong about that

yet other than feeding our national pastime of finger-pointing invoking trump serves no purpose at all

Biden is in charge and he has served up a fiasco of major proportions
We dont know what the pullout would have been under trump

would he abandon our most important military base and be reduced to begging the taliban to not kill Americans?

its doubtful

up until recently I supported the pullout

but I was wrong

we should have remained there and so trump was wrong about that

yet other than feeding our national pastime of finger-pointing invoking trump serves no purpose at all

Biden is in charge and he has served up a fiasco of major proportions
Let’s pretend Trump executed a perfect transition and got our troops out without incident… we would still be left with the Taliban owning Afghanistan and all the problems that are going to arise in the future from that. The chaos going on with the evacuations and at the airport that we are seeing now are on Biden. The situation as a whole being out of Afghanistan is owned by Biden and Trump
Let’s pretend Trump executed a perfect transition and got our troops out without incident… we would still be left with the Taliban owning Afghanistan and all the problems that are going to arise in the future from that. The chaos going on with the evacuations and at the airport that we are seeing now are on Biden. The situation as a whole being out of Afghanistan is owned by Biden and Trump
OK, Trump is responsible for the withdrawal and Biden for its execution. Fair enough.
Let’s pretend Trump executed a perfect transition and got our troops out without incident… we would still be left with the Taliban owning Afghanistan
I agree

like many people I hardly gave afghanistan a thought for years

the idea of leaving the country after 20 years sounded good to me till I reviewed the facts

no American soldiers have died there for over a year

instead of a war we walked away from an occupation

afghanistan borders iran and china

two nations we may be at war with in the near future

having afghanistan as a base of operations would save American lives

finally there are rare earth deposits in the country that are worth a fortune

now they will fall into the hands of china instead of the free world
I agree

like many people I hardly gave afghanistan a thought for years

the idea of leaving the country after 20 years sounded good to me till I reviewed the facts

no American soldiers have died there for over a year

instead of a war we walked away from an occupation

afghanistan borders iran and china

two nations we may be at war with in the near future

having afghanistan as a base of operations would save American lives

finally there are rare earth deposits in the country that are worth a fortune

now they will fall into the hands of china instead of the free world
Yup, completely idiotic to lose our presence there and allow the Taliban to take over. We are far less safe now
I think pulling us out of Afghanistan will put us in a worse place so I agree. But pulling out of Afghanistan was both a trump and Biden policy so both own it
I am not a trump supporter. How should Trump own it? That is so beyond me :rolleyes:
I am not a trump supporter. How should Trump own it? That is so beyond me :rolleyes:
Well he negotiated a withdrawal deal with the Taliban, released 5000 of their captured fighters, all while knowing that the Taliban would take over after we left. Thats what he did and thats what he should own.
Well he negotiated a withdrawal deal with the Taliban, released 5000 of their captured fighters, all while knowing that the Taliban would take over after we left. Thats what he did and thats what he should own.
Every president since Bush is responsible for what happened and is happening in Afghanistan. The whole of the situation is not the fault of Biden because the pullout didn't execute flawlessly. Yes, it's a bad situation and all us Monday morning quarterbacks have all kinds of "this is what he should have dones", but in the end we will be out of Afghanistan as we should have been over a decade ago...unless we plan on making it a U.S. Territory or the 51st state. :lol:
Trump cancelled his deal when the taliban broke it. Biden owns this 100%. Just a few weeks ago he said the Taliban wouldn't take over.
When did Trump cancel the deal, I must have missed that. Can you post a link or more details?
Well he negotiated a withdrawal deal with the Taliban, released 5000 of their captured fighters, all while knowing that the Taliban would take over after we left. Thats what he did and thats what he should own.
So Biden knew the taliban was going to take over while he told us they wouldn't? Then also left them billions of dollars worth of weapons? That's treasonous.
Every president since Bush is responsible for what happened and is happening in Afghanistan. The whole of the situation is not the fault of Biden because the pullout didn't execute flawlessly. Yes, it's a bad situation and all us Monday morning quarterbacks have all kinds of "this is what he should have dones", but in the end we will be out of Afghanistan as we should have been over a decade ago...unless we plan on making it a U.S. Territory or the 51st state. :lol:
I disagree. Being out of Afghanistan is not a good thing. It turned the country over to the Taliban and now is a breeding ground for terrorists and a human rights disaster that will oppress millions of people for decades to come.

Biden Tries to Change the Subject from Afghanistan to ‘Infrastructure’​

23 Aug 2021 ~~ By Wendell Husebo
President Joe Biden is redirecting his focus on Monday from Afghanistan to House Democrats who are threatening to block House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) budget resolution for the “infrastructure” spending spree.
“We expect to see the president personally get involved today by calling Democratic lawmakers, according to sources,” Punchbowl News reported about the nearly $5 trillion infrastructure battle, which the administration is desperate to pass in the wake of high crime, inflation, border crossings, and now the failed Afghan evacuation.
In another distraction, Biden will also on Monday meet with the WNBA champions.
“President Biden announced that on 31 August they would withdraw all their military forces. So, if they extend it that means they are extending occupation while there is no need for that,” Taliban spokesperson Suhail Shaheen said. “If the U.S. or U.K. were to seek additional time to continue evacuations — the answer is no. Or there would be consequences. It will create mistrust between us. If they are intent on continuing the occupation it will provoke a reaction.”
The Taliban’s pressure ratcheting on Biden comes as up to 65,000 Afghan people with families are waiting to be extracted before the deadline in a few days. A reported 7,500 American citizens are also stranded, trapped behind enemy lines, as the U.S. embassy in Kabul alerted people over the weekend to not rendezvous at the airport.
Over the weekend outside the airport, the Pentagon confirmed the Taliban are beating and harassing Americans, stealing U.S. passports, and threatening to shoot others.

Hmm...., what we see now is Joey Xi Bai Dung going from one catastrophe to TRY and cover up another one. Both disasters are killing our nation....
Joey Xi Bai Dung has surpassed 45 previous presidents in his acts of incompetence and effectiveness. Anyone looking from afar can see that his actions one after another have been designed to destroy this nation.... 'Building Back America' has turned out to be the lie of the century...

Now thetes a distribe in delusion if there ever was one.
So Biden knew the taliban was going to take over while he told us they wouldn't? Then also left them billions of dollars worth of weapons? That's treasonous.
No Treason, just dishonesty and stupidity. Trump also knew the Taliban would take over. He said so to Hannity in an interview

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