'Biden told US Jews that Israel - not America - guaranteed their security'

RE: 'Biden told US Jews that Israel - not America - guaranteed their security'
⁜→ rylah, et al,

BLUF: Normally I would agree with Caroline Glick; but in this case, I think she is giving some bad advise.

Caroline Glick: American Jews must stand up to structurally anti-Semitic BLM
Allyson Rowen Taylor, a co-founder of StandWithUs, shared an account of the riots in which they chanted, “F**k the police and kill the Jews.”
The silence of the Jews of America in the face of rising anti-Semitism is stunning.

My thought is that the Jewish People should NOT get involved in the Black Lives Matter (BLM) as other than a supporting American. They should not draw a connection between the BLM and any Jewish Support Coalition or Association.

While almost all Americans can agree with the premise behind BLM, they will disagree with the protests and rioting as a means of valid political activism in support. And the BLM has a narrow view, in that it should be "ALL Lives Matter." Because in point of fact they do. The Black community is not unique to this premise.

Eventually, the violent Protests and the Rioting will subside. And you do not want to entangle and Jewish interest in the BLM. Why?
(RHETORICAL) Because the BLM will not be remembered for the cause for Black Civil Rights, it will be remembered for the violence and disturbing news videos recording the Black Community at that time. And you will not want that stigma attached in any way to the cause in the name of Israeli Defense or the protection of Jewish religious freedoms in regards to the Jewish National Home.

This is just my thoughts on the matter.
Most Respectfully,
Gee, that sounds an awful lot like what the German Jews were saying as Hitler began his rise to power. No, I'm not saying there will be another Holocaust here in the US, but when the mayors of cities under siege express support for the rioters and trash their own police and tell them to stand down as their cities are looted and burned, when the Democratic Party, which controls the House of Representatives expresses support for the rioters and their explicitly racist agenda and when the major news outlets all try to bolster the outrageous and acts and speech of these violent fascists, one can only wonder what would happen if the BLM movement had a leader as charismatic as Hitler.

You claim that most Americans support the premise of BLM, but what is that premise? That masses of black people are being murdered by police? Or other white people? Of course that's racist nonsense. Nearly every black person murdered in the US is murdered by another black person, and in all but a few of the cases in which a black person dies while confronting the police, that person is a violent criminal who is resisting arrest and his or her death is clearly accidental. Don't confuse BLM with the civil rights protestors of the 1960's. Those protestors had clear goals, the end of institutionalized racism in America, and those goals were clearly achieved in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Right Act of 1965. Today's protests have no clear goals and no legitimate complaints.

Every night when I turn on the evening news, I see at least two or three shootings and in nearly every case both the shooter and victim are black. What I don't see on the news is BLM protestors marching through the streets of North Philadelphia or West Philadelphia where these shootings take place protesting the loss of these black lives. Obviously, the only black lives that matter to BLM are those they can blame on white people. How did such an obvious anti white, anti semitic racist scam gain the support of the Democratic Party, the major news media and the leadership of Americans Jewish organizations?

Originally, BLM was just another radical fringe organization that had almost no following among black Americans until Barack Obama went down to Ferguson Missouri to falsely accuse a white cop for murdering Michael Brown, a young black man. All the eyewitnesses, most of whom were black, had corroborated the cop's statement that Brown had attacked him and tried to take away his, but Obama called it murder, and in his rants against the facts, specifically endorsed BLM. Once Obama endorsed BLM, the Congressional Black Caucus endorsed them and now the whole Democratic Party and nearly all the news media has, also. Far from your claim that BLM will only be remembered for its violence, it will be remembered as a major cultural and political influence in the early 21st century.
and Ukraine
They were targeted specifically for being Jews?

The kid said it was an overall atmosphere.
It's just something they're not supposed to do,
The whole Bandera gang didn't help neither.

The girl from France said the norm is that you don't hang outside with friends without parents, outside at night not even discussed. Kids here are different, and I don't mean wannabe rebels. That's what they said, it was really nice to experience that freedom.
I see. Overall anti-Jewish atmosphere. Do I understand this correctly?

Strangely enough, this atmosphere didn't thwart to elect a Jew as the president, to re-elect a Jew as a mayor of second largest city, and to appoint a Jew as the prime minister a couple of years ago. To say nothing about a number of MPs of Jewish origin.

But Russia is a safer place, with so called Cossacks becoming an officially paramilitary organization. Ok.

I prefer a Putin in Duma,
to Zelensky in Rada.

Seriously, the guy is a comedian figue leaf.

The homes of the Jewish community in Ukraine, who go back and forth to work in Russia, hoping stay put waiting for better situation in Ukraine, are being shelled not by Cossacks.
Not only their homes. But also the homes of Ukrainians, Russians and other people. It has nothing to do with 'Jewishness' at all.

You prefer Putin, that is okay with me. Everyone has a right to their opinion.

Yeah, I don't think we disagree overall.
Bandera, whatever, Your country Your choice.

The kid specifically mentioned there was no good future for her in Ukraine,
unlike the kid from France she mentioned nothing about racist attacks,
just that here folks her age, 12-15 feel safe hanging outside when dark.

Also, You know the typical cultural shock of kids immigrating from Soviet countries,
she was shocked by the lack of formality in classrooms, kids here who make up
the 'start up nation' kinda run wild...and free in the true sense of the word.
I think that all that Bandera thing will be sorted out with the time.

There is no much future for Ukraine with all that level of governance we have seen for almost thirty years. Huge corruption and mismanagement - these are two main obstacles for everything here.

Oh, I'm, really glad to hear that was sorted out.
And seeing your good intentions, I'm sure you also understand that the overall concern is not about the situation in Your country, but a wider view at the situation in the diaspora.

I prefer being called paranoid, to arranging last hour evacuations.

This sort of thing already happened when until Rabbi Kahane HY"D came to shock the entire community, to realize what was actually going on and turn their focus on the plight of our own, they were all about the Civil Rights Movement, while Jews would rot in Soviet prisons for merely studying Hebrew. I see the trend I see the pattern, I know who's gonna be blamed for whatever, and seeing Biden I have zero hope for anything to improve in that regard, quiet the opposite.

And even if Trump is re-elected, to think this whole situation in the US,
will not continue causing very much real shock waves around the world,
is really the attitude of the 3 monkeys, the results are dire and pretty evident.

Rioters in London and France are little concerned about Floyd,
but the common thing is violence and calls against the local Jews.

I'm perfectly correct to raise these concerns in the selfish manner I do,
I don't care about politics, and I'm not a politician, I just care about my people
and wish well to friends.
ESay I obviously misread your post...
Maybe I was too cynical as well, tell me,
do people actually trust Zelensky can change things for the good?

Are these kinda jokes perceived well? The 'Kosher Republic', really??
I'm asking because maybe it's me who has to check the bias, and rethink stuff :dunno:

About the video, specify what you want to know. It was a satire on regional divisions of Ukraine, as far as I can understand.
RE: 'Biden told US Jews that Israel - not America - guaranteed their security'
⁜→ rylah, et al,

BLUF: Normally I would agree with Caroline Glick; but in this case, I think she is giving some bad advise.

Caroline Glick: American Jews must stand up to structurally anti-Semitic BLM
Allyson Rowen Taylor, a co-founder of StandWithUs, shared an account of the riots in which they chanted, “F**k the police and kill the Jews.”
The silence of the Jews of America in the face of rising anti-Semitism is stunning.

My thought is that the Jewish People should NOT get involved in the Black Lives Matter (BLM) as other than a supporting American. They should not draw a connection between the BLM and any Jewish Support Coalition or Association.

While almost all Americans can agree with the premise behind BLM, they will disagree with the protests and rioting as a means of valid political activism in support. And the BLM has a narrow view, in that it should be "ALL Lives Matter." Because in point of fact they do. The Black community is not unique to this premise.

Eventually, the violent Protests and the Rioting will subside. And you do not want to entangle and Jewish interest in the BLM. Why?
(RHETORICAL) Because the BLM will not be remembered for the cause for Black Civil Rights, it will be remembered for the violence and disturbing news videos recording the Black Community at that time. And you will not want that stigma attached in any way to the cause in the name of Israeli Defense or the protection of Jewish religious freedoms in regards to the Jewish National Home.

This is just my thoughts on the matter.
Most Respectfully,
Gee, that sounds an awful lot like what the German Jews were saying as Hitler began his rise to power. No, I'm not saying there will be another Holocaust here in the US, but when the mayors of cities under siege express support for the rioters and trash their own police and tell them to stand down as their cities are looted and burned, when the Democratic Party, which controls the House of Representatives expresses support for the rioters and their explicitly racist agenda and when the major news outlets all try to bolster the outrageous and acts and speech of these violent fascists, one can only wonder what would happen if the BLM movement had a leader as charismatic as Hitler.

You claim that most Americans support the premise of BLM, but what is that premise? That masses of black people are being murdered by police? Or other white people? Of course that's racist nonsense. Nearly every black person murdered in the US is murdered by another black person, and in all but a few of the cases in which a black person dies while confronting the police, that person is a violent criminal who is resisting arrest and his or her death is clearly accidental. Don't confuse BLM with the civil rights protestors of the 1960's. Those protestors had clear goals, the end of institutionalized racism in America, and those goals were clearly achieved in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Right Act of 1965. Today's protests have no clear goals and no legitimate complaints.

Every night when I turn on the evening news, I see at least two or three shootings and in nearly every case both the shooter and victim are black. What I don't see on the news is BLM protestors marching through the streets of North Philadelphia or West Philadelphia where these shootings take place protesting the loss of these black lives. Obviously, the only black lives that matter to BLM are those they can blame on white people. How did such an obvious anti white, anti semitic racist scam gain the support of the Democratic Party, the major news media and the leadership of Americans Jewish organizations?

Originally, BLM was just another radical fringe organization that had almost no following among black Americans until Barack Obama went down to Ferguson Missouri to falsely accuse a white cop for murdering Michael Brown, a young black man. All the eyewitnesses, most of whom were black, had corroborated the cop's statement that Brown had attacked him and tried to take away his, but Obama called it murder, and in his rants against the facts, specifically endorsed BLM. Once Obama endorsed BLM, the Congressional Black Caucus endorsed them and now the whole Democratic Party and nearly all the news media has, also. Far from your claim that BLM will only be remembered for its violence, it will be remembered as a major cultural and political influence in the early 21st century.

Thank You,
You've expressed many points I thought mentioning.
RE: 'Biden told US Jews that Israel - not America - guaranteed their security'
⁜→ rylah, et al,

BLUF: Normally I would agree with Caroline Glick; but in this case, I think she is giving some bad advise.

Caroline Glick: American Jews must stand up to structurally anti-Semitic BLM
Allyson Rowen Taylor, a co-founder of StandWithUs, shared an account of the riots in which they chanted, “F**k the police and kill the Jews.”
The silence of the Jews of America in the face of rising anti-Semitism is stunning.

My thought is that the Jewish People should NOT get involved in the Black Lives Matter (BLM) as other than a supporting American. They should not draw a connection between the BLM and any Jewish Support Coalition or Association.

While almost all Americans can agree with the premise behind BLM, they will disagree with the protests and rioting as a means of valid political activism in support. And the BLM has a narrow view, in that it should be "ALL Lives Matter." Because in point of fact they do. The Black community is not unique to this premise.

Eventually, the violent Protests and the Rioting will subside. And you do not want to entangle and Jewish interest in the BLM. Why?
(RHETORICAL) Because the BLM will not be remembered for the cause for Black Civil Rights, it will be remembered for the violence and disturbing news videos recording the Black Community at that time. And you will not want that stigma attached in any way to the cause in the name of Israeli Defense or the protection of Jewish religious freedoms in regards to the Jewish National Home.

This is just my thoughts on the matter.
Most Respectfully,

I think in large You and Caroline Glick agree on most in this regard.

She is just expressing another point - the American Jewish community has been framed by the BLM movement to the point that there's no choice left but to react, and it's already beyond the level of a polite response discourse. If they don't stand up to themselves now they'll be forced to later and in a much more difficult situation, when all organizations have already succumb to the PC pressure, collectively.

She also quiet clearly states, that ignoring CAIR and the Nation of Islam stand behind the leadership and organization of the whole thing, will not help the Jewish community,
because they've been framed, and no way getting out of it.

If they wanna stay, they can't give support the very same ideology that targets them as the ultimate enemy of the society. If they want to support them, and with their anti-Israel agenda, they'll eventually strengthen those who will leave them no choice but to immigrate to very same society which they may help now framing. If they want to stay they must openly stand for themselves, now, yesterday. If they wanna follow the PC line, Israelis at large won't like or understand that, even detest to some extent, but they will be forced to immigrate anyway to Israel, and the doors will be always open in spite any differences.

But I guess this is quiet beyond my reach, I'm not an American Jew, I'm an Israeli,
for me everything is clear, it's their choice to make, but the contingent of the US is changing, and so is the contingent inside the American Jewish community, the Orthodox community is quickly turning into the only growing segment with the rest on fast decline and assimilation - those who make these decisions for the entire Jewish community today might no longer be on the political map in 10-15 years, maybe even less, but their mistakes can have dire consequences for all. People have to look further a bit, for all involved.

But again, who am I, I'm not American.
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RE: 'Biden told US Jews that Israel - not America - guaranteed their security'
⁜→ toomuchtime, et al,

BLUF: An Aligned View

Every night when I turn on the evening news, I see at least two or three shootings and in nearly every case both the shooter and victim are black.
LINK: US News and World Report
By Matthew Cella and Alan Neuhauser Sept. 29, 2016



At the end of the day, there are more White Victims Killed by Black Perpetrator then the other way around.
At the end of the day, there are fewer Black on Black Homicides then there are there are White on White homicides.

From one perspective there is only a small difference in the overall numbers, no matter which way we look at it. BUT! when you consider:

Prision Population Comparison.png


So now I ask you to look at the numbers, presented thus far, and tell me what you glean from them - if anything. All things being equal, I would expect to see the prison population match the general population in terms of percentages. But I don't see that. That is, of course, a product of various forms of discrimination that limited the capitalization of the available opportunities. But nothing here justifies the rampage by the Black Community. If the White community rioted every time a Black perpetrator killed a white constituent, we would truly be stepping back in time. Today, we allow the Black Community to bully and intimidate the White Community - furthering the evidence to many as they represent a dangerous segment of the population.

And now we are way of topic.
Most Respectfully,


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