Biden To Mark Transgender Day Of Visibility With New Actions, Biden will announce a new “X” gender marker on US passport applications + other measures

This is the fascist GOP's war on people who they disagree with. You nazi terrorists think that people have freedom as long as they agree with you. President Eisenhower ordered federal troops into Arkansas to protect black children in Arkansas. Biden should order troops into red states to protect transgender people.

You Nazis are the ones who are batshit crazy. Mention transgenders and you go crazy. You want to terrorize them.

You have yet to demonstrate any harm to you. There is no harm to this country whatsoever. You fascists are the ones who harm this country. You terrorize a group of people because they are different. That causes great harm to this country. Spewing hate towards these groups harms America.

You need to wake the fuck up. Trump is a threat to this country. First he created laws without Congress passing them. He violated the Constitution by infringing on the Congress' power of the purse. He appointed partisan judges. John Roberts said there were no Republican judges. There are 5 of them on the Supreme Court and John Roberts himself is partisan. It is amazing how many times the Supreme Court votes with Trump. Obama was the one who made NATO pay up. Oil production increased under Obama as well. Government was not reduced. The deficit was rising under Trump BEFORE the pandemic hit. Even today, Trump and his cronies attack voting rights, rights to free speech, and terrorize groups such as transgenders.

No you are sic k and hateful. Why should it concern you. Why do you want to terrorize them? You seem to believe in freedom for you but no one else.

You mean the problems Republicans are creating.

Who says it is a disorder. You and your right wing pals. Do you understand anything but hate? That is all this is about.

You are the pervert. All it is to you is cheap political gain. For example, the Utah governor stated there were only 4 transgenders competing in Utah. The Indiana Governor pointed out that there was just 1. You are a man, try competing in women's sports. You will find it difficult to do it.

Where is your license to speak for God? You remind me of the Pharisees who Jesus criticized. Jesus preached love not hate like you do. The 10 Commandments say nothing about transgender people. Take your shit and shove it.

Yes, it is about freedom. You are the one who is willfully ignorant. It does not harm you in any way.

Why should we?

Oil executives and shareholders are overwhelmingly Republican. They are responsible for high gas prices. Big business executives and shareholders are mostly Republican. They are responsible for around 50-60% of the inflation.

Right wing psychiatrists do not impress me.

Where is your license to speak for God? You remind me of the Pharisees who Jesus criticized. Jesus preached love not hate like you do. The 10 Commandments say nothing about transgender people. Take your shit and shove it.
Jesus preached more on Heaven than Hell and The Bible Commands us to confront sin and urge unrepentant sinners to repent and restore their relationship to God through Jesus Christ.

Repent or be banished to Hell forever.
Oil executives and shareholders are overwhelmingly Republican. They are responsible for high gas prices. Big business executives and shareholders are mostly Republican. They are responsible for around 50-60% of the inflation.

Right wing psychiatrists do not impress me.
A curb should be impressing your nose.
What's the problem?
How are you harmed?


Don't say gay

You're the one who hates America! Lia Thomas is 6' 4' Obviously has longer arms, bigger bone structure, greater lung capacity , larger heart in spite of her hormone treatment and you still think she should compete against biological females??? Have you ever seen a TRANSGENDER MALE compete against BIOLOGICAL MALES?????

Where does the bill say " Don't say Gay??"
You are the pervert. All it is to you is cheap political gain. For example, the Utah governor stated there were only 4 transgenders competing in Utah. The Indiana Governor pointed out that there was just 1. You are a man, try competing in women's sports. You will find it difficult to do it.
Trannys are just sick fucks. Instead of normalizing such deviant behavior ,they should be in Belleview. Or Bedlam.
Trannys are just sick fucks. Instead of normalizing such deviant behavior ,they should be in Belleview. Or Bedlam.
PS--Back before all this Lib crap ,the Vice Squads usta arrest deviants for faggin' off in public. Our Vice Laws should be brought back.
The whole transgender thing is as about as crazy as division politics can get. We have a lot of messes to clean up that effect us all, took a trip to Kansas to visit a friend. While there read her small town news paper, Kansas government leaders spent hours & hours of citizens dollars & time crafting anti trans bill. OK, but it turns out there wasn't one single case in the whole state of a trans male in women's sports! Working people are hurting in that state, Couldn't they find some bill to help people instead of a bill to bash a very tiny % of people doing a miniscule amount of harm? & all for WHAT the goal of fostering hate?
It might backfire on the old dude. Sexual freakazoids should have been marked with an "X" a long time ago. Do they realize that an "X" designation on a passport might authorize certain Islamic cultures to arrest them and possibly stone them to death?
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The whole transgender thing is as about as crazy as division politics can get. We have a lot of messes to clean up that effect us all, took a trip to Kansas to visit a friend. While there read her small town news paper, Kansas government leaders spent hours & hours of citizens dollars & time crafting anti trans bill. OK, but it turns out there wasn't one single case in the whole state of a trans male in women's sports! Working people are hurting in that state, Couldn't they find some bill to help people instead of a bill to bash a very tiny % of people doing a miniscule amount of harm? & all for WHAT the goal of fostering hate?
There is STILL no such thing. These are sick fucks. Alteration surgery and taking DRUGS is SICK.
You hate someone you don't know and you call me insane?
You want to harm people who've never harmed you and you call me insane?
You are afraid you might find yourself attracted to someone you hate and despise (leave ex wives out of this) and you call me insane?

Check the mirror my Tiny Minded Poop Thrower.
Dripping with projection.
You have yet to demonstrate any harm to you. There is no harm to this country whatsoever. You fascists are the ones who harm this country. You terrorize a group of people because they are different. That causes great harm to this country. Spewing hate towards these groups harms America.
Progs are so completely stupid....

I'm sorry you're incapable of understanding the harm done to children.

The rest of your post is the typical HATEFUL mudslinging everyone's come to expect from the left.

Progs are so fucked up they like to tell other people how and why they feel.

'No harm" indeed
I do know you find this hard to believe but...

People can do more than one thing at once.

I know, I know. The incompetence no your leadership makes you think the only things that count are denying women, PoC, and LGTBQ+ people the right to live their lives without your hatred causing them to fear for their lives

But good leadership can do more than one thing at a time.
You guys should try some good leadership for a change.
You are projecting, disagreeing with promoting transgender is not hate it is pointing out reality and upholding what is real instead of what is fantasy. You call folks who disagree with transgender 'haters' because you have no logical argument how a man can be a woman and visa versa.
You are projecting, disagreeing with promoting transgender is not hate it is pointing out reality and upholding what is real instead of what is fantasy. You call folks who disagree with transgender 'haters' because you have no logical argument how a man can be a woman and visa versa.
I'd rather be a bigot than a pedophile :p
The rest of your post is the typical HATEFUL mudslinging everyone's come to expect from the left.

I don't believe that filth such as busybee01 don't understand that their policies harm children.

They know. Either they want children to be harmed, or else they have a depraved-heart indifference to the harm that is done to children in order to promote their sick agenda.
I don't believe that filth such as busybee01 don't understand that their policies harm children.

They know. Either they want children to be harmed, or else they have a depraved-heart indifference to the harm that is done to children in order to promote their sick agenda.
Well, I have a... complementary analysis.

According to Scruffy, progs are like two year old brats who've never been disciplined. They get into everywhere they're not supposed to be, and when you try to tell them they did something wrong they say "No. No no no. No".

The terrible two's. Very much like the terrible progs.

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