Biden To Attempt To Shoot Down Chinese Spy Balloon Today To Capture And Study It

Shoot it down over Chicago and it would fall so slow that even if it hit anything it wouldn't do any damage.


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Because of the liability issues, you dolt. Do you think a floating object is an invasion? Sounds rather silly...Do you throw hissy fits over our spying on the Chinese or the other nations on Earth? Do you wet yer britches when we economically force nations to come to our will?
I get where you are coming from---if it is gonna cost some money we should just let them spy. On top of that, if it isn't an invasion we should just look the other way and let them have at it. I support our efforts to spy on other countries and accept the fact that if caught there will be consequences. You and that asshat Biden have a lot in common.
We truly do not know the reasoning of why we did not shoot it down ahead of time.

Maybe we wanted to see the balloon's maneuverability, or where China felt it was important to go over in the USA....letting us know more about what they know about us and our important sights, or what spying capabilities it could render....

Maybe our spy balloons were flying over China right at the same time and we didn't shoot theirs down cuz we didn't want them to shoot ours down? :)

Basically, what I am suggesting is that....

There is always more behind the scenes than meets the general public's eye, that we are not told about.... there wouldn't be national security classified stuff, if we knew or could know, everything!
the pedophile is a foreign agent of china, and you are trying to dismiss that

So are you saying we have never sent spy balloons or spy aircraft over china?
not like this....xiden is a foreign agent of china
beijing xiden hates AMERICA, as do all the SCUM demonRATS, and their supporters....they support, or are pedophiles
xiden will not interfere w/the asshole ruling china

Biden 'WILL try to shoot down' the Chinese spy balloon over the Atlantic so it can be retrieved and studied - as aircraft is due to exit the east coast over the Carolinas by noon today​

  • The aircraft was tracking towards the Carolinas this morning and is due to exit the east coast by noon after passing over sensitive nuclear sites in Montana
  • Biden decided against shooting the balloon down over US soil over fears for American lives and sparking an international incident, a senior US official said
  • Now the Pentagon is planning a shoot down and capture mission over US waters

Shoulda made their attempts then made their announcement. Failure will result in an even greater embarrassment and some great memes.
The Chinese don't even really know have to know for a fact if we shoot it down. It could just be an "accident". Does anyone have an idea what the average altitude of the balloon is?
As of this morning, it was reportedly at about 45,000 feet and descending.


By now, it was supposed to be have shot down.

Reportedly, after it flew over Charlotte, some military jets were seen in the vicinity...

Perhaps they were worried about a "poison pill" effect? Radioactive or biological warfare materials on-board, unleashed in the event of take-down or impact?

I'm probably off-base on that - and not making excuses - but the ChiComs are ruthless enough to do such a thing and our people MIGHT have thought of it.
Pentagon was asked about that in the video I posted. Specifically about radioactive material. They said no.
According to Tucker Carlson last night, the US had been tracking the balloon since before it came into our airspace.

They should have shot it down long ago, well before it hit Montana, but they could have shot it down over unpopulated Montana as well.

The balloon may have already completed its mission!

If it was a Russian balloon, you can be sure it would have been shot down immediately.

Biden 'WILL try to shoot down' the Chinese spy balloon over the Atlantic so it can be retrieved and studied - as aircraft is due to exit the east coast over the Carolinas by noon today​

  • The aircraft was tracking towards the Carolinas this morning and is due to exit the east coast by noon after passing over sensitive nuclear sites in Montana
  • Biden decided against shooting the balloon down over US soil over fears for American lives and sparking an international incident, a senior US official said
  • Now the Pentagon is planning a shoot down and capture mission over US waters


I trust President Biden and his team of experts to make the right decisions - rather than NaziCon morons!

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