Biden, the pro-war candidate


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
If I recall, Biden was against the Iraq war....after he was for the Iraq war. But it wasn't just a simple yes/no vote.

Both parties are pro war now... Trump isn't... Which I like. That USED to be a reason to vote democrat, because at least they wouldn't start or go into wars willy nilly. Mmm... no more.
Both parties are pro war now... Trump isn't... Which I like. That USED to be a reason to vote democrat, because at least they wouldn't start or go into wars willy nilly. Mmm... no more.
Uh you obviously don’t remember the
Maybe someday we will actually get someone that isn't interested in perpetual war. I'm not optimistic.

We have him now. Trump

Trump has chosen to continue all 7 of the wars started under Bush and Obama

That is why all the establishment types, including McCain, bashed Trump relentlessly for his anti war positions. Give me a break.

Trump claims to be all sorts of things. Trump also claimed he was going to kill the wives and children of the "terrorists".

You can't go off what Trump says because what he says is pretty worthless.
Maybe someday we will actually get someone that isn't interested in perpetual war. I'm not optimistic.

We have him now. Trump

Trump has chosen to continue all 7 of the wars started under Bush and Obama

That is why all the establishment types, including McCain, bashed Trump relentlessly for his anti war positions. Give me a break.
Don’t forget bush and Romney that are still alive.
Maybe someday we will actually get someone that isn't interested in perpetual war. I'm not optimistic.

We have him now. Trump

Trump has chosen to continue all 7 of the wars started under Bush and Obama

Trump hasn't "continued" those wars. he ended them. In case you haven't noticed, we're not seeing the same ISIS execution videos and massive lost of American soldier's lives we saw under Obama and GW. Nor are we seeing the equivalent number of domestic terrorist attacks carried out by them, here in the US.

So what happened? Did al Qaeda, ISIS, the Iranian Quds Force, and the Taliban just decide to pick up their marbles and go home? Sure, there are sporadic outbursts of terrorist attacks in the Middle East, but nothing like there was under previous administrations.
Maybe someday we will actually get someone that isn't interested in perpetual war. I'm not optimistic.

We have him now. Trump

Trump has chosen to continue all 7 of the wars started under Bush and Obama

Trump hasn't "continued" those wars. he ended them.

I understand why Trump's lies don't bother you.

Yep, and we understand why you lie so much.
Maybe someday we will actually get someone that isn't interested in perpetual war. I'm not optimistic.

We have him now. Trump

Trump has chosen to continue all 7 of the wars started under Bush and Obama

Trump hasn't "continued" those wars. he ended them.

I understand why Trump's lies don't bother you.

Yep, and we understand why you lie so much.

He's balanced the budget and ended homelessness also hasn't he?
Maybe someday we will actually get someone that isn't interested in perpetual war. I'm not optimistic.

We have him now. Trump

Trump has chosen to continue all 7 of the wars started under Bush and Obama

Trump hasn't "continued" those wars. he ended them.

I understand why Trump's lies don't bother you.

What "lies"? Promises made, promises kept.

And if you ass-wipes weren't obstructing as much as you do it may have happened already.
What "lies"? Promises made, promises kept.

President Trump has delivered far more than he promised. And what he has failed to accomplish, was only because of obstructive Democrats in the House.

But that's ok. We'll be fixing that in November.

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