Biden Team Has an Idea to Ward off Questions About His Capacity, but it's Already Falling Short


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Biden Team Has an Idea to Ward off Questions About His Capacity, but it's Already Falling Short
Biden Team Has an Idea to Ward off Questions About His Capacity, but it's Already Falling Short ā€“ RedState
8 Mar 2021 ~~ By Nick Arama

People have been asking why Joe Biden didnā€™t deliver a State of the Union address or do a solo press conference yet.
The address, in the first year officially called an ā€œAddress to the Joint session of Congressā€ rather than a State of the Union, is normally delivered by the end of February, as it was by both Barack Obama and Donald Trump. Joe Biden said in January he would be delivering the address in February but the month came and went. Jen Psaki then claimed it was never scheduled.
Then thereā€™s also the problem of not doing a solo press conference. Joe Biden is the longest in the last 100 years to have one and weā€™re still counting. Jen Psaki tried to blame it on the pandemic which made no sense since Psaki was able to do press conferences. Even former Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany commented on the problem and postulated that his staff was looking out for him to prevent a big problem. After a lot of pressure, Jen Psaki claimed that Biden would be doing a press conference at the end of the month. But today, as my colleague Sister Toldjah reported, Psaki was pretend exasperated with the press claiming that Biden had had ā€œ40 Q & Asā€ with the press this month. Of course that isnā€™t true. What they had was a couple of brief questions thrown at him as heā€™s given a brief statement or left an event, not an actual press conference where he has to stand there and answer questions coherently with more than a one or two word response.
But theyā€™re sort of in a fix. What are they going to do given Bidenā€™s issues? As we reported, his incoherence at this point is scary awful.
Do they really think they can replace a live address to Congress or a live press conference? Itā€™s not even close. Particularly after he couldnā€™t even think of the name of his Secretary of Defense today or the name of the Pentagon.
Weā€™re already seeing Psaki trying to spin that he has ā€˜answered questions.ā€™ Theyā€™ll do this then claim ā€œwell, how can you have any questions, look, he just gave a live address?ā€
Sorry, no cigar if you think thatā€™s going to fly.

Face it. So far the Progressive Marxist/DA Democrat Leftist cabal, the core socialist clique that is running Chyna Joe Biden, is accomplishing what they want to get done. The Quisling MSM is of course colluding by, as is their mode, not doing any reporting of Bidenā€™s mental status. The majority of uninformed Americans are unaware that they really are being led by the Deep State traitors.
This will only end when that Leftist cabal starts to argue among themselves and there is inner conflict. If one group cannot control Biden themselves then the plots will begin. If Harris aligns herself with a group which at the moment is dominant, then Biden will be deposed. Harris will take power .
As long as the media will cover for China Joe Biden, he'll be fine. But when they decide it's Kamaltoe time, they'll go after him with about 25% of what they threw at Trump, which will be more than enough.
Biden Team Has an Idea to Ward off Questions About His Capacity, but it's Already Falling Short
Biden Team Has an Idea to Ward off Questions About His Capacity, but it's Already Falling Short ā€“ RedState
8 Mar 2021 ~~ By Nick Arama

People have been asking why Joe Biden didnā€™t deliver a State of the Union address or do a solo press conference yet.
The address, in the first year officially called an ā€œAddress to the Joint session of Congressā€ rather than a State of the Union, is normally delivered by the end of February, as it was by both Barack Obama and Donald Trump. Joe Biden said in January he would be delivering the address in February but the month came and went. Jen Psaki then claimed it was never scheduled.
Then thereā€™s also the problem of not doing a solo press conference. Joe Biden is the longest in the last 100 years to have one and weā€™re still counting. Jen Psaki tried to blame it on the pandemic which made no sense since Psaki was able to do press conferences. Even former Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany commented on the problem and postulated that his staff was looking out for him to prevent a big problem. After a lot of pressure, Jen Psaki claimed that Biden would be doing a press conference at the end of the month. But today, as my colleague Sister Toldjah reported, Psaki was pretend exasperated with the press claiming that Biden had had ā€œ40 Q & Asā€ with the press this month. Of course that isnā€™t true. What they had was a couple of brief questions thrown at him as heā€™s given a brief statement or left an event, not an actual press conference where he has to stand there and answer questions coherently with more than a one or two word response.
But theyā€™re sort of in a fix. What are they going to do given Bidenā€™s issues? As we reported, his incoherence at this point is scary awful.
Do they really think they can replace a live address to Congress or a live press conference? Itā€™s not even close. Particularly after he couldnā€™t even think of the name of his Secretary of Defense today or the name of the Pentagon.
Weā€™re already seeing Psaki trying to spin that he has ā€˜answered questions.ā€™ Theyā€™ll do this then claim ā€œwell, how can you have any questions, look, he just gave a live address?ā€
Sorry, no cigar if you think thatā€™s going to fly.

Face it. So far the Progressive Marxist/DA Democrat Leftist cabal, the core socialist clique that is running Chyna Joe Biden, is accomplishing what they want to get done. The Quisling MSM is of course colluding by, as is their mode, not doing any reporting of Bidenā€™s mental status. The majority of uninformed Americans are unaware that they really are being led by the Deep State traitors.
This will only end when that Leftist cabal starts to argue among themselves and there is inner conflict. If one group cannot control Biden themselves then the plots will begin. If Harris aligns herself with a group which at the moment is dominant, then Biden will be deposed. Harris will take power .
As long as the media will cover for China Joe Biden, he'll be fine. But when they decide it's Kamaltoe time, they'll go after him with about 25% of what they threw at Trump, which will be more than enough.
This is sad

And all the libs here voted for biden and his dementia
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Rent free.

Biden is busy passing covid relief bills and erasing the blob's legacy one uneventful day after another.

Nope. He's busy kicking the American tax payer in the teeth. He's handcuffed ICE and illegals are streaming across the border. Many have the Chinese virus. Those illegals cost we tax payers billions each year.

Once his EO's and green shit kick in I doubt he could get elected to man the back of a garbage truck.

That Chines virus relief bill that passed is very little Chinese virus relief, and loads of pork which we tax payers will pay for.
Rent free.

Biden is busy passing covid relief bills and erasing the blob's legacy one uneventful day after another.

Nope. He's busy kicking the American tax payer in the teeth. He's handcuffed ICE and illegals are streaming across the border. Many have the Chinese virus. Those illegals cost we tax payers billions each year.

Once his EO's and green shit kick in I doubt he could get elected to man the back of a garbage truck.

That Chines virus relief bill that passed is very little Chinese virus relief, and loads of pork which we tax payers will pay for.
Rent free!
Rent free.

Biden is busy passing covid relief bills and erasing the blob's legacy one uneventful day after another.

Nope. He's busy kicking the American tax payer in the teeth. He's handcuffed ICE and illegals are streaming across the border. Many have the Chinese virus. Those illegals cost we tax payers billions each year.

Once his EO's and green shit kick in I doubt he could get elected to man the back of a garbage truck.

That Chines virus relief bill that passed is very little Chinese virus relief, and loads of pork which we tax payers will pay for.
Rent free!

LOL I doubt that since my tax dollar and yours will pay for his stupidity. Glad you can join.
Rent free.

Biden is busy passing covid relief bills and erasing the blob's legacy one uneventful day after another.

Nope. He's busy kicking the American tax payer in the teeth. He's handcuffed ICE and illegals are streaming across the border. Many have the Chinese virus. Those illegals cost we tax payers billions each year.

Once his EO's and green shit kick in I doubt he could get elected to man the back of a garbage truck.

That Chines virus relief bill that passed is very little Chinese virus relief, and loads of pork which we tax payers will pay for.
Rent free!

LOL I doubt that since my tax dollar and yours will pay for his stupidity. Glad you can join.
Your welfare stipend is taxed?
Rent free.

Biden is busy passing covid relief bills and erasing the blob's legacy one uneventful day after another.

Nope. He's busy kicking the American tax payer in the teeth. He's handcuffed ICE and illegals are streaming across the border. Many have the Chinese virus. Those illegals cost we tax payers billions each year.

Once his EO's and green shit kick in I doubt he could get elected to man the back of a garbage truck.

That Chines virus relief bill that passed is very little Chinese virus relief, and loads of pork which we tax payers will pay for.
Rent free!

LOL I doubt that since my tax dollar and yours will pay for his stupidity. Glad you can join.
Your welfare stipend is taxed?

Well since I'm not on welfare I wouldn't know. I get taxed as do you, unless YOU are on welfare.
Rent free.

Biden is busy passing covid relief bills and erasing the blob's legacy one uneventful day after another.
View attachment 465770

When there is an attempted insurrection, it was prudent to keep the blob supporters who tried to topple the government at bay.

It worked.

That is why you're pissed.
I'm not pissed, Obama gave us Trump first. Biden is going to give us Trump a second time.
Biden Team Has an Idea to Ward off Questions About His Capacity, but it's Already Falling Short
Biden Team Has an Idea to Ward off Questions About His Capacity, but it's Already Falling Short ā€“ RedState
8 Mar 2021 ~~ By Nick Arama

People have been asking why Joe Biden didnā€™t deliver a State of the Union address or do a solo press conference yet.
The address, in the first year officially called an ā€œAddress to the Joint session of Congressā€ rather than a State of the Union, is normally delivered by the end of February, as it was by both Barack Obama and Donald Trump. Joe Biden said in January he would be delivering the address in February but the month came and went. Jen Psaki then claimed it was never scheduled.
Then thereā€™s also the problem of not doing a solo press conference. Joe Biden is the longest in the last 100 years to have one and weā€™re still counting. Jen Psaki tried to blame it on the pandemic which made no sense since Psaki was able to do press conferences. Even former Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany commented on the problem and postulated that his staff was looking out for him to prevent a big problem. After a lot of pressure, Jen Psaki claimed that Biden would be doing a press conference at the end of the month. But today, as my colleague Sister Toldjah reported, Psaki was pretend exasperated with the press claiming that Biden had had ā€œ40 Q & Asā€ with the press this month. Of course that isnā€™t true. What they had was a couple of brief questions thrown at him as heā€™s given a brief statement or left an event, not an actual press conference where he has to stand there and answer questions coherently with more than a one or two word response.
But theyā€™re sort of in a fix. What are they going to do given Bidenā€™s issues? As we reported, his incoherence at this point is scary awful.
Do they really think they can replace a live address to Congress or a live press conference? Itā€™s not even close. Particularly after he couldnā€™t even think of the name of his Secretary of Defense today or the name of the Pentagon.
Weā€™re already seeing Psaki trying to spin that he has ā€˜answered questions.ā€™ Theyā€™ll do this then claim ā€œwell, how can you have any questions, look, he just gave a live address?ā€
Sorry, no cigar if you think thatā€™s going to fly.

Face it. So far the Progressive Marxist/DA Democrat Leftist cabal, the core socialist clique that is running Chyna Joe Biden, is accomplishing what they want to get done. The Quisling MSM is of course colluding by, as is their mode, not doing any reporting of Bidenā€™s mental status. The majority of uninformed Americans are unaware that they really are being led by the Deep State traitors.
This will only end when that Leftist cabal starts to argue among themselves and there is inner conflict. If one group cannot control Biden themselves then the plots will begin. If Harris aligns herself with a group which at the moment is dominant, then Biden will be deposed. Harris will take power .
As long as the media will cover for China Joe Biden, he'll be fine. But when they decide it's Kamaltoe time, they'll go after him with about 25% of what they threw at Trump, which will be more than enough.
Sister Toldjah....There's a name I haven't heard in a long time.

I remember when she was just a blogger and message board poster...Nice to see her getting published.
Rent free.

Biden is busy passing covid relief bills and erasing the blob's legacy one uneventful day after another.
View attachment 465770

When there is an attempted insurrection, it was prudent to keep the blob supporters who tried to topple the government at bay.

It worked.

That is why you're pissed.
I'm not pissed, Obama gave us Trump first. Biden is going to give us Trump a second time.
View attachment 465775

He also took out your blob

Biden Team Has an Idea to Ward off Questions About His Capacity, but it's Already Falling Short
Biden Team Has an Idea to Ward off Questions About His Capacity, but it's Already Falling Short ā€“ RedState
8 Mar 2021 ~~ By Nick Arama

People have been asking why Joe Biden didnā€™t deliver a State of the Union address or do a solo press conference yet.
The address, in the first year officially called an ā€œAddress to the Joint session of Congressā€ rather than a State of the Union, is normally delivered by the end of February, as it was by both Barack Obama and Donald Trump. Joe Biden said in January he would be delivering the address in February but the month came and went. Jen Psaki then claimed it was never scheduled.
Then thereā€™s also the problem of not doing a solo press conference. Joe Biden is the longest in the last 100 years to have one and weā€™re still counting. Jen Psaki tried to blame it on the pandemic which made no sense since Psaki was able to do press conferences. Even former Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany commented on the problem and postulated that his staff was looking out for him to prevent a big problem. After a lot of pressure, Jen Psaki claimed that Biden would be doing a press conference at the end of the month. But today, as my colleague Sister Toldjah reported, Psaki was pretend exasperated with the press claiming that Biden had had ā€œ40 Q & Asā€ with the press this month. Of course that isnā€™t true. What they had was a couple of brief questions thrown at him as heā€™s given a brief statement or left an event, not an actual press conference where he has to stand there and answer questions coherently with more than a one or two word response.
But theyā€™re sort of in a fix. What are they going to do given Bidenā€™s issues? As we reported, his incoherence at this point is scary awful.
Do they really think they can replace a live address to Congress or a live press conference? Itā€™s not even close. Particularly after he couldnā€™t even think of the name of his Secretary of Defense today or the name of the Pentagon.
Weā€™re already seeing Psaki trying to spin that he has ā€˜answered questions.ā€™ Theyā€™ll do this then claim ā€œwell, how can you have any questions, look, he just gave a live address?ā€
Sorry, no cigar if you think thatā€™s going to fly.

Face it. So far the Progressive Marxist/DA Democrat Leftist cabal, the core socialist clique that is running Chyna Joe Biden, is accomplishing what they want to get done. The Quisling MSM is of course colluding by, as is their mode, not doing any reporting of Bidenā€™s mental status. The majority of uninformed Americans are unaware that they really are being led by the Deep State traitors.
This will only end when that Leftist cabal starts to argue among themselves and there is inner conflict. If one group cannot control Biden themselves then the plots will begin. If Harris aligns herself with a group which at the moment is dominant, then Biden will be deposed. Harris will take power .
As long as the media will cover for China Joe Biden, he'll be fine. But when they decide it's Kamaltoe time, they'll go after him with about 25% of what they threw at Trump, which will be more than enough.
This is sad

And all the libs here voted for biden and his dementia
They were just following orders....and we've heard that excuse before

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