Biden seeks $33 billion in additional funding for Ukraine

Over 400,000 dead Americans. Financial ruin. Reinstitution of slavery.

WWII was absolutely disastrous for the USA.
You are a prime example of why revisionist history is ridiculed. Repeating your absurd claim doesn’t help you out. It was retarded. It remains retarded. I suspect — with an excellent evidentiary basis — that you are retarded.
Sadly, my kids, grandkids, and possibly my great grandkids.
Will be paying back the money+interest we are throwing away to support continuing this war. ... :cuckoo:

No they won't.

You forgot about Satan-2.
Putin isn't playing. He'll use nukes. Just today the Pentagram, I mean Pentagon, had a presser saying as much.
It's a good thing we don't have any problems here in the U.S. that this money could be used to help American citizens. .... :cool:

"WASHINGTON, April 28 (Reuters) - President Joe Biden asked Congress for $33 billion to support Ukraine - a dramatic escalation of U.S. funding for the war with Russia - and for new tools to siphon assets from Russian oligarchs."

Europe needs to kick in much more than they are. $33B is too much money on top of what we have sent so far. $8.5 Billion is to prop up the Ukranian economy.... WHAT???? $20B and some change is for security items (arms). $3B is for humanitarian assistance.

I don't like this plan at all. Much more needs to come from Europe.
Yes. It is beside the point. It doesn’t matter how often or how loudly you insist it is not beside the point. It is beside the point. Sorry, but it is.

Whether we were right or wrong to go into Iraq has not a damn thing to do with the fact that Russia has no valid claim of right to be going into Ukraine.

Also, as I correctly noted and you can’t refute, even if it mattered (and it absolutely does not matter), I don’t have a time machine. So I can’t go back in time to correct past mistakes. Nobody can. What we do have some ability to control is the present.

Your opinions about my credibility on matters of war (or anything else for that matter) are irrelevant to the one real question:

If that scumbag murdering bitch Putin has no right to be committing war crimes in Ukraine (and he doesn’t), then why should he be allowed to do so? (A similar question to: IF Hitler is invading the Sudetenland, and we can stop him, why the FUCK shouldn’t we try to stop him before he gets encouraged by our lack of action against his wrongful murderous behavior?)
What a spin job.
Well, I am not going to stop asking.

Once again...
Did you condemn America for invading Iraq and Afghanistan?

If you did not than you are a HYPOCRITE to attack Russia for doing EXACTLY what America did - twice.
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It's a good thing we don't have any problems here in the U.S. that this money could be used to help American citizens. .... :cool:

"WASHINGTON, April 28 (Reuters) - President Joe Biden asked Congress for $33 billion to support Ukraine - a dramatic escalation of U.S. funding for the war with Russia - and for new tools to siphon assets from Russian oligarchs."

Ukraine requests $2B, and Biden is asking for $33B. Nothing to see here folks.
The bozo Biden administration wants our southern border to be wide open for drugs and criminals to flood into our country.
But seeks $33 billion of taxpayer money to help defend another country's border half way around the world. ... :cuckoo:
Does that make all shit stinking Muslims upset or just you?

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