Biden regime admits they have been lying about number of oil leases.

Not so good yet. He's finding out it's a lot harder to do than he thought. Almost as hard as getting the right flavor of pudding for dinner.

You think he'll still be alive in 2050?
Didn’t the admin say that was the case?
The number of leases held is a moving target.


In short, the constraints facing oil companies right now are not the availability of public lands or drilling permits, they are access to financing and supply chain shortages — the direct result of years of bad business practices.

You think the jump from 9 mbd to 13 mbd was accomplished because of something the Orange Führer did?
No, I think the jump represents the way the industry works to meet demand with supply. Obviously, they aren't letting Quid Pro get in the way. And, boy, am I glad we don't have any "Orange Führer's" around, they sound scary.
It shows he never said he would get rid of oil. He was saying by 2050, there will be sources of energy replacing oil.
Oh, I see, we're not supposed to take him at his word, we're supposed to wait for the spin doctors to tell us what he actually meant.
1. We're talking about Quid Pro here.
2. I have no idea who "Cheezy Fascist at Neo-GOP central" is supposed to be, but I'm glad we don't have any of those around, they sound like something that would give poor, scared democrats heartburn.
3. Did Quid Pro ever say, "Just kidding", about his quote that is on video?
4. Do you think he expected his listeners to take him seriously? It sure sounded like he was really trying to get them to believe him.

Let's face reality, he is on video saying that he's going to end fossil fuels and he's never backtracked from that. Heck, even in his SOTU address, he had to be dragged reluctantly into admitting that we're going to need them for a few years yet. This is no campaign exaggeration, this is a foundational piece of his administration. Was TRUMP!'s promise to build a wall on the southern border a campaign promise or a foundational piece of his administration?
Hahahaha. While we're pretending..... Who is this Quid Pro yer talkin about agin?

Here’s an excerpt of the former vice president’s exchange with the Orangish one on the debate stage.

"Would you close down the oil industry?" Trump asked

"By the way, I would transition from the oil industry, yes," Biden said.

"Oh, that’s a big statement," Trump said.

Biden stumbled over his words as he tried to explain his position — that he wants the country to transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy over time, and that he wants to end federal subsidies for oil companies. After the debate, he again stressed his interest in eliminating subsidies in interviews with reporters.

But the Trump campaign saw an opening and quickly declared that voters would abandon him in swing states where Biden has led for months.

Biden’s position on oil has been clear since he released his clean energy plan in July.

I did say unless there were indications oil production was dropping off before the pandemic.

Also I thought you said current production is higher than 17 and 18 but lower than 19.

Either way using middle of the pandemic economic numbers as a baseline is playing with the numbers

That would depend upon the claims being made.

The claim was made that Joe cut oil production. To know if this is true or not you have to look at it when he started his term and now.
No, I think the jump represents the way the industry works to meet demand with supply. Obviously, they aren't letting Quid Pro get in the way. And, boy, am I glad we don't have any "Orange Führer's" around, they sound scary.

No we no longer do. He/It I'd down at MAGA-LARDO scaring guests out of his resort by crashing their parties!
Hahahaha. While we're pretending..... Who is this Quid Pro yer talkin about agin?
Well, I'm glad you asked. Quid Pro is our current president. Glad to clear that up for you. Sometimes he'll answer to Quid Pro Joe or Tater. But always make sure either his wife or his sister is present, not both. That really confuses him.
Here’s an excerpt of the former vice president’s exchange with the Orangish one on the debate stage.

"Would you close down the oil industry?" Trump asked

"By the way, I would transition from the oil industry, yes," Biden said.

"Oh, that’s a big statement," Trump said.

Biden stumbled over his words as he tried to explain his position — that he wants the country to transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy over time, and that he wants to end federal subsidies for oil companies. After the debate, he again stressed his interest in eliminating subsidies in interviews with reporters.

But the Trump campaign saw an opening and quickly declared that voters would abandon him in swing states where Biden has led for months.

Biden’s position on oil has been clear since he released his clean energy plan in July.

Let's see, what did he say again?

"“I want you to look at my eyes. I guarantee you, I guarantee you we’re going to end fossil fuels,”

I mean, I guess we should not just take him at his word and always wait for the spin doctors to tell us what he MEANT to say, but I thought that was just letting him off the hook.
No we no longer do. He/It I'd down at MAGA-LARDO scaring guests out of his resort by crashing their parties!
That's good to know. I guess we'll have to re-elect TRUMP! to get rid of these scary dudes. Corn Pop will be the first to go.
They haven't met that demand with enough supply for over a half a century, it's all about the green, like Faux News.
The price of crude rises to meet demand. You know that, and the increase in production is in spite of Tater, not because.
That's good to know. I guess we'll have to re-elect TRUMP! to get rid of these scary dudes. Corn Pop will be the first to go.

Nope, he is the scary orange furor that got voted out on November 3rd, 2020 then unceremoniously booted on January 20th, 2021!
Pretty tough obviously tRump couldn't even get a website started at all for his big, beautiful and cheaper health care plan. Amazing I know!
Didn't hear that he was having any problems doing that. Obama, OTOH, spent a billion and couldn't get his working. That should've been the easiest part of all. Come to think of it, maybe it was.

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