Biden Needs To Stop Blaming Americans He Lied To & Left Behind for Them Being Stranded In Afghanistan


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Biden AND SNOWFLAKES need to stop blaming Americans abandoned in Afghanistan by Biden for being left behind

A Yelling, Defiant Joe Biden Declares Victory in Afghanistan and Blames Americans for Being Left Behind​

Joe Biden finally spoke today to mark the end of the war in Afghanistan. After showing up hours late for the originally scheduled event, something that has become a habit for this president, Biden took to the podium. What transpired was surprising and shocking at times.

He delivered a cold, blame-shifting speech in which he simultaneously claimed there was no disaster in Afghanistan while blaming others for the disaster in Afghanistan. Little of what he said made sense, and at the beginning of the speech, Biden yelled as he read the teleprompter

The president also tried to claim victory, lauding his handling of the bungled withdrawal that ended up costing the lives of 13 US service members and countless Afghans (he also never mentioned the names of those who made the ultimate sacrifice last Thursday). Yet, just minutes later, he changed his tune and blamed Donald Trump for supposedly tying his hands. The incoherence was both breathtaking and infuriating as he continued on, staring glassy-eyed at the teleprompter, desperately trying to insert emotion into his shrill, robotic voice.

After trashing the Afghan people in another attempt to deflect responsibility for his failures, Biden then let it rip on the Americans who are now stranded in Afghanistan. Instead of taking responsibility for his broken promise that troops would stay in Kabul until everyone was evacuated, the president blamed those left behind.

I can think of few things more disgusting than blaming American citizens for being left in the grip of the Taliban because their own government abandoned them."

Biden's 2 biggest lies to the American people to date so far are:
- "The buck stops here!"
- "I will not leave Afghanistan until we have evacuated every American."

Biden claimed the Americans he left behind are at fault. Umm, NO.

"When asked if a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan was inevitable, Biden responded, “No, it is not."

Biden Must Stop Blaming the Americans Stuck in Afghanistan for the Deadly Predicament They Are In

The FACT is, when he answered, he already knew this to be a lie, that the new Afghan government and military would fall...and fall quickly.

The FACT is Biden ignored his political and military advisors and instead lied to the American people, the world - everything Biden told them would NOT happen...DID happen.

"There was no urgent message (from the State Department) for Americans to leave. Biden only extended an open invitation for those who assisted the U.S. military to apply for a Special Immigrant Visa and a plea to Congress to streamline the process. The rationale was these Afghans would be out of a job when we left, not that the Taliban would have the power to mark them for death."

JULY 23:
On July 23, Biden talked of the need for Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to counter the perception the Taliban was gaining power in the pair’s final phone call. Biden praised the Afghan military and offered to provide close air support. He also committed the U.S. to fight politically, economically, and diplomatically for the Afghan government’s survival. Nothing in the call transcript indicates Biden was concerned about an imminent collapse.

- Biden asked Ghani to LIE to the world, to declare the Afghan government and military were fighting back against the Taliban and putting up a good fight. The FACT was entire cities were surrendered to the Taliban without having a shot fired, as City Mayors and Defense leaders accepted large sums of money to do so.

Biden lied again to the American people, claiming the swiftness of the collapse of Afghanistan to the Taliban caught them completely off guard. We know this is not the case.....BUT....if the Biden administration were caught flat-footed, how were Americans now trapped in Afghanistan supposed to have been ready to leave in a day's notice?

If the administration did not anticipate the complete collapse 23 days later, how were Americans in Afghanistan supposed to understand the urgency to leave? In a fast-moving offensive, the Taliban overtook Bagram Air Base on August 15, taking possession of the equipment we had provided the Afghan military. The advancing militants also released an estimated 5,000 prisoners, many of whom were terrorists. The same day, the Taliban entered the Presidential Palace after Ghani fled with other members of the government.

For President Biden to address the nation in a petulant and angry tone and tell Americans that he instructed his National Security team to prepare for every eventuality, even collapse, rings hollow. If he did, Biden should fire every last one of them. When he says, “Since March, we reached out 19 times to Americans in Afghanistan, with multiple warnings and offers to help them leave Afghanistan,” it should make you wonder why he continued to let Americans go to Afghanistan if the danger was so acute.

Biden claimed he and his state Department began reaching out to Americans in Afghanistan urging them to leave due to the Taliban's quick surge, sweeping through Afghanistan and taking over.


The Sacramento families traveled to Afghanistan in May and June. In a disgusting attempt at victim-blaming, the Biden administration wants you to believe the families, including a confirmed 24 minors, are to blame for their dangerous predicament. Nothing could be farther from the truth. And sadly, they are not alone with the “few hundreds” of Americans the administration claims are stranded in Afghanistan.

Biden Must Stop Blaming the Americans Stuck in Afghanistan for the Deadly Predicament They Are In

Biden and his administration have lied to the American people over and over again, attempting to blame anyone and everyone - to include the Americans he left behind - for his Afghanistan disaster.
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For Americans to be in Afghanistan, they’d have ignored all warnings to not travel there and then ignored warnings to get out as soon as possible.

That’s a fact.
Travel Advisory: Afghanistan - Level 4 (Do Not Travel)

Travel to all areas of Afghanistan is unsafe because of critical levels of kidnappings, hostage taking, suicide bombings, widespread military combat operations, landmines, and terrorist and insurgent attacks, including attacks using vehicle-borne, magnetic, or other improvised explosive devices (IEDs), suicide vests, and grenades.

Biden AND SNOWFLAKES need to stop blaming Americans abandoned in Afghanistan by Biden for being left behind

A Yelling, Defiant Joe Biden Declares Victory in Afghanistan and Blames Americans for Being Left Behind​

Joe Biden finally spoke today to mark the end of the war in Afghanistan. After showing up hours late for the originally scheduled event, something that has become a habit for this president, Biden took to the podium. What transpired was surprising and shocking at times.

He delivered a cold, blame-shifting speech in which he simultaneously claimed there was no disaster in Afghanistan while blaming others for the disaster in Afghanistan. Little of what he said made sense, and at the beginning of the speech, Biden yelled as he read the teleprompter

The president also tried to claim victory, lauding his handling of the bungled withdrawal that ended up costing the lives of 13 US service members and countless Afghans (he also never mentioned the names of those who made the ultimate sacrifice last Thursday). Yet, just minutes later, he changed his tune and blamed Donald Trump for supposedly tying his hands. The incoherence was both breathtaking and infuriating as he continued on, staring glassy-eyed at the teleprompter, desperately trying to insert emotion into his shrill, robotic voice.

After trashing the Afghan people in another attempt to deflect responsibility for his failures, Biden then let it rip on the Americans who are now stranded in Afghanistan. Instead of taking responsibility for his broken promise that troops would stay in Kabul until everyone was evacuated, the president blamed those left behind.

I can think of few things more disgusting than blaming American citizens for being left in the grip of the Taliban because their own government abandoned them."

Biden's 2 biggest lies to the American people to date so far are:
- "The buck stops here!"
- "I will not leave Afghanistan until we have evacuated every American."

More bullshit from

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Biden's finished, the democrats are finished, get rid of the senile and we get the Cackler.

From what I've read many of those Americans were let through the Taliban guard posts and had their passports in hand at the airport. They couldn't get to the planes and watched them take off.
I mentioned last week that the Pentagon stated the troops would begin packing, loading, and prepping to leave last Friday, requiring several days just to pack up all that was left and get the govt officials and military out. In the last several days they are looking at cargo / troop capacity, figuring out tonnage of payload, etc...In these last days it basically is about getting themselves out and everyone else already out is left behind. Looks like that is what happened for the most part.
Biden AND SNOWFLAKES need to stop blaming Americans abandoned in Afghanistan by Biden for being left behind

A Yelling, Defiant Joe Biden Declares Victory in Afghanistan and Blames Americans for Being Left Behind​

Joe Biden finally spoke today to mark the end of the war in Afghanistan. After showing up hours late for the originally scheduled event, something that has become a habit for this president, Biden took to the podium. What transpired was surprising and shocking at times.

He delivered a cold, blame-shifting speech in which he simultaneously claimed there was no disaster in Afghanistan while blaming others for the disaster in Afghanistan. Little of what he said made sense, and at the beginning of the speech, Biden yelled as he read the teleprompter

The president also tried to claim victory, lauding his handling of the bungled withdrawal that ended up costing the lives of 13 US service members and countless Afghans (he also never mentioned the names of those who made the ultimate sacrifice last Thursday). Yet, just minutes later, he changed his tune and blamed Donald Trump for supposedly tying his hands. The incoherence was both breathtaking and infuriating as he continued on, staring glassy-eyed at the teleprompter, desperately trying to insert emotion into his shrill, robotic voice.

After trashing the Afghan people in another attempt to deflect responsibility for his failures, Biden then let it rip on the Americans who are now stranded in Afghanistan. Instead of taking responsibility for his broken promise that troops would stay in Kabul until everyone was evacuated, the president blamed those left behind.

I can think of few things more disgusting than blaming American citizens for being left in the grip of the Taliban because their own government abandoned them."

Biden's 2 biggest lies to the American people to date so far are:
- "The buck stops here!"
- "I will not leave Afghanistan until we have evacuated every American."

Try to keep up. 124,000 have been evacuated. Do you want this bug out to fail thinking it will benefit Trump?
For Americans to be in Afghanistan, they’d have ignored all warnings to not travel there and then ignored warnings to get out as soon as possible.

That’s a fact.
The warning to get out as soon as possible came after Surrender Joe bugged out and the Taliban took over.
Travel Advisory: Afghanistan - Level 4 (Do Not Travel)

Travel to all areas of Afghanistan is unsafe because of critical levels of kidnappings, hostage taking, suicide bombings, widespread military combat operations, landmines, and terrorist and insurgent attacks, including attacks using vehicle-borne, magnetic, or other improvised explosive devices (IEDs), suicide vests, and grenades.

Blaming the victims of Surrender Joe's clusterfuck is the best ya got?

Biden Needs To Stop Blaming Americans He Lied To & Left Behind for Them Being Stranded In Afghanistan​

OP I'm sorry but Biden has been lying for 48 years he's not going to stop. Big whopper lies and no matter how many times he embarrasses himself he goes right on lying.
OP I'm sorry but Biden has been lying for 48 years he's not going to stop. Big whopper lies and no matter how many times he embarrasses himself he goes right on lying.
Thats the nature of a pathological liar....they cannot help themselves.... but of course with the media in cahoots with him joes lies have served him well thus he sees no reason to stop.
Try to keep up. 124,000 have been evacuated. Do you want this bug out to fail thinking it will benefit Trump?
'B...b..,..b...but Trump' :206:

Biden's 'bug out' DID fail, lil butt-hurt snowflake - Biden failed 100 ways over in this disaster, most disgraceful by leaving several hundred Americans behind. Trump is no longer President and can not benefit from Biden's disaster. This is all on him.
For Americans to be in Afghanistan, they’d have ignored all warnings to not travel there and then ignored warnings to get out as soon as possible.

That’s a fact.
And if America becomes dangerous for Afghans, they shouldn't have gotten on that plane, right?

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