Biden Lies About His 1st Wife's Fatal Accident


Senior Member
Dec 30, 2006
Glorious People's Republic of California
Pulled from another forum I frequent:

Biden has been speaking that his wife and child were killed by a drunk tractor trailer driver. His words "the man chose to drink his lunch instead of eat it". Well, the records show that the tractor trailer driver was cleared of any traffic violations and was not drinking. He actually tried to avoid Biden's wife when she pulled directly out in front of him by turning his truck over.

They just showed it on TV and the man's (rig driver) daughter is very upset. It showed Biden twice telling the same lie to different audiences.

He's trying to milk his own family tragedy for sympathy & votes! This man has no shame and no honor.

This man is not only a gaffe-prone retard who talks out of his ass, but also a piece of shit with no soul.
Chrissy will bring up the Bridge to Nowhere.

That greenparty guy will post some obscure video from YouTube of a guy that did some research and found that the driver had a cold an took som nyquil, that used be used while operating heavy machinery.
This guy receives 1% of the vote every Presidental democratic primary election. How is this guy on the VP ticket? Plus, he's a Washington insider. How can someone who's been in Congress for 30 years change something when he had the last 30 years to do something about it.
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Unfortunately nothing surprises me anymore....Sad... Biden is not good for this country.

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