Biden Inauguration: we must end this uncivil war

How about keep alert but be open to being wrong?
Just like you guys did with Trump?

Please, spare me your hypocrisy.

Democrats stole the election.

There's no coming to terms with that.

There is only resistance.
You’ll come around that the election wasn’t stolen. When you start debating real issues it’ll be more productive and you’ll be happier.
..then we can watch you cry like the little turd you are...

Like he'd come out of his mom's basement.

Paper tigers in onesie pajamas.
are those the PJ's with feet attached?....




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Wonderful message of unity and acknowledgement that we will disagree but we will endure.

Actions speak louder than words and the problem is that you people have spent the last four years smearing your political opponents with some of the worst accusations and insults I've seen in my lifetime. If you honestly believe they are just going to forget all about that because of a speech you're sadly mistaken. You guys will reap what you have sewn and let's be realistic. Had you lost this election you would all still be smearing them and committing acts of violence all across the country. You people are nothing but frauds.
You’ll come around that the election wasn’t stolen. When you start debating real issues it’ll be more productive and you’ll be happier.

Sure...after the special council investigation in 2022 went Republicans retake the house and Biden is impeached...we'll talk about something else.
The filthy Democrats stole an election and have an agenda to destroy this country and they want us to leave them alone in the name of civility. LOL!
If Biden has the bravery, and love for his country, and desire for true unity to begin a healing process.... then he will do what President Ford did and pardon Trump.
Ford got major-major flack for doing so from the media... but it was obviously in the best interest of the country to move forward.
Pardon Trump from what?
Sigh.... Ford pardoned Nixon without a crime.
He did it to stop the divisions he knew would happen with a public trial and investigation.
They have investigated Trump for four years and have come up empty.
You are making my point
What point that you can find the man and invent the crime? That is what Stalin did.
Dude you are embarrassing yourself.
Look at fucking Pelosi now... what are they doing? Yet another impeachment trial. More fucking investigations.
Biden pardoning Trump stops it cold.
That is why he needs to do it.
Hey retard maybe you shouldn't invoke the phrase "civil war" if he didn't use it

He said "uncivil war"

Huge fucking distinction

And you wonder why we have these problems.

keep your mouth shut. communication skills of a small fucking child. i hope they hang you first
i hope they hang you first
yea i wonder why we have these problems....

We're in a civil war right? lol

fuck off retard
maybe they will hang you first....then we can watch you cry like the little turd you are...

I'm not even white dipshit

I'm not who you think i am

The democratic party of 2020 is not the democratic party of 08 or even 12

You're just as bad as they are. High ground long gone.
Hey retard maybe you shouldn't invoke the phrase "civil war" if he didn't use it

He said "uncivil war"

Huge fucking distinction

And you wonder why we have these problems.

keep your mouth shut. communication skills of a small fucking child. i hope they hang you first
i hope they hang you first
yea i wonder why we have these problems....

We're in a civil war right? lol

fuck off retard
maybe they will hang you first....then we can watch you cry like the little turd you are...

I'm not even white dipshit

I'm not who you think i am
neither am i....maybe im not who you think i am asswipe.....
Wonderful message of unity and acknowledgement that we will disagree but we will endure.

That senile old fucker will never be my president. I do not repest cheats or Anti-American trolls. As long as he is in office there wull never be civility or unity.
Hey retard maybe you shouldn't invoke the phrase "civil war" if he didn't use it

He said "uncivil war"

Huge fucking distinction

And you wonder why we have these problems.

keep your mouth shut. communication skills of a small fucking child. i hope they hang you first
i hope they hang you first
yea i wonder why we have these problems....

We're in a civil war right? lol

fuck off retard
maybe they will hang you first....then we can watch you cry like the little turd you are...

I'm not even white dipshit

I'm not who you think i am
neither am i....maybe im not who you think i am asswipe.....

You're exactly who i think you are.

"hurr republicans"

We jsut spent 4 years listening to hillary talk about how the election was stolen and stacey abrahams is STILL running around saying she's the rightful governor of georgia. When black turnout is at historic highs and all her claims are obvious lies. There is no substantive voter suppression in georgia or anywhere else in the united fucking states of america. Never been easier to vote.

There is no fucking difference here but Republicans had the sense to act on what they believed.

Makes perfect sense to react this way if you really believe the election was stolen and weren't just bullshitting.
If Biden has the bravery, and love for his country, and desire for true unity to begin a healing process.... then he will do what President Ford did and pardon Trump.
Ford got major-major flack for doing so from the media... but it was obviously in the best interest of the country to move forward.
Pardon Trump from what?
Sigh.... Ford pardoned Nixon without a crime.
He did it to stop the divisions he knew would happen with a public trial and investigation.
They have investigated Trump for four years and have come up empty.
You are making my point
What point that you can find the man and invent the crime? That is what Stalin did.
Dude you are embarrassing yourself.
Look at fucking Pelosi now... what are they doing? Yet another impeachment trial. More fucking investigations.
Biden pardoning Trump stops it cold.
That is why he needs to do it.
Dude you are embarrassing the country by accepting Biden as president. I think we are done talking.
Wonderful message of unity and acknowledgement that we will disagree but we will endure.

Well, do you really think that Biden will reach across the aisle in the spirit of bipartisanship?

Or do you think its all just bullshit?

I think Biden's idea is to reach across the aisle, tell the GOP that you can work with us or not, I really don't care what you think until you are all reprogramed to think like me.

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