Biden impeachment likely if Republicans regain House in 2022

Assuming Old Joe lives that long, of course.

Growing number inside GOP stir to impeach Biden in 2023 over border insecurity​

"The bar was so low to impeach President Trump," he told the John Solomon Reports podcast. "And even if the bar were raised exponentially, I believe that President Biden has met that requirement. What we're seeing at the border is not just criminal, but it is immoral.

"The fact that our United States government is putting its own citizens behind those of other nations, and also encouraging human trafficking. And what we're seeing [is] they're filling the bank accounts and the cash stashes of the cartel. It's really a travesty. And it's not what this country should be about."
Impeach the VP Camel Toe Harris for dereliction of duty, but get Joe the pooper on the 25th amendment. Have President Trump voted for the speaker of the house, before all this happens, and then it would be President Trump again for 2 years, then get elected for another 4. It would be a good day for the United States again..
Do not forget to censure as many Progs as we can. Quick votes after a few planned speeches before getting on with the real business.
Before they impeach for no good reason (as always) they should first impeach the hoe and have somebody XXXXX Pelosi. Just to be sure.
The idea is that when they impeach, for any number of reasons, Rs would have won the House and the Speaker would be an R. Pelosi would just be an old has-been hag with no more power than a first-term congressperson.
Why the fuck not.???

Pelosi set the bar....

All you have to do is not like Biden, and you can impeach him every few months!!!!

Yes, Democrats destroyed the meaning of impeachment with two fabricated uses of it. It was sick and pathetic. And Republicans need to ensure that Democrats can't revive the weapon and just impeach Biden over and over and over.
This thread points out one more reason to NOT vote for ANY Republicans.

That IS all they'll care about or try to do

If you think Congress is useless know...just wait until Republicans gain control
The idea is that when they impeach, for any number of reasons, Rs would have won the House and the Speaker would be an R. Pelosi would just be an old has-been hag with no more power than a first-term congressperson.
She needs to be investigated for pushing contracts towards her husbands business. And insider trading also. That is why she is a Piglosi.
Assuming Old Joe lives that long, of course.

Growing number inside GOP stir to impeach Biden in 2023 over border insecurity​

"The bar was so low to impeach President Trump," he told the John Solomon Reports podcast. "And even if the bar were raised exponentially, I believe that President Biden has met that requirement. What we're seeing at the border is not just criminal, but it is immoral.

"The fact that our United States government is putting its own citizens behind those of other nations, and also encouraging human trafficking. And what we're seeing [is] they're filling the bank accounts and the cash stashes of the cartel. It's really a travesty. And it's not what this country should be about."
Lol he is not going being impeached he is going to be re-elected silly.
Assuming Old Joe lives that long, of course.

Growing number inside GOP stir to impeach Biden in 2023 over border insecurity​

"The bar was so low to impeach President Trump," he told the John Solomon Reports podcast. "And even if the bar were raised exponentially, I believe that President Biden has met that requirement. What we're seeing at the border is not just criminal, but it is immoral.

"The fact that our United States government is putting its own citizens behind those of other nations, and also encouraging human trafficking. And what we're seeing [is] they're filling the bank accounts and the cash stashes of the cartel. It's really a travesty. And it's not what this country should be about."

Great news. The GOP should do nothign for the next two years but impeach Biden as many times a possible
^^^This wins the Self Awareness FAIL of the Day!

LOL! You're such a fucking rube.

C_Clayton_Jones is a hoot. Democrats just supported two "unwarranted, baseless, bad faith ‘impeachment’ by the reprehensible blind partisan" impeachments. Oh, but who does he blame for Democrats behavior? Republicans. It's always that way with C Clayton the blowhard and the hate filled left. They fabricate two impeachments, but YOU better not do ... what they did ...
Great news. The GOP should do nothign for the next two years but impeach Biden as many times a possible

Spoken plainly by a guy who admits he can't walk and chew gum at the same time.

Who'd have thought I'd run into you arguing the Democrat's position? EVERYONE!!!!!
Spoken plainly by a guy who admits he can't walk and chew gum at the same time.

Who'd have thought I'd run into you arguing the Democrat's position? EVERYONE!!!!!

You think the Dems want Biden to be impeached? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Excellent. The Neo-GOP should make 'Impeachment Revenge' for the "Cheddar Shredder" their main campaign issue.

This is what's fun about Democrats on the site. You morons say all this stupid shit to each other, and since none of you care about evidence everyone agrees. But then you take your talking bull points to a crowd who wasn't part of your bs fest and you don't notice the difference even when no one knows what you are talking about.

Go off with just a all hail Biden, our lord and master.

I threw you a bone there ...

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