How House Republicans Will Try to Prove Bribery in Biden Impeachment Inquiry


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2020

GOP investigators believe they don't need to show the president received a 'direct payment' to prove bribery, but legal experts are dubious of the impeachment strategy

House Republicans, shooting for the history books, have set the bar for impeaching Joe Biden: They say they don't need to prove that the president received money in order to charge him with bribery.

The belief that the GOP doesn’t have to prove a direct payment to the president to establish a criminal act — even in the course of a political impeachment proceeding — comes as Republican leaders have struggled to convince key holdouts in their own party that an impeachment inquiry is warranted.

Poor Republicans. Caught between a rock and a hard place. They have to go forward with some inane Biden impeachment because their followers demand it and yet... with no evidence, they are forced to throw nonsensical stuff at Biden hoping something will stick.
The belief that the GOP doesn’t have to prove a direct payment to the president to establish a criminal act — even in the course of a political impeachment proceeding
Once again, FOS. MILLIONS OF DOLLARS have been traced into Biden family accounts. Hunter is only one member of the family that has had unexplained deposits from shell corporations that have ZERO connection to any kind of real business or value being exchanged to companies at all. You people who are defending him while spitting on Trump are the most hypocritical pieces of shit I've ever seen in ANY context. I hope you feckin' CHOKE ON IT.

GOP investigators believe they don't need to show the president received a 'direct payment' to prove bribery, but legal experts are dubious of the impeachment strategy

House Republicans, shooting for the history books, have set the bar for impeaching Joe Biden: They say they don't need to prove that the president received money in order to charge him with bribery.

The belief that the GOP doesn’t have to prove a direct payment to the president to establish a criminal act — even in the course of a political impeachment proceeding — comes as Republican leaders have struggled to convince key holdouts in their own party that an impeachment inquiry is warranted.

Poor Republicans. Caught between a rock and a hard place. They have to go forward with some inane Biden impeachment because their followers demand it and yet... with no evidence, they are forced to throw nonsensical stuff at Biden hoping something will stick.
Yep. Good luck with that. I doubt if that will fly.
They showed that al capone was living WAY beyond his means.
Same should work for biden.

But biden will try the "C'mon man" defense...I'm sure it will work with most democrat voters!


GOP investigators believe they don't need to show the president received a 'direct payment' to prove bribery, but legal experts are dubious of the impeachment strategy

House Republicans, shooting for the history books, have set the bar for impeaching Joe Biden: They say they don't need to prove that the president received money in order to charge him with bribery.

The belief that the GOP doesn’t have to prove a direct payment to the president to establish a criminal act — even in the course of a political impeachment proceeding — comes as Republican leaders have struggled to convince key holdouts in their own party that an impeachment inquiry is warranted.

Poor Republicans. Caught between a rock and a hard place. They have to go forward with some inane Biden impeachment because their followers demand it and yet... with no evidence, they are forced to throw nonsensical stuff at Biden hoping something will stick.

It's not their voters who are demanding it, it's Donald Trump. The voters are sick of this shit and just want a government that works for them.

GOP investigators believe they don't need to show the president received a 'direct payment' to prove bribery, but legal experts are dubious of the impeachment strategy

House Republicans, shooting for the history books, have set the bar for impeaching Joe Biden: They say they don't need to prove that the president received money in order to charge him with bribery.

The belief that the GOP doesn’t have to prove a direct payment to the president to establish a criminal act — even in the course of a political impeachment proceeding — comes as Republican leaders have struggled to convince key holdouts in their own party that an impeachment inquiry is warranted.

Poor Republicans. Caught between a rock and a hard place. They have to go forward with some inane Biden impeachment because their followers demand it and yet... with no evidence, they are forced to throw nonsensical stuff at Biden hoping something will stick.
I don’t think they need to show he personally benefited. If an elected official performs an official act in exchange for money that goes to someone else. the statute backs me up too.

The real problem is that they need to identify that the money was in exchange for some official act. That’s where they’re missing evidence.
Much like the precedent set by the democrats, impeachment is no longer about proving wrongdoing, but about politically damaging the POTUS in the court of public opinion. Only a fool couldn’t see this coming.
If Tony Soprano stole cash, but put it in his kid's bank accounts, is that a crime?

Joe Biden didn't steal money or put it in his children's bank accounts.

Joe Biden doesn't know what day it is, poops his pants daily, and is being lead around by handlers, according to what you were posting last week. Now he's a brilliant criminal mastermind so clever that no one can even find the evidence that a crime was committed.

Last week Trump was saying that he beat Barrack Obama in the election, and he feared Joe Biden would lead the USA into World War II. He's still trying to claim he won the 2020 election. Even his own children testified against him.

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