Biden 'Guilty' Of Not Denying Substance Of Allegation' While Fake News Media 'Guilty Of "The Great Journalistic Malpractice Of Our Time"


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany emphasized the seriousness of emails provided by former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski, noting that Joe Biden has yet to clearly refute their validity.

The emails and text messages indicated that the former vice president may have met with individuals connected with Hunter's business dealings with Ukrainian and Chinese firms.

"Look think about this: so Joe Biden still has not denied the substance of this allegation," McEnany told "Fox & Friends" Thursday. "We have emails, we have text messages, we have a firsthand witness in Tony Bobulinkski that says that Joe Biden is compromised by China, he profited off China, during his time in government profited off foreign governments on the taxpayers’ dime."

The Democratic presidential nominee had previously claimed that he never talked to his son about his business activities.

The United States Department of Justice, the Director of National Intelligence, The State Department, the Department of Homeland Security, The Treasury Department, and the Federal Bureau of Investigations have ALL verified the laptop is legit and belongs to Hunter Biden, that the e-mails, documents, videos, and photographs on the laptop are legit and unaltered, that they are Hunter Biden's, and none of this is in any way a 'dis-information' campaign'.

There are 4 1st-hand-account Whistle Blowers /eye witnesses who have come foreword with evidence confirmed by the FBI to be legit and 2 of the 4 have provided testimony. 1, a State Department Rep testified under oath before a House Impeachment Committee and testified Joe Biden DID meet with Burisma Officials despite State Department Counsel NBOT to do so. The latest witness / Whistle blower provided evidence and was interviewed by the FBI

Despite all of the overwhelming evidence of crime / wrong-doing by the Bidens the Left Wing Democrat Fake News media have REFUSED to investigate any of this at all so far.

Refusing to do so should in anyone's mind discredit these official 'media' as LEGITIMATE NEWS SOURCES. This refusal to investigate and report the news instead proves they are Democratic party SURROGATE organizations who no longer legitimately investigate and report news. Instead for the last 4 years they have proven to be the Democrats' 'Lap Dogs', Coup False Narrative promoting co-conspirators and full-time 'cover' for Democrats, protecting them from scandals and crimes.

The exposed attempted Political Coup by the former President of the United States and his criminal treasonous administration - colluding with out enemies (foreign spies and Russians) in order to obtain Russian-authored propaganda they knowingly used in an attempt to affect the outcome of the 2016 election and then in an attempt to overthrow the United States Govt by removing the newly elected President - was undeniably the largest news story of our lifetime, if not in history.

This same news media who were complicit in pushing the coup's false narrative and has refused to report on the crimes and real story are now refusing to investigate and report the 2nd largest news story - the Democratic Party running a proven criminal 'Manchurian Candidate' for President and is now being protected as Hillary was in 2016.

This is what McEnany rightfully, deservedly called "The Great Journalistic Malpractice Of Our Time". I would go farther and say this is yet another example of this Propaganda-Pushing cabal betraying the American people and embracing the same Media and Information-Controlling tactics run by Communist China to control its people.

consider how pathetic it is you still think trump started the birther shit.

Reading is fun

" Trump began his political career with a false Birtherism claim"
give me the exact moment in time when trump launched his political career and said OBAMA WASN'T BORN IN THE US as his opening statement.

or just fuck off. either is fine.
consider how pathetic it is you still think trump started the birther shit.

Reading is fun

" Trump began his political career with a false Birtherism claim"
give me the exact moment in time when trump launched his political career and said OBAMA WASN'T BORN IN THE US as his opening statement.

or just fuck off. either is fine.

Nice shift from your mis-perception "you still think trump started the birther shit."

Trumps always been a wannabe, but did make news when he lied about the amazing thing his people were finding in Hawaii. He played Republican chumps like a fiddle. Turned most of them into Banana Republicans too. Obama this, Obama that.
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany emphasized the seriousness of emails provided by former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski, noting that Joe Biden has yet to clearly refute their validity.

The emails and text messages indicated that the former vice president may have met with individuals connected with Hunter's business dealings with Ukrainian and Chinese firms.

"Look think about this: so Joe Biden still has not denied the substance of this allegation," McEnany told "Fox & Friends" Thursday. "We have emails, we have text messages, we have a firsthand witness in Tony Bobulinkski that says that Joe Biden is compromised by China, he profited off China, during his time in government profited off foreign governments on the taxpayers’ dime."

The Democratic presidential nominee had previously claimed that he never talked to his son about his business activities.

The United States Department of Justice, the Director of National Intelligence, The State Department, the Department of Homeland Security, The Treasury Department, and the Federal Bureau of Investigations have ALL verified the laptop is legit and belongs to Hunter Biden, that the e-mails, documents, videos, and photographs on the laptop are legit and unaltered, that they are Hunter Biden's, and none of this is in any way a 'dis-information' campaign'.

There are 4 1st-hand-account Whistle Blowers /eye witnesses who have come foreword with evidence confirmed by the FBI to be legit and 2 of the 4 have provided testimony. 1, a State Department Rep testified under oath before a House Impeachment Committee and testified Joe Biden DID meet with Burisma Officials despite State Department Counsel NBOT to do so. The latest witness / Whistle blower provided evidence and was interviewed by the FBI

Despite all of the overwhelming evidence of crime / wrong-doing by the Bidens the Left Wing Democrat Fake News media have REFUSED to investigate any of this at all so far.

Refusing to do so should in anyone's mind discredit these official 'media' as LEGITIMATE NEWS SOURCES. This refusal to investigate and report the news instead proves they are Democratic party SURROGATE organizations who no longer legitimately investigate and report news. Instead for the last 4 years they have proven to be the Democrats' 'Lap Dogs', Coup False Narrative promoting co-conspirators and full-time 'cover' for Democrats, protecting them from scandals and crimes.

The exposed attempted Political Coup by the former President of the United States and his criminal treasonous administration - colluding with out enemies (foreign spies and Russians) in order to obtain Russian-authored propaganda they knowingly used in an attempt to affect the outcome of the 2016 election and then in an attempt to overthrow the United States Govt by removing the newly elected President - was undeniably the largest news story of our lifetime, if not in history.

This same news media who were complicit in pushing the coup's false narrative and has refused to report on the crimes and real story are now refusing to investigate and report the 2nd largest news story - the Democratic Party running a proven criminal 'Manchurian Candidate' for President and is now being protected as Hillary was in 2016.

This is what McEnany rightfully, deservedly called "The Great Journalistic Malpractice Of Our Time". I would go farther and say this is yet another example of this Propaganda-Pushing cabal betraying the American people and embracing the same Media and Information-Controlling tactics run by Communist China to control its people.

Just like the Hildabeast never contested the content of her exposed emails.
Neither did weiner.
Consider how pathetic it is that Trump began his political career with a false Birtherism claim and now slinks out of the White House under another fake Rudy Giuliani fairie tale from the same Ukraine Trump was impeached for.
consider how pathetic it is you still think trump started the birther shit.
He leaned on Birtherism to get his bone spur infected foot in the door of politics.
consider how pathetic it is you still think trump started the birther shit.

Reading is fun

" Trump began his political career with a false Birtherism claim"
give me the exact moment in time when trump launched his political career and said OBAMA WASN'T BORN IN THE US as his opening statement.

or just fuck off. either is fine.

Nice shift from your mis-perception "you still think trump started the birther shit."

Trumps always been a wannabe, but did make news when he lied about the amazing thing his people were finding in Hawaii. He played Republican chumps like a fiddle. Turned most of them into Banana Republicans too. Obama this, Obama that.
But he did not start birther shit.

And he did not launch his, political career with the birther shit.

Now go ahead and fuck off. I broke your snark.
consider how pathetic it is you still think trump started the birther shit.

Reading is fun

" Trump began his political career with a false Birtherism claim"
give me the exact moment in time when trump launched his political career and said OBAMA WASN'T BORN IN THE US as his opening statement.

or just fuck off. either is fine.

Nice shift from your mis-perception "you still think trump started the birther shit."

Trumps always been a wannabe, but did make news when he lied about the amazing thing his people were finding in Hawaii. He played Republican chumps like a fiddle. Turned most of them into Banana Republicans too. Obama this, Obama that.
But he did not start birther shit.

And he did not launch his, political career with the birther shit.

Now go ahead and fuck off. I broke your snark.

Nobody claimed he started it, except you. I merely quoted what you apparently missed.

With unbroken snark, I fuck on.....
If roles were reversed, the fake news media would be running and talking about this scandal 24/7, Big Tech would be blasting it, & the Democrats would be engaged in ''Emergency Impeachment' hearings...
consider how pathetic it is you still think trump started the birther shit.

Reading is fun

" Trump began his political career with a false Birtherism claim"
give me the exact moment in time when trump launched his political career and said OBAMA WASN'T BORN IN THE US as his opening statement.

or just fuck off. either is fine.

Nice shift from your mis-perception "you still think trump started the birther shit."

Trumps always been a wannabe, but did make news when he lied about the amazing thing his people were finding in Hawaii. He played Republican chumps like a fiddle. Turned most of them into Banana Republicans too. Obama this, Obama that.
But he did not start birther shit.

And he did not launch his, political career with the birther shit.

Now go ahead and fuck off. I broke your snark.

Nobody claimed he started it, except you. I merely quoted what you apparently missed.

With unbroken snark, I fuck on.....
You do that.

But I said he did NOT start it so you are the, one who needs to learn to read.

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