Biden got Millions from China but thats OK.

How do you think fraud cases work? Are you under the impression that convictions require the accused to say "i committed fraud"? Nah dude, they prove fraud by showing a pattern of highly suspicious activity. When the Biden's are unable to explain why they were paid that money, why it went through over 30 shell companies, then a jury is going to weigh the evidence. It isnt looking good for the Bidens.
No, criminal cases do not work like that.

If you claim fraud, you have to prove fraud. None of those transactions show anything illegal. Suspicion does not constitute proof.
The Biden’s do not have to prove what they did to receive compensation. Their accusers need to prove they were involved in criminal acts
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It looks criminal as fuck. If they are unable to explain the honest origins of that money convincingly to a jury, they are screwed.

If the court cannot prove that the origin of the money was from illegal sources, they can't convict. Newsflash, Benito, it's not a Fascist Government no matter how hard you MAGAts keep trying to make it that way.

Your hate, fear and misinformation is noted.
WEEEEEAAAK copout. Youre fuckin stupid for even attempting to suggest that the bank records are fake. I mean what the fuck? You dems absolutely SUCK at debating. :laugh:

I hold that YOU are fake, Comrade. How's Moscow doing these days.
Says whom? I learned a long time ago, when dealing with a MAGAt, when you get cornered, you will not admit it but you will immediately change to another set of lies you make up as you go. If the info was as you say it is, the House has zero right to anything. Rump would have instructed his Law Enforcement to already have done the investigation and if anything could be proven, the AG would have already convicted him of something. Hell anything.

Biden Jr is not a government employee and never has been. That means that the House and Senate can't do a damned thing except look like the idiots they really are.
Oh, youre STILL denying the obvious? Fine, you go right ahead and believe the records are all a lie. Hell, if youre right., then the Bidens have NOTHING to worry about.

Do you honestly think the Bidens have nothing to worry about? :laugh:
If the court cannot prove that the origin of the money was from illegal sources, they can't convict. Newsflash, Benito, it's not a Fascist Government no matter how hard you MAGAts keep trying to make it that way.

Your hate, fear and misinformation is noted.
"An illegal source"? Say what? The source isnt illegal you fucking dummy, its the transaction itself that is illegal, for many reasons. Not registering as a foreign agent, not reporting the money to the IRS, then comes the bribery evidence. All they have to do is see what Biden did as VP at the time when he received the money. For example, if he got money from Romania and they can see that he changed a policy in Romania at that time, the jury is going to hang him.
Many Trump associates were indicted and convicted.
You have yet to prosecute Biden or anyone acting on his behalf

Maybe they haven't looked at the right places. I am sure that there is at least one Parking Ticket between the two of them that they can try and lock them both up for life.
Did you see them?
No, but Dems and the GOP in Congress saw them. No one is saying they didnt see them. No one in the entire world media is saying the bank records are fake. I only see desperate dipshits saying that weird shit when they are losing a debate. :dunno:
"An illegal source"? Say what? The source isnt illegal you fucking dummy, its the transaction itself that is illegal, for many reasons. Not registering as a foreign agent, not reporting the money to the IRS, then comes the bribery evidence. All they have to do is see what Biden did as VP at the time when he received the money. For example, if he got money from Romania and they can see that he changed a policy in Romania at that time, the jury is going to hang him.

Nice try to get me on a Gotcha. Wow, now you are announcing Romania. What ever happened to Ukraine. Just keep making shit up as you get bagged. It's fun.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Nice try to get me on a Gotcha. Wow, now you are announcing Romania. What ever happened to Ukraine. Just keep making shit up as you get bagged. It's fun.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Do you even follow this shit? Its Romania, its China, and its Ukraine... so far. By all reports, it will be several more countries once the investigation is complete.
No, but Dems and the GOP in Congress saw them. No one is saying they didnt see them. No one in the entire world media is saying the bank records are fake. I only see desperate dipshits saying that weird shit when they are losing a debate. :dunno:

Let's see whom is winning. Every Morning (or afternoon) both Bidens wake up as free men. They don't wear tracking bracelets. They aren't confined to a 6 by 9 cell. While I don't know if they are winning or not, they danged sure aren't losing and living a damn site better than you and I do.
No, but Dems and the GOP in Congress saw them. No one is saying they didnt see them. No one in the entire world media is saying the bank records are fake. I only see desperate dipshits saying that weird shit when they are losing a debate. :dunno:

So, all your hope hinges on the idea that the Dems have not even talked about them, which to you means the GOP is telling the truth.

Let's see whom is winning. Every Morning (or afternoon) both Bidens wake up as free men. They don't wear tracking bracelets. They aren't confined to a 6 by 9 cell. While I don't know if they are winning or not, they danged sure aren't losing and living a damn site better than you and I do.
You think they are going to get Biden while he is the sitting president? What fucking world do you live in?!!! Nah man, they will use this against him running up to the election, he will lose the election, then they will install hardcore republicans in the DOJ and FBI, clean house, then start prosecuting the Bidens.
No, but Dems and the GOP in Congress saw them. No one is saying they didnt see them. No one in the entire world media is saying the bank records are fake. I only see desperate dipshits saying that weird shit when they are losing a debate. :dunno:

Using a bit of reason, if no one has seen them, how do you know that they exist?
So, all your hope hinges on the idea that the Dems have not even talked about them, which to you means the GOP is telling the truth.

If Comer says "the dems have these bank records" and they dont actually have the bank records, what are the odds that they would say nothing and let him continuously tell that lie? If your hopes hinge on there NOT being bank records, you are fucking DOOMED!!!!! :laugh:

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