Biden Caved to Russia?

Now I'm the last sumbitch who will defend the Potato....

But I'm not willing to go to war over the Ukraine. If we were talking about it being subjugated by genocidal leftist dictators like hitler, stalin, mao or something, that would be another issue.

I'm tired of these political whores feeding their war pigs.

I'm an OIF vet, I think we did the right thing snuffing out Hussein. Yet in doing so we wasted trillions and that's not counting OEF.

We've had enough wars, we've policed the world long enough.

As much as I loathe the Potato, and I'm sure he is far more corrupt than Noriega, I'm done with euroweenies and their stupid conflicts. Fuck NATO and the UN.

How stupid is a comment like this about war when we have only been in 3-4 wars that we were justified in fighting in , actually to protect our democracy and borders. all the other 200 were lies. These war mongers haters on the right waving a flag with Trump , Jesus or Freedom on it are guilty of millions of death for their corporate brothers. There has never been a group closer to the Nazi's then the 2022 right wing. The Republican party no longer exists it is now the hate party , or better yet should be called hate Nazi's.
How stupid is a comment like this about war when we have only been in 3-4 wars that we were justified in fighting in , actually to protect our democracy and borders. all the other 200 were lies. These war mongers haters on the right waving a flag with Trump , Jesus or Freedom on it are guilty of millions of death for their corporate brothers. There has never been a group closer to the Nazi's then the 2022 right wing. The Republican party no longer exists it is now the hate party , or better yet should be called hate Nazi's.
More hate by the one man hate machine. More damn hate and negative talk from Mr. Negative. Sad to be as miserable as he is.
Biden has no other choice, seeing as how the former Mayor of Moscow paid him and his crackhead son off.

Same thing with China. Xi Jinping has his short Chinese dick so far up Biden's ass, it's tickling his tonsils.
Sure, sure

Silo man....stay in it.
We have had maybe 3 or 4 wars in our history that we should have fought, so the means the other 200 were bullshit, and the idea that any of them other then the four were to protect our borders or democracy is brain dead stupid.
If those wars had been won, the world wouldn't be in the mess it is today.
That's been the case from the Korean War through Vietnam, and then the War on Terror. Either wars have become more terribly complex, or we seem to have lost something along the way.
The will to win, maybe or allowing the media to shape foreign policy?

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