Biden calls Mike Pence "a decent man"

That's because Biden is also a decent man. He'd definitely be an upgrade from the present POTUS. Not saying he'd be the best for the job, but the bar's been set so low, you could say it about a lot of people.
i dont understand how people can act like a shitty president is something new.
Or maybe your bar for "leader of the free world" was already low
That's because Biden is also a decent man. He'd definitely be an upgrade from the present POTUS. Not saying he'd be the best for the job, but the bar's been set so low, you could say it about a lot of people.
i dont understand how people can act like a shitty president is something new.
Or maybe your bar for "leader of the free world" was already low.
But you've got to admit that Trump's setting new records for how low one can go.
I think Pence is a good family man, a loving husband and a devout Christian

I just can’t understand how he can sell out his values to be a toady to a despicable excuse for a human being like Trump

Same goes for Sarah Sanders
I read somewhere (can't remember where) that his wife is upset at how he rabidly supports trump. She doesn't like the trump's at all because of who and what they are. She has to put on a good show in public though, but I can imagine her conversations with him in private.

ETA: Here it is....
Mike Pence's wife thinks Trump is “totally vile," report says

Another one...
Mike Pence's wife Karen 'finds Donald Trump totally vile'
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That's because Biden is also a decent man. He'd definitely be an upgrade from the present POTUS. Not saying he'd be the best for the job, but the bar's been set so low, you could say it about a lot of people.
i dont understand how people can act like a shitty president is something new.
Or maybe your bar for "leader of the free world" was already low.
But you've got to admit that Trump's setting new records for how low one can go.
EO 13771 makes up for him being childish and vile.
At least imo. I would rather have that than charm.
Balances out.
Dont get me wrong, i dont like the man. Wont vote for him. But he isnt any worse than anyone else.
Pedo Joe.....


I can see the negative ads someone is sure to run.

The left is very angry right now. Cynthia Nixon slammed Biden because of Pence's anti-LGBT record.
Cynthia Nixon on Twitter

Joe Biden


Replying to
You’re right, Cynthia. I was making a point in a foreign policy context, that under normal circumstances a Vice President wouldn’t be given a silent reaction on the world stage. But there is nothing decent about being anti-LGBTQ rights, and that includes the Vice President.

The lunatic Biden quickly kowtowed and toed the line.
The left is very angry right now. Cynthia Nixon slammed Biden because of Pence's anti-LGBT record.
Cynthia Nixon on Twitter
And Biden tweeted back that she was right about his LGBT record. He pointed out he was talking about Pence in terms of foreign relations...ya opposed to Stupid Donnie
I really love how people on both sides will say Pence and Biden are good decent men and then in the next sentence turn arouind and insult them and trash them partisans are so silly.
Both are good decent men

You may not agree with their politics but you can’t attack their personal life

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