Biden calls Mike Pence "a decent man"

from HuffPo:

Presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren has added her voice to those disagreeing that Vice President Mike Pence is a “decent guy,” citing his views on LGBTQ issues and his role in the Trump administration as reasons she doesn’t share that opinion. Warren, speaking to reporters in Waterloo, Iowa, on Saturday, recoiled at the recent kindly characterization of Pence by former Vice President Joe Biden. “I’m sorry, I followed Pence’s history on LBGTQ Americans and I don’t think that is a decent position,” Warren said, according to The Des Moises Register. “You don’t think the vice president is a decent man?” a reporter asked. “No,” Warren said. Pence, while governor of Indiana, signed a “religious freedom” law in 2015 that allows businesses to refuse services to LGBTQ members. His campaign website when he successfully ran for a House seat in 2000 suggested that he supported conversion therapy for LGBTQ individuals. Asked if there is anyone decent in the Trump administration, Warren paused and called that “a tough question.” “This is the most corrupt administration in living memory,” she responded. “That’s why we’ve got to be in this fight.”
Cynthia Nixon is a twit. I voted against her in the last election.

Biden was making a point about the lack of international support our nation now has...and in that sense Pence IS a "good guy". His foreign policy position is not "batshit crazy" but he got zero applaus at that security meeting...because of TRUMP

It was in no way an endorsement of his anti-LGBT policies or position
Trump got where he is because daddy loaned him "a little bit of money" ( $400,000,000 US pesos)
Mike Pence got where he is being a life long student who actually PRACTICED law, got a doctorate in law and a degree in history before going into govt about age 40 and did hard work up until Trumplandia.
Had he run instead of tWump I think things overall would be similar. He'd certainly be a more reasonable person to deal with these foreign lunatics and be deep in the law library to make sure he was calm, collected and spot on when he opened his mouth, unlike O.J.

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