Biden Blames Guns

What you say here is a hate message - and not critics. By the way: Did anyone notice the nonsense you said in 1985 - 37 years in the past? Nevertheless you have to suffer the problems which are made since the 1970ies in the USA and which became from year to year more worse. Weapon trades are in the center of this problems - as far as I can see.
Yes, I know. You Germans have a record of taking firearms away from certian civilans for "public safety" reasons, don't you?
Yes, I know. You Germans have a record of taking firearms away from certian civilans for "public safety" reasons, don't you?

No idea how to translate this. What do you like to say? In Germany you need a license for every gun. War weapons are out of any discussion. No one has to have a private machine gun or a private nuke or something like this. It exist not only weapon laws but also war weapon control laws or the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and such things.
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In other words, Germans were fucking Nazis. Is that better?

In other words: US-Americans murdered millons of Germans and reduced Germany to rubble in WW1+2 - which ended the good old time where wishes still came true - although Germany never had done anything bad to the USA in the whole history of the USA. By the way: God likes to speak with you.

Somehow it's funny that most US-Americans hate us -although we never did do anything bad to your country - while we still try to love you although we have an universe of real reasons to hate "you".

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No idea how to translate this. What do you like to say? In Germany you need a license for every gun. War weapons are out of any discussion. No one has to have a private machine gun or a private nuke or something like this. It exist not only weapon laws but also war weapon control laws or the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and such things.
The last thing this country needs are Nazi like laws taking away our Constitutional rights.

Eurotrash may love it but nobody really cares what they think anyhow.
And you have my support on those items. Unfortunately along the way, leftist judges ruled many treatments of prisoners as unconstitutional citing cruel and unusual punishment. Now our prisons are lowlife playgrounds. The problem with capital punishment is it takes too long to carry out and is not a deterrent. Do you care about what happens to you 15 to 20 years from now? You might be dead by then. Prisoners don't care either.

What we need to do is fast track capital punishment for offenders that are convicted with empirical evidence such as video recordings and or DNA. No more 20 years of appeals. I'd even go one step further by making all executions public, perhaps on a pay-per-view channel. All proceeds would go to the families of the victims.

Issa, I think we are going to make a Republican out of you yet. :badgrin:
Fast Capital punishment works asks saudi arabia.
I don't have to time to read through this entire thread as it's way too long, but what would happen if we started blaming drunk driving on alcohol and vehicles and house fires on houses in general? Pretty soon we're not going to have anything left if we start taking away every little thing that could be even remotely dangerous.

The only thing that is remotely dangerous are humans themselves. The left can't come to terms with this so they attack inanimate objects as a solution.

You can disarm a human but the hate stays with the person, another thing the left can't seem to grasp.
What's a wrong nonsensic view to this problem. A short time after your first school-massacres we had them here in Germany. That's like a kind of natural law; Whatever happens in the USA will happen also a short time later in Germany. We tried to solve this problem in many ways - but not by selling to adolsecent 18 years old children during a brain reconstruction phase machine guns and to hurt war weapon control laws.
The first school shooting in the US occurred hundreds of years before Germany was even a country in colonial Massachusetts.

More nonsensical gibberish, 18yo's cannot legally purchase machine guns in the US.

The AR-15 is a demi auto rifle, not a machine gun and no country on earth issues them to their armed forces.

Guns are not responsible for mass murders, the worst school massacre in US history wasn't even a shooting.

An entire generation of children simply ceased to exit and it took more than 6 decades for the town to recover.

Until you learn the basic facts of the subject you should probably learn to shut up and proving yourself a fool to all.

Access to firearms hasn't changed in the last six decades in the US but the rate of mass shootings has increased steadily.

That's a cultural problem, Ghetto Culture" specifically not a gun problem.

There are over 400,000 guns in circulation legally in the US and probably another 100 million being traded among the criminal class.

We also have in excess of 130,000,000 law abiding gun owners who will never commit a crime with a gun much less mass murder.

Banning guns, magazines etc will never deter criminals hell bent on destruction, they will only pushing the law abiding and probably lead to a real armed insurrection in the US.
The only thing that is remotely dangerous are humans themselves. The left can't come to terms with this so they attack inanimate objects as a solution.

You can disarm a human but the hate stays with the person, another thing the left can't seem to grasp.
"Gun Control" is nothing but a misnomer for "People Control". Disarm the public and the gov't can do whatever they want.
The USA is a union of more and less shithole countries calling everyone else in the world shithole country while the own weapon fetishism takes care that adolescent US-citizens have the freedom, ability and possibility to mass-murder children of citizens of the USA. You call this "striving for happiness - inspiring others to live as murderous as possible".
Without this collection of shithole countries saving your asses in two world wars German would be a dead language and all of Western Europe would now be made up of Soviet Republics.
What you say here is a hate message - and not critics. By the way: Did anyone notice the nonsense you said in 1985 - 37 years in the past? Nevertheless you have to suffer the problems which are made since the 1970ies in the USA and which became from year to year more worse. Weapon trades are in the center of this problems - as far as I can see.
Not surprising, nobody can see very far with their head shoved up their own ass ear deep.
Nobody's gonna take the time reviewing EVERY NICS app for "social media" history

Who made you spokesman for everybody?

The schools aren’t the problem - the SA does not absurdly bestow a specific unlimited right to a first time young gun buyer just turning 18, to endanger the public with an assault rifles and thousands of rounds of ammo like buying an ice cream cone at the county fair.

The state of Texas Republican NRA jumping beans knows damn well that an 18 year old would be a danger to the public if the same kid who can easily buy an AR15 to mass shoot grade schoolers has the right to buy a handgun for mass shooting grade schoolers as well.

There is a distinct line drawn by Republican gun cult leadership in Tx. So they know..

Texas protects its school kids from being mass murdered by young men with handguns but refuses to protect its little kids from being mass murdered by young men using the mass murderer’s weapon of choice - the assault rifle because mass murder looks much cooler while making an assault for the livestream. And Republican Mr Daniels gets to willy nilly sell more guns. He must be sued.

Either the 18 19 20 year old has an inalienable right, we must ask every single Republican, to mass murder school kids under the SA or they don’t with a legally purchased handgun.

I say they don’t. So it is not infringement on a tight to expect fany 18 year who wants to own a his own firearm lawfully as an upstanding protector of his personal sejf and property and community like Big Bend Texas is as a whole person, is required to fill out an application starting at 18 to show the entire community that by the time he is 21 the parents of the dead kids in Uvalde can have little ease of mind ttat other parents won’t suffer the horror that Republicans intentionally bestow upon them.

We also should see a law that anyone who aids snd abets anyone to obtain an illegal firearm used in a mass shooting can be convicted and sentenced to death by firing squad. And 20 years for anyone who didn’t secure the firearm in the places
The schools aren’t the problem - the SA does not absurdly bestow a specific unlimited right to a first time young gun buyer just turning 18, to endanger the public with an assault rifles and thousands of rounds of ammo like buying an ice cream cone at the county fair.
Simply owning an RR doesn't put anyone in danger. Stop passing off bullshit and lies as fact.

Whether you have 10, rounds, 1,000 rounds, or a million rounds of ammo is nobody's business and you can only practically carry so much at any given time.

For the US soldiers that's between 210-300 rounds. Any more than that and your ability to move and maneuver decreases rapidly.

Like it or not to attain and maintain proficiency with any firearm requires regular practice and putting lots of rounds down range.
The only thing that is remotely dangerous are humans themselves. The left can't come to terms with this so they attack inanimate objects as a solution.

Half of Dems own firearms and see no reason to not have them. Most Dems who have no use for a gun in the home agree with their fellow Dems, it’s stupid to threaten to confiscate all guns from law abiding gun owners.
Half of Dems own firearms and see no reason to not have them. Most Dems who have no use for a gun in the home agree with their fellow Dems, it’s stupid to threaten to confiscate all guns from law abiding gun owners.
They won't be honest enough to state that confiscation of all firearms is their goal.

They will certainly make sure that the people who provide their armed security have access to guns while the rest of us are made unarmed victims in waiting.
Without this collection of shithole countries saving your asses in two world wars German would be a dead language and all of Western Europe would now be made up of Soviet Republics.

You forget everything what someone says to you immediatelly after you never read it, isn't it? Or whyelse do you not remember that I said to you that the only reason I'm able to imagine why the USA took part in world war 1 against Germany and their mulit-national allies had been "you" liked to wipe out the German language in the USA - what you nearly perfectly did do. Only the Amish survived.

Germans by the way never forced anyone to have to speak German. The Germanic Anglo-Saxons for example speak English and the Frankonians speak French. The Germans in Switzerland never forced the Italians and French speaking Swiss to have to speak German. The same in Austria-Hungari where no one was forced to speak German but everyone was able to use the own language as a citizen of the multi-national k&k monarchy. All other nations - including Poland - are not doing so and nearly no one respects the right of Germans to use the German language only because their ancestors live since centuries or even milleniums where they live.
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