Biden Blames Guns

No honest comparison of the US with any other nation outside of perhaps Russia can be made since they are the only nation on earth that approximates the conditions in the US culturally, demographically, and geographically.

They make false arguments all the time. Our statistics show that people of color commit the most crime per capita, sometimes four times their population size depending on the type of crime. Take people of color out of the mix and our country compares to other white and single culture countries even with all our guns.

The larger the population, the more mentally disturbed people any country will have. Here we don't lock up people who might commit a crime, we lock up people after they commit a crime.
They make false arguments all the time. Our statistics show that people of color commit the most crime per capita, sometimes four times their population size depending on the type of crime. Take people of color out of the mix and our country compares to other white and single culture countries even with all our guns.

The larger the population, the more mentally disturbed people any country will have. Here we don't lock up people who might commit a crime, we lock up people after they commit a crime.
Europe doesn't have the problem because they haven't raised five generations of kids with the "Ghetto Gangsta" mentality or Ghetto entitlement mentality.

Those countries much like we were a hundred years ago are almost completely monocultural with very few immigrants as a portion of their total population.

Most of their most violent breeding stock were also killed off by the tens of millions during the last century during WWI and WWII.
Like what are we supposed to do, ask a future killer why he's buying a gun and their response will be to invade a school and kill a bunch of kids?
You can start by stop being a smart ass gun scum asshole? No don’t ask a future killer anything directly dumb ass. But have him have an application where he has to disclose several months or years of his social media record. If he’s not contemplating mass murder he probably shouldn’t have anything to hide. I don’t. They’re right to buy a gun that looks like an assault rifle is already a clue. I know you were hate to hear that but it’s true. Republicans are responsible for these mass shooting deaths. That’s not even arguable anymore and you are the poster boy for irresponsibility on gun safety actually
They don’t say that’s not how it reads. The courts Jerked the American people around with this one. But the gun scum extremists have made it even worse because the court says that the second amendment is not unlimited.

It's never been unlimited. How many decades has it been illegal for a felon to be in possession of a firearm?

There is a point that crosses limitation into infringement.
You can start by stop being a smart ass gun scum asshole? No don’t ask a future killer anything directly dumb ass. But have him have an application where he has to disclose several months or years of his social media record. If he’s not contemplating mass murder he probably shouldn’t have anything to hide. I don’t. They’re right to buy a gun that looks like an assault rifle is already a clue. I know you were hate to hear that but it’s true. Republicans are responsible for these mass shooting deaths. That’s not even arguable anymore and you are the poster boy for irresponsibility on gun safety actually

Oh, so now we're supposed to determine intent by "how a gun looks?"

If he's writing of mass murders on social media, it's likely been removed by the media company within hours after being posted. But like I said, if we are going to have people apply and be investigated to exercise a constitutional right, I'm all for it if the same applies to voting. Deal?
I don't have to time to read through this entire thread as it's way too long, but what would happen if we started blaming drunk driving on alcohol and vehicles and house fires on houses in general? Pretty soon we're not going to have anything left if we start taking away every little thing that could be even remotely dangerous.
You can start by stop being a smart ass gun scum asshole? No don’t ask a future killer anything directly dumb ass. But have him have an application where he has to disclose several months or years of his social media record. If he’s not contemplating mass murder he probably shouldn’t have anything to hide. I don’t. They’re right to buy a gun that looks like an assault rifle is already a clue. I know you were hate to hear that but it’s true. Republicans are responsible for these mass shooting deaths. That’s not even arguable anymore and you are the poster boy for irresponsibility on gun safety actually

Nobody's gonna take the time reviewing EVERY NICS app for "social media" history. Innocent until SOMEONE charges them and tries them. SO -- you dont spy on 240,000 citizens submitting NICS apps. You start forcing schools and law enforcement to investigate THEMSELVES. Dont care if the District needs another 8 people to do this or FARM it out to the BATF who CAN do it. Have THEM report to the schools and local law enforcement what they found. Simple -- common sense -- how it should work RIGHT NOW. But one major problem is -- MOST school systems started SHIELDING the kids from having ANY NOTES about discipline problems on their records. THAT ALONE -- being forwarded to law enforcement for investigation and possible CHARGING -- would have STOPPED COLD at LEAST four major school shootings that I know of.

You cannot SHIELD students who have threatened or committed violent acts and expect all of this NOT to happen.
No honest comparison of the US with any other nation outside of perhaps Russia can be made since they are the only nation on earth that approximates the conditions in the US culturally, demographically, and geographically.

The USA is a union of more and less shithole countries calling everyone else in the world shithole country while the own weapon fetishism takes care that adolescent US-citizens have the freedom, ability and possibility to mass-murder children of citizens of the USA. You call this "striving for happiness - inspiring others to live as murderous as possible".
The USA is a union of more and less shithole countries calling everyone else in the world shithole country while the own weapon fetishism takes care that adolescent US-citizens have the freedom, ability and possibility to mass-murder children of citizens of the USA. You call this "striving for happiness - inspiring others to live as murderous as possible".

I know this doesn't compare but what about the people who choose to eat way too much and wind up with diabetes? Does that mean nobody should ever eat any sugary sweets?
I don't have to time to read through this entire thread as it's way too long, but what would happen if we started blaming drunk driving on alcohol and vehicles and house fires on houses in general? Pretty soon we're not going to have anything left if we start taking away every little thing that could be even remotely dangerous.

The worst sickness of the Russians is vodka-heroism - what becomes not better by replacing Vodka with other drugs like cocaine or war weapons or other murderous drunken nonsense.

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I know this doesn't compare but what about the people who choose to eat way too much and wind up with diabetes? Does that mean nobody should ever eat any sugary sweets?

Someone murdered 19 children + 2 other children of god and hurted many others in a school with one of the very best security concepts of the world. Try to accept reality: You "cure" with "more and more dangerous weapons for everyone" not only nothing - this makes this sickness only more worse.
Europe doesn't have the problem because they haven't raised five generations of kids with the "Ghetto Gangsta" mentality or Ghetto entitlement mentality. ...

What's a wrong nonsensic view to this problem. A short time after your first school-massacres we had them here in Germany. That's like a kind of natural law; Whatever happens in the USA will happen also a short time later in Germany. We tried to solve this problem in many ways - but not by selling to adolsecent 18 years old children during a brain reconstruction phase machine guns and to hurt war weapon control laws.
And why should president Joe Biden listen to the nonsense Senator Joe Biden said in 1985 when the USA had been another world?
The sonofabitch has no real moral convictions on anything. He just wings it most of the time.
The sonofabitch has no real moral convictions on anything. He just wings it most of the time.

What you say here is a hate message - and not critics. By the way: Did anyone notice the nonsense you said in 1985 - 37 years in the past? Nevertheless you have to suffer the problems which are made since the 1970ies in the USA and which became from year to year more worse. Weapon trades are in the center of this problems - as far as I can see.
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