Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election – Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election
Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election - Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People (
21 Feb 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
After stealing the 2020 election for President, Joe Biden and this gang are scared to death of the American people.
A week ago we reported that the Biden gang will never hold an open event with the American people. This is because they stole the 2020 election and they know that we know:
As we mentioned last week, it’s evident for anyone who still trusts their own eyes that Joe Biden didn’t win the 2020 election for President, he stole it. Biden can hardly walk and talk. He lived in his basement most of the last year. He campaigned in Deleware. He had no following and still doesn’t. His Vice President is even less admired. Yesterday she went back to California and only two people showed up to greet her home:
On the other hand, President Trump was the most popular President ever after his first four years in office. This showed in car rallies, truck rallies, boat rallies, and signage across the country.
No, Joe Biden IS NOT the most popular President ever.
Nope, it didn’t happen. We have literally truckloads of evidence showing the election was stolen. There is no way Biden won a legitimate election minus any fraud.
But more importantly, Biden won’t be holding any events free to the public because he is absolutely afraid Americans will show up and tell him what they think of him. If Biden were to hold an open event in New York, California, or Butler, Pennsylvania, the results would be the same.
Most importantly, Biden’s team doesn’t want Americans to know what Americans think of Joe Biden.

Let me clarify this. IMHO, Joey Xi Biden didn't personally steal the 2020 presidential election. It was the key players of the the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left, China and the quisling complicit media. .
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election
Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election - Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People (
21 Feb 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
After stealing the 2020 election for President, Joe Biden and this gang are scared to death of the American people.
A week ago we reported that the Biden gang will never hold an open event with the American people. This is because they stole the 2020 election and they know that we know:
As we mentioned last week, it’s evident for anyone who still trusts their own eyes that Joe Biden didn’t win the 2020 election for President, he stole it. Biden can hardly walk and talk. He lived in his basement most of the last year. He campaigned in Deleware. He had no following and still doesn’t. His Vice President is even less admired. Yesterday she went back to California and only two people showed up to greet her home:
On the other hand, President Trump was the most popular President ever after his first four years in office. This showed in car rallies, truck rallies, boat rallies, and signage across the country.
No, Joe Biden IS NOT the most popular President ever.
Nope, it didn’t happen. We have literally truckloads of evidence showing the election was stolen. There is no way Biden won a legitimate election minus any fraud.
But more importantly, Biden won’t be holding any events free to the public because he is absolutely afraid Americans will show up and tell him what they think of him. If Biden were to hold an open event in New York, California, or Butler, Pennsylvania, the results would be the same.
Most importantly, Biden’s team doesn’t want Americans to know what Americans think of Joe Biden.

Let me clarify this. IMHO, Joey Xi Biden didn't personally steal the 2020 presidential election. It was the key players of the the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left, China and the quisling complicit media. .
Just repeating what this Joe Hoft had to say I see. For anybody who is wondering who this Joe Hoft guy is..' The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right fake news website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.. Founded by Jim Hoft in 2004, The Gateway Pundit expanded from a one-person enterprise into a multi-employee operation that is supported primarily by advertising revenue'.
“Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election – Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People”

Doc7505, I am puzzled by your introduction. –

Most American’s know that the election was not “stolen”.

And then some say it was stolen because some one told them it was stolen and instead of checking the facts for themselves, they obey their perceived master and just agree.

And then there are bots that boil the water for the fun of it not carrying who gets burned in the process.

Doc7505, I am here to ask you for a real, honest answer as to why you posted this thread. Just put an “X” on the one that best fits your reason.

[ ] Where you told it was stolen so you just believe what you were told-?

[ ] I did my own research and I found this to be true, attached is what I found.

[ ] I work for Putin and he lets me stay in the USA as long as I obey him, I’m just obeying my master.

[ ] _________________________

Doc7505, you can fill in the blank if the others do not apply.
Current list of co-conspirators in 2020:
  1. The FBI
  2. The CIA
  3. The Justice Department
  4. The Attorney General
  5. The United States Supreme Court
  6. Trump-Appointed Judges
  7. MSNBC
  8. CNN
  9. Fox News
  10. The Chinese
  11. The Russians
  12. The Jews
  13. Pedophiles
  14. Vice President Mike Pence
  15. Local Television News
  16. State Republican election officials
  17. State election workers
  18. State Supreme Courts
  19. Republican Governors
  20. Republican Congresspeople
  21. Joe Biden
  22. Newsmax
  23. George Soros
  24. SmartMatic
  25. Dominion Software
  26. Hugo Chavez
  27. Venezuela
  28. DHS Cybersecurity Office
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election
Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election - Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People (
21 Feb 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
After stealing the 2020 election for President, Joe Biden and this gang are scared to death of the American people.
A week ago we reported that the Biden gang will never hold an open event with the American people. This is because they stole the 2020 election and they know that we know:
As we mentioned last week, it’s evident for anyone who still trusts their own eyes that Joe Biden didn’t win the 2020 election for President, he stole it. Biden can hardly walk and talk. He lived in his basement most of the last year. He campaigned in Deleware. He had no following and still doesn’t. His Vice President is even less admired. Yesterday she went back to California and only two people showed up to greet her home:
On the other hand, President Trump was the most popular President ever after his first four years in office. This showed in car rallies, truck rallies, boat rallies, and signage across the country.
No, Joe Biden IS NOT the most popular President ever.
Nope, it didn’t happen. We have literally truckloads of evidence showing the election was stolen. There is no way Biden won a legitimate election minus any fraud.
But more importantly, Biden won’t be holding any events free to the public because he is absolutely afraid Americans will show up and tell him what they think of him. If Biden were to hold an open event in New York, California, or Butler, Pennsylvania, the results would be the same.
Most importantly, Biden’s team doesn’t want Americans to know what Americans think of Joe Biden.

Let me clarify this. IMHO, Joey Xi Biden didn't personally steal the 2020 presidential election. It was the key players of the the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left, China and the quisling complicit media. .

They are in power granted by constant subterfuge from a variety of sources, yet we see even some Democrats waking up and casting a closer eye upon them.

Reference Cuomo's dilemma, for starters. :2up:
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election
Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election - Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People (
21 Feb 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
After stealing the 2020 election for President, Joe Biden and this gang are scared to death of the American people.
A week ago we reported that the Biden gang will never hold an open event with the American people. This is because they stole the 2020 election and they know that we know:
As we mentioned last week, it’s evident for anyone who still trusts their own eyes that Joe Biden didn’t win the 2020 election for President, he stole it. Biden can hardly walk and talk. He lived in his basement most of the last year. He campaigned in Deleware. He had no following and still doesn’t. His Vice President is even less admired. Yesterday she went back to California and only two people showed up to greet her home:
On the other hand, President Trump was the most popular President ever after his first four years in office. This showed in car rallies, truck rallies, boat rallies, and signage across the country.
No, Joe Biden IS NOT the most popular President ever.
Nope, it didn’t happen. We have literally truckloads of evidence showing the election was stolen. There is no way Biden won a legitimate election minus any fraud.
But more importantly, Biden won’t be holding any events free to the public because he is absolutely afraid Americans will show up and tell him what they think of him. If Biden were to hold an open event in New York, California, or Butler, Pennsylvania, the results would be the same.
Most importantly, Biden’s team doesn’t want Americans to know what Americans think of Joe Biden.

Let me clarify this. IMHO, Joey Xi Biden didn't personally steal the 2020 presidential election. It was the key players of the the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left, China and the quisling complicit media. .
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election
Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election - Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People (
21 Feb 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
After stealing the 2020 election for President, Joe Biden and this gang are scared to death of the American people.
A week ago we reported that the Biden gang will never hold an open event with the American people. This is because they stole the 2020 election and they know that we know:
As we mentioned last week, it’s evident for anyone who still trusts their own eyes that Joe Biden didn’t win the 2020 election for President, he stole it. Biden can hardly walk and talk. He lived in his basement most of the last year. He campaigned in Deleware. He had no following and still doesn’t. His Vice President is even less admired. Yesterday she went back to California and only two people showed up to greet her home:
On the other hand, President Trump was the most popular President ever after his first four years in office. This showed in car rallies, truck rallies, boat rallies, and signage across the country.
No, Joe Biden IS NOT the most popular President ever.
Nope, it didn’t happen. We have literally truckloads of evidence showing the election was stolen. There is no way Biden won a legitimate election minus any fraud.
But more importantly, Biden won’t be holding any events free to the public because he is absolutely afraid Americans will show up and tell him what they think of him. If Biden were to hold an open event in New York, California, or Butler, Pennsylvania, the results would be the same.
Most importantly, Biden’s team doesn’t want Americans to know what Americans think of Joe Biden.

Let me clarify this. IMHO, Joey Xi Biden didn't personally steal the 2020 presidential election. It was the key players of the the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left, China and the quisling complicit media. .

They are in power granted by constant subterfuge from a variety of sources, yet we see even some Democrats waking up and casting a closer eye upon them.

Reference Cuomo's dilemma, for starters. :2up:
No open events? I think that he just had a televised town hall last week/.
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election
Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election - Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People (
21 Feb 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
After stealing the 2020 election for President, Joe Biden and this gang are scared to death of the American people.
A week ago we reported that the Biden gang will never hold an open event with the American people. This is because they stole the 2020 election and they know that we know:
As we mentioned last week, it’s evident for anyone who still trusts their own eyes that Joe Biden didn’t win the 2020 election for President, he stole it. Biden can hardly walk and talk. He lived in his basement most of the last year. He campaigned in Deleware. He had no following and still doesn’t. His Vice President is even less admired. Yesterday she went back to California and only two people showed up to greet her home:
On the other hand, President Trump was the most popular President ever after his first four years in office. This showed in car rallies, truck rallies, boat rallies, and signage across the country.
No, Joe Biden IS NOT the most popular President ever.
Nope, it didn’t happen. We have literally truckloads of evidence showing the election was stolen. There is no way Biden won a legitimate election minus any fraud.
But more importantly, Biden won’t be holding any events free to the public because he is absolutely afraid Americans will show up and tell him what they think of him. If Biden were to hold an open event in New York, California, or Butler, Pennsylvania, the results would be the same.
Most importantly, Biden’s team doesn’t want Americans to know what Americans think of Joe Biden.

Let me clarify this. IMHO, Joey Xi Biden didn't personally steal the 2020 presidential election. It was the key players of the the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left, China and the quisling complicit media. .
Considering the amount of damage they're doing to this country....they have plenty of reason to be scared.
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election
Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election - Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People (
21 Feb 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
After stealing the 2020 election for President, Joe Biden and this gang are scared to death of the American people.
A week ago we reported that the Biden gang will never hold an open event with the American people. This is because they stole the 2020 election and they know that we know:
As we mentioned last week, it’s evident for anyone who still trusts their own eyes that Joe Biden didn’t win the 2020 election for President, he stole it. Biden can hardly walk and talk. He lived in his basement most of the last year. He campaigned in Deleware. He had no following and still doesn’t. His Vice President is even less admired. Yesterday she went back to California and only two people showed up to greet her home:
On the other hand, President Trump was the most popular President ever after his first four years in office. This showed in car rallies, truck rallies, boat rallies, and signage across the country.
No, Joe Biden IS NOT the most popular President ever.
Nope, it didn’t happen. We have literally truckloads of evidence showing the election was stolen. There is no way Biden won a legitimate election minus any fraud.
But more importantly, Biden won’t be holding any events free to the public because he is absolutely afraid Americans will show up and tell him what they think of him. If Biden were to hold an open event in New York, California, or Butler, Pennsylvania, the results would be the same.
Most importantly, Biden’s team doesn’t want Americans to know what Americans think of Joe Biden.

Let me clarify this. IMHO, Joey Xi Biden didn't personally steal the 2020 presidential election. It was the key players of the the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left, China and the quisling complicit media. .

They are in power granted by constant subterfuge from a variety of sources, yet we see even some Democrats waking up and casting a closer eye upon them.

Reference Cuomo's dilemma, for starters. :2up:
No open events? I think that he just had a televised town hall last week/.

Invited guests. Hardly open.
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election
Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election - Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People (
21 Feb 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
After stealing the 2020 election for President, Joe Biden and this gang are scared to death of the American people.
A week ago we reported that the Biden gang will never hold an open event with the American people. This is because they stole the 2020 election and they know that we know:
As we mentioned last week, it’s evident for anyone who still trusts their own eyes that Joe Biden didn’t win the 2020 election for President, he stole it. Biden can hardly walk and talk. He lived in his basement most of the last year. He campaigned in Deleware. He had no following and still doesn’t. His Vice President is even less admired. Yesterday she went back to California and only two people showed up to greet her home:
On the other hand, President Trump was the most popular President ever after his first four years in office. This showed in car rallies, truck rallies, boat rallies, and signage across the country.
No, Joe Biden IS NOT the most popular President ever.
Nope, it didn’t happen. We have literally truckloads of evidence showing the election was stolen. There is no way Biden won a legitimate election minus any fraud.
But more importantly, Biden won’t be holding any events free to the public because he is absolutely afraid Americans will show up and tell him what they think of him. If Biden were to hold an open event in New York, California, or Butler, Pennsylvania, the results would be the same.
Most importantly, Biden’s team doesn’t want Americans to know what Americans think of Joe Biden.

Let me clarify this. IMHO, Joey Xi Biden didn't personally steal the 2020 presidential election. It was the key players of the the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left, China and the quisling complicit media. .

They are in power granted by constant subterfuge from a variety of sources, yet we see even some Democrats waking up and casting a closer eye upon them.

Reference Cuomo's dilemma, for starters. :2up:
No open events? I think that he just had a televised town hall last week/.

You drunk? What's this have to do with my comments?
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election
Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election - Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People (
21 Feb 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
After stealing the 2020 election for President, Joe Biden and this gang are scared to death of the American people.
A week ago we reported that the Biden gang will never hold an open event with the American people. This is because they stole the 2020 election and they know that we know:
As we mentioned last week, it’s evident for anyone who still trusts their own eyes that Joe Biden didn’t win the 2020 election for President, he stole it. Biden can hardly walk and talk. He lived in his basement most of the last year. He campaigned in Deleware. He had no following and still doesn’t. His Vice President is even less admired. Yesterday she went back to California and only two people showed up to greet her home:
On the other hand, President Trump was the most popular President ever after his first four years in office. This showed in car rallies, truck rallies, boat rallies, and signage across the country.
No, Joe Biden IS NOT the most popular President ever.
Nope, it didn’t happen. We have literally truckloads of evidence showing the election was stolen. There is no way Biden won a legitimate election minus any fraud.
But more importantly, Biden won’t be holding any events free to the public because he is absolutely afraid Americans will show up and tell him what they think of him. If Biden were to hold an open event in New York, California, or Butler, Pennsylvania, the results would be the same.
Most importantly, Biden’s team doesn’t want Americans to know what Americans think of Joe Biden.

Let me clarify this. IMHO, Joey Xi Biden didn't personally steal the 2020 presidential election. It was the key players of the the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left, China and the quisling complicit media. .

They are in power granted by constant subterfuge from a variety of sources, yet we see even some Democrats waking up and casting a closer eye upon them.

Reference Cuomo's dilemma, for starters. :2up:
No open events? I think that he just had a televised town hall last week/.

Invited guests. Hardly open.
What would you like him to do. Have a Trump style Covid super spreader rally ?
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election
Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election - Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People (
21 Feb 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
After stealing the 2020 election for President, Joe Biden and this gang are scared to death of the American people.
A week ago we reported that the Biden gang will never hold an open event with the American people. This is because they stole the 2020 election and they know that we know:
As we mentioned last week, it’s evident for anyone who still trusts their own eyes that Joe Biden didn’t win the 2020 election for President, he stole it. Biden can hardly walk and talk. He lived in his basement most of the last year. He campaigned in Deleware. He had no following and still doesn’t. His Vice President is even less admired. Yesterday she went back to California and only two people showed up to greet her home:
On the other hand, President Trump was the most popular President ever after his first four years in office. This showed in car rallies, truck rallies, boat rallies, and signage across the country.
No, Joe Biden IS NOT the most popular President ever.
Nope, it didn’t happen. We have literally truckloads of evidence showing the election was stolen. There is no way Biden won a legitimate election minus any fraud.
But more importantly, Biden won’t be holding any events free to the public because he is absolutely afraid Americans will show up and tell him what they think of him. If Biden were to hold an open event in New York, California, or Butler, Pennsylvania, the results would be the same.
Most importantly, Biden’s team doesn’t want Americans to know what Americans think of Joe Biden.

Let me clarify this. IMHO, Joey Xi Biden didn't personally steal the 2020 presidential election. It was the key players of the the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left, China and the quisling complicit media. .

They are in power granted by constant subterfuge from a variety of sources, yet we see even some Democrats waking up and casting a closer eye upon them.

Reference Cuomo's dilemma, for starters. :2up:
No open events? I think that he just had a televised town hall last week/.

Invited guests. Hardly open.
What would you like him to do.

Come clean.
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election
Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election - Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People (
21 Feb 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
After stealing the 2020 election for President, Joe Biden and this gang are scared to death of the American people.
A week ago we reported that the Biden gang will never hold an open event with the American people. This is because they stole the 2020 election and they know that we know:
As we mentioned last week, it’s evident for anyone who still trusts their own eyes that Joe Biden didn’t win the 2020 election for President, he stole it. Biden can hardly walk and talk. He lived in his basement most of the last year. He campaigned in Deleware. He had no following and still doesn’t. His Vice President is even less admired. Yesterday she went back to California and only two people showed up to greet her home:
On the other hand, President Trump was the most popular President ever after his first four years in office. This showed in car rallies, truck rallies, boat rallies, and signage across the country.
No, Joe Biden IS NOT the most popular President ever.
Nope, it didn’t happen. We have literally truckloads of evidence showing the election was stolen. There is no way Biden won a legitimate election minus any fraud.
But more importantly, Biden won’t be holding any events free to the public because he is absolutely afraid Americans will show up and tell him what they think of him. If Biden were to hold an open event in New York, California, or Butler, Pennsylvania, the results would be the same.
Most importantly, Biden’s team doesn’t want Americans to know what Americans think of Joe Biden.

Let me clarify this. IMHO, Joey Xi Biden didn't personally steal the 2020 presidential election. It was the key players of the the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left, China and the quisling complicit media. .

They are in power granted by constant subterfuge from a variety of sources, yet we see even some Democrats waking up and casting a closer eye upon them.

Reference Cuomo's dilemma, for starters. :2up:
No open events? I think that he just had a televised town hall last week/.

You drunk? What's this have to do with my comments?
Actually I am Happy Hour. But I was responding to DOC.
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election
Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election - Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People (
21 Feb 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
After stealing the 2020 election for President, Joe Biden and this gang are scared to death of the American people.
A week ago we reported that the Biden gang will never hold an open event with the American people. This is because they stole the 2020 election and they know that we know:
As we mentioned last week, it’s evident for anyone who still trusts their own eyes that Joe Biden didn’t win the 2020 election for President, he stole it. Biden can hardly walk and talk. He lived in his basement most of the last year. He campaigned in Deleware. He had no following and still doesn’t. His Vice President is even less admired. Yesterday she went back to California and only two people showed up to greet her home:
On the other hand, President Trump was the most popular President ever after his first four years in office. This showed in car rallies, truck rallies, boat rallies, and signage across the country.
No, Joe Biden IS NOT the most popular President ever.
Nope, it didn’t happen. We have literally truckloads of evidence showing the election was stolen. There is no way Biden won a legitimate election minus any fraud.
But more importantly, Biden won’t be holding any events free to the public because he is absolutely afraid Americans will show up and tell him what they think of him. If Biden were to hold an open event in New York, California, or Butler, Pennsylvania, the results would be the same.
Most importantly, Biden’s team doesn’t want Americans to know what Americans think of Joe Biden.

Let me clarify this. IMHO, Joey Xi Biden didn't personally steal the 2020 presidential election. It was the key players of the the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left, China and the quisling complicit media. .

They are in power granted by constant subterfuge from a variety of sources, yet we see even some Democrats waking up and casting a closer eye upon them.

Reference Cuomo's dilemma, for starters. :2up:
No open events? I think that he just had a televised town hall last week/.

Invited guests. Hardly open.
What would you like him to do.

Come clean.
No. YOU come clean. What the fuck would you want him to do.?
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election
Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People
Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election - Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People (
21 Feb 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
After stealing the 2020 election for President, Joe Biden and this gang are scared to death of the American people.
A week ago we reported that the Biden gang will never hold an open event with the American people. This is because they stole the 2020 election and they know that we know:
As we mentioned last week, it’s evident for anyone who still trusts their own eyes that Joe Biden didn’t win the 2020 election for President, he stole it. Biden can hardly walk and talk. He lived in his basement most of the last year. He campaigned in Deleware. He had no following and still doesn’t. His Vice President is even less admired. Yesterday she went back to California and only two people showed up to greet her home:
On the other hand, President Trump was the most popular President ever after his first four years in office. This showed in car rallies, truck rallies, boat rallies, and signage across the country.
No, Joe Biden IS NOT the most popular President ever.
Nope, it didn’t happen. We have literally truckloads of evidence showing the election was stolen. There is no way Biden won a legitimate election minus any fraud.
But more importantly, Biden won’t be holding any events free to the public because he is absolutely afraid Americans will show up and tell him what they think of him. If Biden were to hold an open event in New York, California, or Butler, Pennsylvania, the results would be the same.
Most importantly, Biden’s team doesn’t want Americans to know what Americans think of Joe Biden.

Let me clarify this. IMHO, Joey Xi Biden didn't personally steal the 2020 presidential election. It was the key players of the the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left, China and the quisling complicit media. .

They are in power granted by constant subterfuge from a variety of sources, yet we see even some Democrats waking up and casting a closer eye upon them.

Reference Cuomo's dilemma, for starters. :2up:
No open events? I think that he just had a televised town hall last week/.

Invited guests. Hardly open.
What would you like him to do.

Come clean.
No. YOU come clean. What the fuck would you want him to do.?

Where is Thanos now that we need him ...
“Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election – Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People”

Doc7505, I am puzzled by your introduction. –

Most American’s know that the election was not “stolen”.

And then some say it was stolen because some one told them it was stolen and instead of checking the facts for themselves, they obey their perceived master and just agree.

And then there are bots that boil the water for the fun of it not carrying who gets burned in the process.

Doc7505, I am here to ask you for a real, honest answer as to why you posted this thread. Just put an “X” on the one that best fits your reason.

[ ] Where you told it was stolen so you just believe what you were told-?

[ ] I did my own research and I found this to be true, attached is what I found.

[ ] I work for Putin and he lets me stay in the USA as long as I obey him, I’m just obeying my master.

[ ] _________________________

Doc7505, you can fill in the blank if the others do not apply.

Unlike you I'm aware of the machinations by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left that occurred before, during and after the presidential campaign that began in 2015 to the present day.
I like your feeble Alinsky approach, it's so thread bare, hackneyed and ignorant that I laugh. You're parroting the same message the the PMS/DSA Dem Left and the quisling MEedia continues to repeat hoping the major part of America will finally blieve their lies.
I suggest that you do a little more studying and research before you attempt to make your message effective on the U.S. Message board...

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