Bernie Sanders Storms Sunday Morning And Drops A Liberal Bomb On Fox News

I saw the interview, it was nothing but the same old platitudes from an old Sanders. Talks about the rich paying their fair share but did't articulate what that means. It was just bullshit and the leftwing site tried to blow it totally out of proportions.
Sanders reaches across the aisle in a few ways. He can attract the usual socialist types but also poor working class families,middle class families,the Patrick Buchanan types that are against this free trade crap and are protectionists.
Chris Wallace's only goal in that interview was to get a sound bite that fox and talk radio could later use against Hillary. He failed miserably. Sanders was just too smart for him, and was able to keep the subject on important things. If Chris would have paid more attention to his daddy, he would have been a much better journalist, and wouldn't have had to wallow in the mud at fox. He could have been a real reporter.
Sanders reaches across the aisle in a few ways. He can attract the usual socialist types but also poor working class families,middle class families,the Patrick Buchanan types that are against this free trade crap and are protectionists.

He is a Ron Paul of the left, he will never get the support needed to win.
Sanders reaches across the aisle in a few ways. He can attract the usual socialist types but also poor working class families,middle class families,the Patrick Buchanan types that are against this free trade crap and are protectionists.

He is a Ron Paul of the left, he will never get the support needed to win.

I can see why you'd make that comparison, and you're right...he won't get the support needed to win. What a shame.
Vermont has gone "progressive".

They no longer relegate "crazy old uncles" to the attic.

They deport them to Washington.


Vermont has always shown an independent streak.
Which is a lesson for the other 56 states.
Which they'll continue to not-get.

I think my favourite part of Henry's post here is that the idea of bucking the two-party (read: one party in two colours) system, is deemed "crazy". I guess extreme age does that.

One election, the Democrats and Republicans actually teamed up and ran a joint candidate against Bernie -- and he still won. Crazy Vermonsters, not bowing to the two-party system. How dare they. :death:
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Shall we count how many socialist programs republicans enjoy?

If you think it makes a difference to me whether or not someone on social programs has a "D" or an "R" behind their name ... It doesn't, and you can cut the programs either way as far as I am concerned.

If you honestly want to take the money out of politics then take it the hell out.
Most left-wingers don't want to take money out of politics ... They just want to take other people's money and use it to their benefit in politics.
Bernie Sander eluded to that from the beginning of his message.

The funny part is how they see themselves as being altruistic when they are spending someone else's money.

Sanders reaches across the aisle in a few ways. He can attract the usual socialist types but also poor working class families,middle class families,the Patrick Buchanan types that are against this free trade crap and are protectionists.

He is a Ron Paul of the left, he will never get the support needed to win.
Oh I think he reaches out to more people than Paul could. I also think he can win.
Shall we count how many socialist programs republicans enjoy?

If you think it makes a difference to me whether or not someone on social programs has a "D" or an "R" behind their name ... It doesn't, and you can cut the programs either way as far as I am concerned.

If you honestly want to take the money out of politics then take it the hell out.
Most left-wingers don't want to take money out of politics ... They just want to take other people's money and use it to their benefit in politics.
Bernie Sander eluded to that from the beginning of his message.

The funny part is how they see themselves as being altruistic when they are spending someone else's money.

Sucks for you then you and those like you are an extreme minority.
Sucks for you then you and those like you are an extreme minority.

You really think anything sucks for me ...
Buddy ... I can guarantee you that it sucks to be you ... Not me.

Edit Correction:
I have to admit fire ants suck

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Bernie was probably chosen to run so Hillary could play the part of the moderate. Deception is one of the left's favorite tactics.
"Fox News Sunday viewers got a dose of the real face of liberalism, which was much different from the bastardized and demonized version of the left that Roger Ailes markets to his 2 million or so viewers every day."


Of course, many conservative viewers just turned the channel when they started hearing what they didn't want to hear: the truth.
Chris Wallace's only goal in that interview was to get a sound bite that fox and talk radio could later use against Hillary. He failed miserably. Sanders was just too smart for him, and was able to keep the subject on important things. If Chris would have paid more attention to his daddy, he would have been a much better journalist, and wouldn't have had to wallow in the mud at fox. He could have been a real reporter.
Chris Wallace isn't a 'journalist,' just as Fox isn't 'news.'

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