Bernie Sanders nails the Republican Party

Sanders is on the cutting edge of White Left Wing Crackpot Rage LOL

Intelligent people understand that socialism is a failed ideology that has killed over 100 million people.
So, why do the dumb liberal fanatics keep pushing for it?
Democrats are not just dumb, they are dangerous.
Bernie would be homeless and destitute if he had to get a real job so pardon me if I don't take advice from him.
So tell me again why people are leaving their countries to get to a place that you believe is not worth existing?
Why are they fleeing those socialist countries to come here?
Actually it's you conservative types that keep squeeling about how the country is "circling the drain" and other colorful euphemisms.
Bernie is a hypocrite of the worst kind….. a millionaire politician wagging his finger at Middle Class America about wealth inequality. He is full of shit and needs to put his own skin in the game to get an level of credibility.

He has never cried about raising taxes.
I don’t agree with everything Bernie says but he hit it out of the park here. Prove me wrong.

Oh man.. Bernie got us conservatives. This hyperbolic trash actually. The only people that believe this are the same cult like people that follow Bernie. In fact, and this forum, as I'm finding (being fairly new to it) is full of people that are cult like as they follow their party lines to the T.

There are plenty of right leaning conservatives that are not Trumpers and don't believe in conspiracy theories. There are plenty of people that question the vaccine and its efficacy and general safety on both sides of the political fence. All Bernie is doing is fanning the flames of social division. And those that blindly take this tweet are just as cultic as Trumpers. I don't want to see big government. That's what Bernie wants. This country was founded on personal liberties and freedoms and small government. But some of you have lost touch on how and why this country was founded. If the Dems win, we inch closer to political monarchy, big government, more taxes, less personal freedoms. Who then prevails? We the people? Or We the politicians?
Oh man.. Bernie got us conservatives. This hyperbolic trash actually. The only people that believe this are the same cult like people that follow Bernie. In fact, and this forum, as I'm finding (being fairly new to it) is full of people that are cult like as they follow their party lines to the T.

There are plenty of right leaning conservatives that are not Trumpers and don't believe in conspiracy theories. There are plenty of people that question the vaccine and its efficacy and general safety on both sides of the political fence. All Bernie is doing is fanning the flames of social division. And those that blindly take this tweet are just as cultic as Trumpers. I don't want to see big government. That's what Bernie wants. This country was founded on personal liberties and freedoms and small government. But some of you have lost touch on how and why this country was founded. If the Dems win, we inch closer to political monarchy, big government, more taxes, less personal freedoms. Who then prevails? We the people? Or We the politicians?
triggering hate like all good demofks do.
There are millionaire socialists but as pointed out Sanders says he is a Democratic Socialist.

Democratic socialists also believe strongly in democracy and democratic principles. They are by no means proponents of authoritarian government systems many Americans associate socialism with.

As the DSA's website states: "At the root of our socialism is a profound commitment to democracy, as means and end. As we are unlikely to see an immediate end to capitalism tomorrow, DSA fights for reforms today that will weaken the power of corporations and increase the power of working people." [/]

Here's the difference between a 'socialist' and a 'democratic socialist'
I don’t agree with everything Bernie says but he hit it out of the park here. Prove me wrong.

Please. Do you really think anyone is going to be lectured by the lying socialist that managed to get rich off of "public service" and can't even figure out that Cubans are literally dying to throw off the communist oppression that he supports?
So if people want to leave war torn Central America to come to US mainly because of the drug war trade... Everything must be great in US???

Seriously... We got a bunch of fucking idiots here that call a rainy day socialist because socialism is everything they don't like...

Listen, If you don't want socialism, stop driving on road, don't drink the water, defund the police, firemen, military... They are all socialist programs... Yes they are socialist and that doesn't compute because you don't hate them...
you know nothing about money.
I ask this over and over and no one ever answers. Where in Capitalism do we find the chapter where the taxpayers prop up a failed business?

You're looking in the wrong handbook. That is in the socialism handbook. Crony capitalism is a form of socialism. It is government picking market winners and losers. A centrally planned economy.

Democrats are so precious. I opposed the government regulations that drove the companies into distress, I opposed the bailouts, which of course means it's all my fault ...
You're looking in the wrong handbook. That is in the socialism handbook. Crony capitalism is a form of socialism. It is government picking market winners and losers. A centrally planned economy.

Democrats are so precious. I opposed the government regulations that drove the companies into distress, I opposed the bailouts, which of course means it's all my fault ...

Trump (the Capitalist) drove the farmers into distress and then forced taxpayers to prop them up. If the Capitalists are going to do this where exactly do you have to go?

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