Diamond Member
Try as I might not to like this guy, I have to admit, the man has class:
To that end, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell spent much of her interview with Sanders on Monday trying to get him to criticize Clinton on something — anything. But Sanders managed to maintain the high ground, refusing to hit his rival on the email controversy or even a recent poll that uncovered “liar” as the word voters associate with her most.
At this point, Sanders had clearly had it with this line of questioning.
“I have known Hillary Clinton for 25 years. And I know her to be a very hardworking, intelligent person, somebody I worked with in the Senate,” he said. “So I am sorry, I am not going to get into the media game, Andrea, of attacking, making personal attacks, against Hillary Clinton. I just am not going to do that. I don’t think that’s what the American people want. I think we have got to focus on the real issues. Why is the middle class disappearing and almost all new income and wealth going to the top 1 percent? Why don’t we have a trade policy that works for the American worker and not the CEOs of large corporations? Why do we have a system where families cannot afford to send their kids to college?”
“A lot of issues to talk about,” Sanders added. “You’ll forgive me but I’m not going to get into attacking Hillary Clinton personally.”
Mitchell did not bring up her name again.
Earlier this year, Sanders faced a similar situation during an interview with...
<read the full article here: http://www.mediaite.com/tv/andrea-m...es-to-make-bernie-sanders-criticize-hillary/>
At this point, Sanders had clearly had it with this line of questioning.
“I have known Hillary Clinton for 25 years. And I know her to be a very hardworking, intelligent person, somebody I worked with in the Senate,” he said. “So I am sorry, I am not going to get into the media game, Andrea, of attacking, making personal attacks, against Hillary Clinton. I just am not going to do that. I don’t think that’s what the American people want. I think we have got to focus on the real issues. Why is the middle class disappearing and almost all new income and wealth going to the top 1 percent? Why don’t we have a trade policy that works for the American worker and not the CEOs of large corporations? Why do we have a system where families cannot afford to send their kids to college?”
“A lot of issues to talk about,” Sanders added. “You’ll forgive me but I’m not going to get into attacking Hillary Clinton personally.”
Mitchell did not bring up her name again.
Earlier this year, Sanders faced a similar situation during an interview with...
<read the full article here: http://www.mediaite.com/tv/andrea-m...es-to-make-bernie-sanders-criticize-hillary/>