Before you spend $200bn - Here is a great immigration solution

The§ir has been a positive emmigration from US to Mexico since the start of the recession. Why? Because the gap between Mexico and US was less and most people like to live at home.

What makes Mexican come to US:
  • Better paid jobs
  • Security
So how about you invest the money in Mexico business and help mexico defeat the drug cartels.

I know this is novel but increasing the quality of life in Mexico can stop you immigration problem and you would probably get the money back from you investment.
That's actually been my question all along in this issue.

These people come here because most of them just want to get out of a shit hole. I wonder what could be done by our country to make theirs less crappy. Problem is, it would almost certainly have to involve some type of military action against those who run the country, the drug cartels. There's no use in investing much there in these conditions, only in specific cases.
The§ir has been a positive emmigration from US to Mexico since the start of the recession. Why? Because the gap between Mexico and US was less and most people like to live at home.

What makes Mexican come to US:
  • Better paid jobs
  • Security
So how about you invest the money in Mexico business and help mexico defeat the drug cartels.

I know this is novel but increasing the quality of life in Mexico can stop you immigration problem and you would probably get the money back from you investment.

I thought you liberal turds were against exporting jobs. See, the whole point of stopping illegal immigration is so the jobs will go to Americans, not foreigners.
Here's a better idea Before you trust anything Obama's ICE director says, secure the freaking border and then lock up every illegal alien who commits a crime and then send them back after they do their time and make damn sure they never come back. Then we will talk about the alleged 200 billion Ice whines about and the idiotic left loves to quote.

What country are you sending them back to?
Why does the receiving country have to accept them?

There is no sign on there head that say that they are a Mexican Citizen. Are you going to jail 20 million people.

We send them back to the country they came from.

The receiving country has to accept them because they are citizens of that country.

No, we are not going to jail 20 million people. We are going to deport them.
The§ir has been a positive emmigration from US to Mexico since the start of the recession. Why? Because the gap between Mexico and US was less and most people like to live at home.

What makes Mexican come to US:
  • Better paid jobs
  • Security
So how about you invest the money in Mexico business and help mexico defeat the drug cartels.

I know this is novel but increasing the quality of life in Mexico can stop you immigration problem and you would probably get the money back from you investment.

The problem with that is the ruling elite will nationalize anything that becomes profitable. If you want Mexico to evolve into a first world country you need to first have a real revolution to get rid of those ruling elite. They foist off the malcontents on us and laugh all the way to the bank and progressives let them do it because they are too stupid to understand what is really happening there.


There is precedence for this happening successfully. Look at the EU and the way the took on the Eastern European countries. They made them clean up there act first and then gave them access to grants and free trade... What the EU gets its neighbours that doesn't want to invade them and live in ghettos...
Yes, alot of Polish came here. Some stayed and settled and integrated and other earned a bit of money and invested back home and went home.

The Polish added to our economy in the height, they are our friends...

So it does work... It is quite complex in total..

What works? You have named any policies that you claim "work."
The§ir has been a positive emmigration from US to Mexico since the start of the recession. Why? Because the gap between Mexico and US was less and most people like to live at home.

What makes Mexican come to US:
  • Better paid jobs
  • Security
So how about you invest the money in Mexico business and help mexico defeat the drug cartels.

I know this is novel but increasing the quality of life in Mexico can stop you immigration problem and you would probably get the money back from you investment.
That's actually been my question all along in this issue.

These people come here because most of them just want to get out of a shit hole. I wonder what could be done by our country to make theirs less crappy. Problem is, it would almost certainly have to involve some type of military action against those who run the country, the drug cartels. There's no use in investing much there in these conditions, only in specific cases.

Mexico is poor because the government is corrupt. It's a more severe case of crony capitalism than the United States. The only way to improve the economy is take over their government.
a better investment loon?

lets look at that logic shall we?
there are about 7 billion people on the planet, most of them poor. How many trillions should we "invest" in their countries, many where money just falls into a black hole never to be seen again, in the hopes their countries will become nice enough for their people to stay................................................INSTEAD OF JUST SECURING OUR OWN BORDER?????

But as we have shown the boarder is not the problem... Securing a boarder is close to impossible....

Look at the Gaza boarder with Egypt... 12km long and has 1500 est tunnels....

We are talking about well financed mexican gangs, these tunnels would be simple for them...

On top of that the tunnels Hamas has built into Israel...

You haven't shown anything of the sort. Only 14 tunnels crossed the Israeli border. The Israelis have destroyed every one of those tunnels. What do you think the IDF was doing in the recent war against Gaza?

Tunnels can easily be located using sensors. They ring like a bell when someone is digging underground. What are these "Hamas tunnels" that are separate from the Gaze tunnels.
a better investment loon?

lets look at that logic shall we?
there are about 7 billion people on the planet, most of them poor. How many trillions should we "invest" in their countries, many where money just falls into a black hole never to be seen again, in the hopes their countries will become nice enough for their people to stay................................................INSTEAD OF JUST SECURING OUR OWN BORDER?????

But as we have shown the boarder is not the problem... Securing a boarder is close to impossible....

Look at the Gaza boarder with Egypt... 12km long and has 1500 est tunnels....

We are talking about well financed mexican gangs, these tunnels would be simple for them...

On top of that the tunnels Hamas has built into Israel...

actualy that border with Gaza works REAL GOOD when you consider they want to EXTERMINATE ISRAELIS. they might have 1500 tunnels but how many actually get in?

They only had 14 tunnels that crossed the Israeli border, and the IDF destroyed them all.
The§ir has been a positive emmigration from US to Mexico since the start of the recession. Why? Because the gap between Mexico and US was less and most people like to live at home.

What makes Mexican come to US:
  • Better paid jobs
  • Security
So how about you invest the money in Mexico business and help mexico defeat the drug cartels.

I know this is novel but increasing the quality of life in Mexico can stop you immigration problem and you would probably get the money back from you investment.
That's actually been my question all along in this issue.

These people come here because most of them just want to get out of a shit hole. I wonder what could be done by our country to make theirs less crappy. Problem is, it would almost certainly have to involve some type of military action against those who run the country, the drug cartels. There's no use in investing much there in these conditions, only in specific cases.


You are at least getting closer to the actual problem. The reason they are in the US is because there place is so bad.

There seems to be no carrot to fix Mexico. In Europe they used EU Membership, look at Turkey, they had a terrible human rights record. It has taken time but they are cleaning up their act. I was their 18 months ago and the first thing we were told is Turkey is a secular country.

Maybe we help using UN police division, they have helped in these situations before....

But the big thing is to focus on the real problem... Clean up Mexico, it should be easy them to attract US investment. Yes that will be jobs but they would be robbing more from China initially but then more from the US. But as they rob from the US they would also but US goods...
The§ir has been a positive emmigration from US to Mexico since the start of the recession. Why? Because the gap between Mexico and US was less and most people like to live at home.

What makes Mexican come to US:
  • Better paid jobs
  • Security
So how about you invest the money in Mexico business and help mexico defeat the drug cartels.

I know this is novel but increasing the quality of life in Mexico can stop you immigration problem and you would probably get the money back from you investment.
Here is a better idea.

We use the 3rd ID to drive the cartels south....and have the 1st waiting for them at Panama......Destroy them and anyone who tries to stop us.....

No more cartels...

Or just build a wall.
a better investment loon?

lets look at that logic shall we?
there are about 7 billion people on the planet, most of them poor. How many trillions should we "invest" in their countries, many where money just falls into a black hole never to be seen again, in the hopes their countries will become nice enough for their people to stay................................................INSTEAD OF JUST SECURING OUR OWN BORDER?????

But as we have shown the boarder is not the problem... Securing a boarder is close to impossible....

Look at the Gaza boarder with Egypt... 12km long and has 1500 est tunnels....

We are talking about well financed mexican gangs, these tunnels would be simple for them...

On top of that the tunnels Hamas has built into Israel...

actualy that border with Gaza works REAL GOOD when you consider they want to EXTERMINATE ISRAELIS. they might have 1500 tunnels but how many actually get in?

They only had 14 tunnels that crossed the Israeli border, and the IDF destroyed them all.

Get serious
Gaza Strip smuggling tunnels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As of August 2014, the Egyptian Military destroyed 1659 smugglings tunnels....

So saying that you can secure 2000 miles of border when 1659 tunnels have been closed in a third world country which has
Here's a better idea Before you trust anything Obama's ICE director says, secure the freaking border and then lock up every illegal alien who commits a crime and then send them back after they do their time and make damn sure they never come back. Then we will talk about the alleged 200 billion Ice whines about and the idiotic left loves to quote.

What country are you sending them back to?
Why does the receiving country have to accept them?

There is no sign on there head that say that they are a Mexican Citizen. Are you going to jail 20 million people.

We send them back to the country they came from.

The receiving country has to accept them because they are citizens of that country.

No, we are not going to jail 20 million people. We are going to deport them.

How are you going to prove they are from the country you are sending them to?
a better investment loon?

lets look at that logic shall we?
there are about 7 billion people on the planet, most of them poor. How many trillions should we "invest" in their countries, many where money just falls into a black hole never to be seen again, in the hopes their countries will become nice enough for their people to stay................................................INSTEAD OF JUST SECURING OUR OWN BORDER?????

But as we have shown the boarder is not the problem... Securing a boarder is close to impossible....

Look at the Gaza boarder with Egypt... 12km long and has 1500 est tunnels....

We are talking about well financed mexican gangs, these tunnels would be simple for them...

On top of that the tunnels Hamas has built into Israel...

You haven't shown anything of the sort. Only 14 tunnels crossed the Israeli border. The Israelis have destroyed every one of those tunnels. What do you think the IDF was doing in the recent war against Gaza?

Tunnels can easily be located using sensors. They ring like a bell when someone is digging underground. What are these "Hamas tunnels" that are separate from the Gaze tunnels.

Egypt closed 1600 so far... Cop on to yourself...
The§ir has been a positive emmigration from US to Mexico since the start of the recession. Why? Because the gap between Mexico and US was less and most people like to live at home.

What makes Mexican come to US:
  • Better paid jobs
  • Security
So how about you invest the money in Mexico business and help mexico defeat the drug cartels.

I know this is novel but increasing the quality of life in Mexico can stop you immigration problem and you would probably get the money back from you investment.
a better investment loon?

lets look at that logic shall we?
there are about 7 billion people on the planet, most of them poor. How many trillions should we "invest" in their countries, many where money just falls into a black hole never to be seen again, in the hopes their countries will become nice enough for their people to stay................................................INSTEAD OF JUST SECURING OUR OWN BORDER?????

But as we have shown the boarder is not the problem... Securing a boarder is close to impossible....

Look at the Gaza boarder with Egypt... 12km long and has 1500 est tunnels....

We are talking about well financed mexican gangs, these tunnels would be simple for them...

On top of that the tunnels Hamas has built into Israel...

actualy that border with Gaza works REAL GOOD when you consider they want to EXTERMINATE ISRAELIS. they might have 1500 tunnels but how many actually get in?

They only had 14 tunnels that crossed the Israeli border, and the IDF destroyed them all.

Get serious
Gaza Strip smuggling tunnels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As of August 2014, the Egyptian Military destroyed 1659 smugglings tunnels....

So saying that you can secure 2000 miles of border when 1659 tunnels have been closed in a third world country which has

Those tunnels were between Egypt and Gaza. Egypt was not motivated to control smuggling into Gaza. The wall the Israelis are building around the West Bank is working beautifully. Walls and fences worker whenever they have been tried.
So how about you invest the money in Mexico business and help mexico defeat the drug cartels.
How about you do it? You believing it's a good idea and all.

Let us know how it turns out.

Cause it is Trump who is proposing a $200bn fix which will not work... As long as there is an incentive people will do it...

If it doesn't work, then you should be happy, because you support open borders. You want illegals to flood into this country. You oppose the wall because you know it will work. That's what is behind all opposition to building a wall.
Here's a better idea Before you trust anything Obama's ICE director says, secure the freaking border and then lock up every illegal alien who commits a crime and then send them back after they do their time and make damn sure they never come back. Then we will talk about the alleged 200 billion Ice whines about and the idiotic left loves to quote.

What country are you sending them back to?
Why does the receiving country have to accept them?

There is no sign on there head that say that they are a Mexican Citizen. Are you going to jail 20 million people.

We send them back to the country they came from.

The receiving country has to accept them because they are citizens of that country.

No, we are not going to jail 20 million people. We are going to deport them.

How are you going to prove they are from the country you are sending them to?

Immigration has been doing it for decades. Ask them.
The§ir has been a positive emmigration from US to Mexico since the start of the recession. Why? Because the gap between Mexico and US was less and most people like to live at home.

What makes Mexican come to US:
  • Better paid jobs
  • Security
So how about you invest the money in Mexico business and help mexico defeat the drug cartels.

I know this is novel but increasing the quality of life in Mexico can stop you immigration problem and you would probably get the money back from you investment.
That's actually been my question all along in this issue.

These people come here because most of them just want to get out of a shit hole. I wonder what could be done by our country to make theirs less crappy. Problem is, it would almost certainly have to involve some type of military action against those who run the country, the drug cartels. There's no use in investing much there in these conditions, only in specific cases.


You are at least getting closer to the actual problem. The reason they are in the US is because there place is so bad.

There seems to be no carrot to fix Mexico. In Europe they used EU Membership, look at Turkey, they had a terrible human rights record. It has taken time but they are cleaning up their act. I was their 18 months ago and the first thing we were told is Turkey is a secular country.

Maybe we help using UN police division, they have helped in these situations before....

But the big thing is to focus on the real problem... Clean up Mexico, it should be easy them to attract US investment. Yes that will be jobs but they would be robbing more from China initially but then more from the US. But as they rob from the US they would also but US goods...
Yep. The first problem that would have to be considered is Mexico's sovereignty, but the UN idea is interesting.

Illegal immigration and anchor babies wouldn't be an issue if people weren't so desperate to get the hell out of there.

With all the political slap-fighting going on, neither narcissistic side has taken a moment to address the obvious. As usual.

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