Beautiful 13 Yr-Old Student Passes Away From COVID In Mississippi


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Another Mississippi child died from COVID-19 complications this weekend, adding to the four other pediatric deaths since the virus came into the state in March 2020, the health department confirmed Monday. Paul Harrison, Raleigh High School Lion Pride Marching Band director, wrote in a Saturday Facebook post that Mkayla Robinson, an eighth grader, was the perfect student. "Every teacher loved her and wanted 30 more just like her," the post read. "Please pray for Raleigh Junior High, the band, and especially the family as they deal with this."

Smith County, with a population of around 16,000, has recorded 2,012 COVID-19 cases and 96 related deaths. The district did not mandate mask-wearing, instead leaving it up to students and staff to decide, according to a district back-to-school plan. They reversed the decision on Aug. 10, requiring everyone on campuses to don masks. Gov. Tate Reeves said "it's very rare that kids under the age of 12 have anything other than the sniffles from COVID-19. Does it happen from time to time? Sure it does," he said, unable to accurately list the number of Mississippi children who've died from the virus."

Sad story all the way around...probably the little girl was gonna die anyway because of other health reasons -- since basically nobody who catches COVID (especially young people) dies unless they were already close to death...I am also aware that this will be used by some to pressure the governor into issuing mask mandates; even his kid's former youth pastor is trying to pressure him -- but he is right to resist issuing mask mandates...and he should take a page from the Texas governor and ban any school in his state from forcing kids to wear masks.....this isn't about public safety, this is about liberty and freedom....mask mandates will only kill more children....because kids wearing masks prevents them from smiling, psychologically damages them and in many cases, leads to their deaths.
It is sad that Mkayla passed. However, this was a statistical outlier. Additionally Miss is one of the lowest vaccinated states, especially among the knee grow population.
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Enough, I am fine with you taunting the idiots who are anti-vaccination and masks but don’t use the damn kid for your spoof pieces and before I do not care about the kid let be clear I am for masks and vaccination and yet many Blacks and Hispanics are still not doing either!
They believe that because of the free stuff they receive. Enough to slow down improvement but not enough to cause death. Most people would do this. A steady check every month. Checks for going to college and quitting. Checks for irresponsible ways of living. And so much more. They then realize that others take advantage of them even if they do stupid things for themselves.
Beautiful and by all accounts intelligent child. A real shame.

But I agree with a comment above, don't tug at the heartstrings to prove a point or point-score.

I'm pro-vax as they come but it's not fair doing that.
Does the fact still hold, vaccinated or not, that blacks are more suscepitible to the commie virus than caucasoids?

"Another Mississippi child died from COVID-19 complications this weekend, adding to the four other pediatric deaths since the virus came into the state in March 2020, the health department confirmed Monday. Paul Harrison, Raleigh High School Lion Pride Marching Band director, wrote in a Saturday Facebook post that Mkayla Robinson, an eighth grader, was the perfect student. "Every teacher loved her and wanted 30 more just like her," the post read. "Please pray for Raleigh Junior High, the band, and especially the family as they deal with this."
View attachment 527008

Smith County, with a population of around 16,000, has recorded 2,012 COVID-19 cases and 96 related deaths. The district did not mandate mask-wearing, instead leaving it up to students and staff to decide, according to a district back-to-school plan. They reversed the decision on Aug. 10, requiring everyone on campuses to don masks. Gov. Tate Reeves said "it's very rare that kids under the age of 12 have anything other than the sniffles from COVID-19. Does it happen from time to time? Sure it does," he said, unable to accurately list the number of Mississippi children who've died from the virus."

Sad story all the way around...probably the little girl was gonna die anyway because of other health reasons -- since basically nobody who catches COVID (especially young people) dies unless they were already close to death...I am also aware that this will be used by some to pressure the governor into issuing mask mandates; even his kid's former youth pastor is trying to pressure him -- but he is right to resist issuing mask mandates...and he should take a page from the Texas governor and ban any school in his state from forcing kids to wear masks.....this isn't about public safety, this is about liberty and freedom....mask mandates will only kill more children....because kids wearing masks prevents them from smiling, psychologically damages them and in many cases, leads to their deaths.

This death is tragic. My heart aches for her family.


You don't make millions of children miserable to the point every psychiatric hospital coast to coast is full, and suicide rates are sky-high--to possibly prevent just a few tragic deaths.

And yes. I mean that. I have looked at society, I have children, I have taught thousands of children. Death is part of life. No one escapes. The living must live. Take *reasonable* measures. That's it.

"Another Mississippi child died from COVID-19 complications this weekend, adding to the four other pediatric deaths since the virus came into the state in March 2020, the health department confirmed Monday. Paul Harrison, Raleigh High School Lion Pride Marching Band director, wrote in a Saturday Facebook post that Mkayla Robinson, an eighth grader, was the perfect student. "Every teacher loved her and wanted 30 more just like her," the post read. "Please pray for Raleigh Junior High, the band, and especially the family as they deal with this."
View attachment 527008

Smith County, with a population of around 16,000, has recorded 2,012 COVID-19 cases and 96 related deaths. The district did not mandate mask-wearing, instead leaving it up to students and staff to decide, according to a district back-to-school plan. They reversed the decision on Aug. 10, requiring everyone on campuses to don masks. Gov. Tate Reeves said "it's very rare that kids under the age of 12 have anything other than the sniffles from COVID-19. Does it happen from time to time? Sure it does," he said, unable to accurately list the number of Mississippi children who've died from the virus."

Sad story all the way around...probably the little girl was gonna die anyway because of other health reasons -- since basically nobody who catches COVID (especially young people) dies unless they were already close to death...I am also aware that this will be used by some to pressure the governor into issuing mask mandates; even his kid's former youth pastor is trying to pressure him -- but he is right to resist issuing mask mandates...and he should take a page from the Texas governor and ban any school in his state from forcing kids to wear masks.....this isn't about public safety, this is about liberty and freedom....mask mandates will only kill more children....because kids wearing masks prevents them from smiling, psychologically damages them and in many cases, leads to their deaths.

Did you notice the "Mask" that was around her chin? I thought social distancing and masks were supposed to help. I guess i was wrong....*

* i know cloth masks dont do shit for protection, but because the progressive slaves arent smart enough, they just do what their masters tell them to do...

"Another Mississippi child died from COVID-19 complications this weekend, adding to the four other pediatric deaths since the virus came into the state in March 2020, the health department confirmed Monday. Paul Harrison, Raleigh High School Lion Pride Marching Band director, wrote in a Saturday Facebook post that Mkayla Robinson, an eighth grader, was the perfect student. "Every teacher loved her and wanted 30 more just like her," the post read. "Please pray for Raleigh Junior High, the band, and especially the family as they deal with this."
View attachment 527008

Smith County, with a population of around 16,000, has recorded 2,012 COVID-19 cases and 96 related deaths. The district did not mandate mask-wearing, instead leaving it up to students and staff to decide, according to a district back-to-school plan. They reversed the decision on Aug. 10, requiring everyone on campuses to don masks. Gov. Tate Reeves said "it's very rare that kids under the age of 12 have anything other than the sniffles from COVID-19. Does it happen from time to time? Sure it does," he said, unable to accurately list the number of Mississippi children who've died from the virus."

Sad story all the way around...probably the little girl was gonna die anyway because of other health reasons -- since basically nobody who catches COVID (especially young people) dies unless they were already close to death...I am also aware that this will be used by some to pressure the governor into issuing mask mandates; even his kid's former youth pastor is trying to pressure him -- but he is right to resist issuing mask mandates...and he should take a page from the Texas governor and ban any school in his state from forcing kids to wear masks.....this isn't about public safety, this is about liberty and freedom....mask mandates will only kill more children....because kids wearing masks prevents them from smiling, psychologically damages them and in many cases, leads to their deaths.

Notice how these stories never actually tell us how she died. “Coronavirus related complications” about some details? Are they telling us she got the respiratory infection that is impossible for children to get since they don’t have the ACE 2 receptor cells for it to infect? Or did she die from having a high fever? I guess we are too dumb to understand the differences, all we need to know is she tested positive for WuFlu from a PCR test that can’t distinguish WuFlu from the regular flu. Well that is if she even was tested at all, since the CDC doesn’t actually require a WuFlu test to name it as a cause of death on a death certificate.

But hey who are we to ask detailed science questions, someone out there is making these hard decisions for us so we don’t have to think, and we should be grateful.

"Another Mississippi child died from COVID-19 complications this weekend, adding to the four other pediatric deaths since the virus came into the state in March 2020, the health department confirmed Monday. Paul Harrison, Raleigh High School Lion Pride Marching Band director, wrote in a Saturday Facebook post that Mkayla Robinson, an eighth grader, was the perfect student. "Every teacher loved her and wanted 30 more just like her," the post read. "Please pray for Raleigh Junior High, the band, and especially the family as they deal with this."
View attachment 527008

Smith County, with a population of around 16,000, has recorded 2,012 COVID-19 cases and 96 related deaths. The district did not mandate mask-wearing, instead leaving it up to students and staff to decide, according to a district back-to-school plan. They reversed the decision on Aug. 10, requiring everyone on campuses to don masks. Gov. Tate Reeves said "it's very rare that kids under the age of 12 have anything other than the sniffles from COVID-19. Does it happen from time to time? Sure it does," he said, unable to accurately list the number of Mississippi children who've died from the virus."

Sad story all the way around...probably the little girl was gonna die anyway because of other health reasons -- since basically nobody who catches COVID (especially young people) dies unless they were already close to death...I am also aware that this will be used by some to pressure the governor into issuing mask mandates; even his kid's former youth pastor is trying to pressure him -- but he is right to resist issuing mask mandates...and he should take a page from the Texas governor and ban any school in his state from forcing kids to wear masks.....this isn't about public safety, this is about liberty and freedom....mask mandates will only kill more children....because kids wearing masks prevents them from smiling, psychologically damages them and in many cases, leads to their deaths.

Why won't blacques get the vaccine?


Maybe offfer free KOOL 100s?
Was Covid the only thing on the girl's plate? I saw her picture and with her being an American African person I wouldn't be surprised if she was no stranger to Lupus or Sickle Cell Anemia.

God bless you and her family always!!!

Blacks do have a higher chance of dying from the Kung Flu because of those diseases. Why isnt China being sued for murdering millions all over the world?

"Another Mississippi child died from COVID-19 complications this weekend, adding to the four other pediatric deaths since the virus came into the state in March 2020, the health department confirmed Monday. Paul Harrison, Raleigh High School Lion Pride Marching Band director, wrote in a Saturday Facebook post that Mkayla Robinson, an eighth grader, was the perfect student. "Every teacher loved her and wanted 30 more just like her," the post read. "Please pray for Raleigh Junior High, the band, and especially the family as they deal with this."
View attachment 527008

Smith County, with a population of around 16,000, has recorded 2,012 COVID-19 cases and 96 related deaths. The district did not mandate mask-wearing, instead leaving it up to students and staff to decide, according to a district back-to-school plan. They reversed the decision on Aug. 10, requiring everyone on campuses to don masks. Gov. Tate Reeves said "it's very rare that kids under the age of 12 have anything other than the sniffles from COVID-19. Does it happen from time to time? Sure it does," he said, unable to accurately list the number of Mississippi children who've died from the virus."

Sad story all the way around...probably the little girl was gonna die anyway because of other health reasons -- since basically nobody who catches COVID (especially young people) dies unless they were already close to death...I am also aware that this will be used by some to pressure the governor into issuing mask mandates; even his kid's former youth pastor is trying to pressure him -- but he is right to resist issuing mask mandates...and he should take a page from the Texas governor and ban any school in his state from forcing kids to wear masks.....this isn't about public safety, this is about liberty and freedom....mask mandates will only kill more children....because kids wearing masks prevents them from smiling, psychologically damages them and in many cases, leads to their deaths.

And 32 kids a year drown in buckets.
So what’s your point?
And 32 kids a year drown in buckets.
So what’s your point?
Even fewer kids than that died during 9/11...but um.......

Too bad COVID isn't something we can fight against by invading 2 or 3 countries.......bummer
Why are they having an emergency school board meeting in Flordia?

Just because 5600 kids in one district are in quarantine because of COVID exposure? So what?

Parents need to stop being such pussies and demand they stop this quarantine crap
It is sad that Mkayla passed. However, this was a statistical outlier. Additionally Miss is one of the lowest vaccinated states, especially among the knee grow population.
Nope it is actually NOT an "outlier". Kids are DYING from this variant. Hundreds of children are currently in our ERs and no, they are not all fatties with diabetes.

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