Zone1 Be Thou My Vision, O Lord --Songs of love and trusting in God

Gah! The Electric piano. :(

Idk, ever since I did some work for a guy that made music like that, and he was a cretin, I have a certain GRR for that type of thing.

He made religious music and he was a cretin and a half.
Oops! I never was much of a psychic. Just the opposite! :redface:
When my puppies/children get feisty, this calms them down for a couple of hours:

Oh, yes, and I love the sweet singers and the songs they sing.
One of the puppies, Mr. Spotty blue eyes is deaf. Even he settles down when everyone else does.
I wondered why he was always sleeping when the others were howling, and
finally realize he couldn't hear. He sure can howl himself, though! Go figure!
Miss Songie's puppies keep me laughing some days. :thup:
Within, Without The Cosmos Wide Am I;
In Joyful Sweep I Loose Forth And Draw Back All.
A Birthless Deathless Spirit That Moves Yet Is Still;
Ever Abides Within To Hear My Call.

I Who Create On Earth My Joys And Doles;

To Fulfill My Matchless Quest In All I Play.
I Veil My Face Of Truth With Golden Hues;
And See The Serpent Night And Python Day.

A Consciousness Bliss I Feel In Each Breath;

I Am The Self-Amorous Child Of The Sun.
At Will I Break And Build My Symbol Sheath;
And Freely Enjoy The World's Unshadowed Fun


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