Be honest. "Gay rights" is code for more affirmative action.

What ever joe. I know what I am and for shit sure, I'm happy I'm not the bigot you are.

I judge people based on what they believe, and their inability to use logic.

Judging by the statements above, you judge folks on their skin color.

I also judge people based on their inability to use logic. That's why I judge you to be an idiot.

Someone who thinks a child making an obscene gesture is an avatar isn't using "logic".

Frankly, you come off like an angry child most of the time.
We saw it with blacks and hispanics and women and disabled. They say they want equal rights but it's just the opposite. They want special treatment in things like jobs and college scholarships. The perverts are playing the same game - take from the normals and give to me.

Will you stop fucking making threads about how much you hate black people?

A little insight for you... YOU are the abnormal one.

No sir! I judge people based on their character. You, however judge based on religion.
We all stereotype people to a certain extent it can't be helped. I tend to judge based on experience. Experience tells me that people who give their kids pseudo-African names self identify as African American. A great many of them are the same folks that sat in pews on Sunday and listened to the Jeremiah Wrights of the world convince them that whitey wants to keep them down. I don't want someone of that attitude because they were raised in that environment, representing my company. I want competence, not attitude and I don't give a shit what color skin competence (or attitude) wears.
I've got news for you. Us capitalistic pigs have no interest in keeping the black man on the plantation. If you're poor, you suck as a customer.

Yes, if you believe in stupid fairy tales, and follow pedophiles and liars, I pretty much judge you to be some kind of idiot.

On the other hand, I've known a lot of people with "psuedo-African names" in the Army and in the business world. Most of them are pretty decent workers. My experience in the private sector is that 90% of the time, it's the management that's the problem.

No sir! I judge people based on their character. You, however judge based on religion.
We all stereotype people to a certain extent it can't be helped. I tend to judge based on experience. Experience tells me that people who give their kids pseudo-African names self identify as African American. A great many of them are the same folks that sat in pews on Sunday and listened to the Jeremiah Wrights of the world convince them that whitey wants to keep them down. I don't want someone of that attitude because they were raised in that environment, representing my company. I want competence, not attitude and I don't give a shit what color skin competence (or attitude) wears.
I've got news for you. Us capitalistic pigs have no interest in keeping the black man on the plantation. If you're poor, you suck as a customer.

Yes, if you believe in stupid fairy tales, and follow pedophiles and liars, I pretty much judge you to be some kind of idiot.

On the other hand, I've known a lot of people with "psuedo-African names" in the Army and in the business world. Most of them are pretty decent workers. My experience in the private sector is that 90% of the time, it's the management that's the problem.

You can not complete a sentence without blaming something on some one that makes more than you.
Hey, Ernie, I want you to tell me again how you aren't racist, because that never gets old.

Seriously, anything I would say would just detract from the hilarity

What ever joe. I know what I am and for shit sure, I'm happy I'm not the bigot you are.

I judge people based on what they believe, and their inability to use logic.

Judging by the statements above, you judge folks on their skin color.

No, you tell people what you think they believe and then judge them based on how much money they make.
Gays do not need affirmative action. They tend to do quite well finacially

What they want is an equal application of our laws
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No sir! I judge people based on their character. You, however judge based on religion.
We all stereotype people to a certain extent it can't be helped. I tend to judge based on experience. Experience tells me that people who give their kids pseudo-African names self identify as African American. A great many of them are the same folks that sat in pews on Sunday and listened to the Jeremiah Wrights of the world convince them that whitey wants to keep them down. I don't want someone of that attitude because they were raised in that environment, representing my company. I want competence, not attitude and I don't give a shit what color skin competence (or attitude) wears.
I've got news for you. Us capitalistic pigs have no interest in keeping the black man on the plantation. If you're poor, you suck as a customer.

Yes, if you believe in stupid fairy tales, and follow pedophiles and liars, I pretty much judge you to be some kind of idiot.

On the other hand, I've known a lot of people with "psuedo-African names" in the Army and in the business world. Most of them are pretty decent workers. My experience in the private sector is that 90% of the time, it's the management that's the problem.

You can not complete a sentence without blaming something on some one that makes more than you.

Put the blame where it belongs.

The Great Recession didn't happen because workin' Joes weren't working hard enough. Worker productivity was at record levels in the Oughts... (As in "we ought to have not elected that retard, Bush!")

It happened because the Rich got too greedy and stupid.
What ever joe. I know what I am and for shit sure, I'm happy I'm not the bigot you are.

I judge people based on what they believe, and their inability to use logic.

Judging by the statements above, you judge folks on their skin color.

No, you tell people what you think they believe and then judge them based on how much money they make.

Not that I think you or Ernie are rich as you claim you are. (actually, I find nothing more sad and pathetic than people who get behind a screen name and brag how much money they are supposedly making. Except maybe guys who get on the internet and brag about their penis size.)

But, yes, I do judge the fact that the wealthy wrecked the economy. the ironic thing is, they had it pretty good under Clinton. Yeah, they had to pay a whopping 39% tax rate, but they were making obscene amounts of money. They just had to give some of it to the working Joes.

Can't have that. They'd rather crash the economy than share. First, let's get the retarded son of an ex-president in there. Yeah. that ought to do it.
I judge people based on what they believe, and their inability to use logic.

Judging by the statements above, you judge folks on their skin color.

No sir! I judge people based on their character. You, however judge based on religion.
We all stereotype people to a certain extent it can't be helped. I tend to judge based on experience. Experience tells me that people who give their kids pseudo-African names self identify as African American. A great many of them are the same folks that sat in pews on Sunday and listened to the Jeremiah Wrights of the world convince them that whitey wants to keep them down. I don't want someone of that attitude because they were raised in that environment, representing my company. I want competence, not attitude and I don't give a shit what color skin competence (or attitude) wears.
I've got news for you. Us capitalistic pigs have no interest in keeping the black man on the plantation. If you're poor, you suck as a customer.

What a crock. You'd have to have "character", to assess character. You're blinded by stereotypes and your own distorted perception of reality. For you to label me as a racist for merely calling the racism of white forum members here, certifies you as "unstable" and "clueless". Black racists do not invite whites to their homes, have any interaction with, and/or "cajole" and socialize. The fact that I, indeed, do, belies any suggestion that I could possibly be a racist.
That being said, what is it to you how folks "self-identify" (as if they had to answer to you)? African Americans naming their offspring "non-traditional names", doesn't speak to how they identify, as it could be for a variety of reasons, none of which are any of your business.
And due to the First Amendment of The Constitution, folks are free to practice whatever faith or religion they so choose, and to listen to whomever, for whatever reason or rhyme.
There is no need to convince anyone of certain truths: "Whitey" (as you put it, not I) has not only kept minorities "down", but has disenfranchised, murdered, tortured, raped, castigated, institutionalized and generally oppressed them, without the insight or the rhetoric from the Jeremiah Wrights of the world.
And truth be told, you have no notion of what someone in your company thinks of you, truly. In order to keep a job, they probably wouldn't call you the SOB you are, to your face, but will allow you fall on your ass (or face) should the opportunity present itself.....mainly, because you're an asshole. Yeah, let's take a vote on your company morale and loyalty.
And you most certainly do care about skin color, else you wouldn't have gone off on me and mine. Hypocrite.

poet, let me appeal to your reason and common sense as I believe you have both. I fault you not for being upset at the way some in society have treated you for being who you are. Believe it or not you have more allies than you know and most of them may not be all the way there as far as full acceptance of who you are.
And does it really matter poet how far along they are in their acceptance of you? I started to see discrimination against all sorts of folks when I was 4 years old in 1958. Things are not the way they used to be and the majority of folks that I know now that fully accept you now were no where near that in 1958! And how did MLK Jr., a great American and human being, do it? He went about his work in your face but with a smile and never a harsh word.
You are gaining ground faster and faster and faster and I know many people that are almost there and they would be many here.
Give it time as things are going fast and sometimes that takes a while, a little longer for folks that are as impatient as you and I are. Put your hand out and tell them who you are, why you are doing what you do and smile if they do not agree with you. Always give them the respect you know you deserve and stay away from the fight and anger that you have, and I admire the hell out of, because it runs the very folks that are changing but are just not all the way there yet. Deep down they are not bad folks because they are already partially down the road. I never looked down on black folks but I did on homosexuals until about late 80s - early 90s. I changed and most will also change.
After all poet, you know you are right so what else matters?
I judge people based on what they believe, and their inability to use logic.

Judging by the statements above, you judge folks on their skin color.

No, you tell people what you think they believe and then judge them based on how much money they make.

Not that I think you or Ernie are rich as you claim you are. (actually, I find nothing more sad and pathetic than people who get behind a screen name and brag how much money they are supposedly making. Except maybe guys who get on the internet and brag about their penis size.)

But, yes, I do judge the fact that the wealthy wrecked the economy. the ironic thing is, they had it pretty good under Clinton. Yeah, they had to pay a whopping 39% tax rate, but they were making obscene amounts of money. They just had to give some of it to the working Joes.

Can't have that. They'd rather crash the economy than share. First, let's get the retarded son of an ex-president in there. Yeah. that ought to do it.

That is a different version than we normally see from you Joe.
Last week it was wealthy folk with large penises that wrecked the economy.
Your communist fetish with how much money people make has divided this country as you treat and discriminate folks based on nothing other than how much money they make.
You are no better than the homophobes and racists.
Yes, if you believe in stupid fairy tales, and follow pedophiles and liars, I pretty much judge you to be some kind of idiot.

On the other hand, I've known a lot of people with "psuedo-African names" in the Army and in the business world. Most of them are pretty decent workers. My experience in the private sector is that 90% of the time, it's the management that's the problem.

You can not complete a sentence without blaming something on some one that makes more than you.

Put the blame where it belongs.

The Great Recession didn't happen because workin' Joes weren't working hard enough. Worker productivity was at record levels in the Oughts... (As in "we ought to have not elected that retard, Bush!")

It happened because the Rich got too greedy and stupid.

Define "working Smoe"
Define "rich"
Define "greed"
How much is too much?
How many hours in my 70 hour work week should I not work from now on so that I will become a "working Smoe", will not become "rich" and I cease to be "greedy"?
You can not complete a sentence without blaming something on some one that makes more than you.

Put the blame where it belongs.

The Great Recession didn't happen because workin' Joes weren't working hard enough. Worker productivity was at record levels in the Oughts... (As in "we ought to have not elected that retard, Bush!")

It happened because the Rich got too greedy and stupid.

Define "working Smoe"
Define "rich"
Define "greed"
How much is too much?
How many hours in my 70 hour work week should I not work from now on so that I will become a "working Smoe", will not become "rich" and I cease to be "greedy"?

Guys, there are people who work 70 hours a week who aren't making a fortune. (not that I think for a moment you do.)

Anything over 500,000 is too much. No one is producing $500,000 worth of value. No one.
No, you tell people what you think they believe and then judge them based on how much money they make.

Not that I think you or Ernie are rich as you claim you are. (actually, I find nothing more sad and pathetic than people who get behind a screen name and brag how much money they are supposedly making. Except maybe guys who get on the internet and brag about their penis size.)

But, yes, I do judge the fact that the wealthy wrecked the economy. the ironic thing is, they had it pretty good under Clinton. Yeah, they had to pay a whopping 39% tax rate, but they were making obscene amounts of money. They just had to give some of it to the working Joes.

Can't have that. They'd rather crash the economy than share. First, let's get the retarded son of an ex-president in there. Yeah. that ought to do it.

That is a different version than we normally see from you Joe.
Last week it was wealthy folk with large penises that wrecked the economy.
Your communist fetish with how much money people make has divided this country as you treat and discriminate folks based on nothing other than how much money they make.
You are no better than the homophobes and racists.

As far as I'm concerned, the division came when those rich people weren't happy with just being rich, and decided that they needed to be FILTHY rich.

So you got Mitt Romney telling people who paid more for a lunch than most Americans make in a year about how those people were all lazy and were going to vote for Obama and he wasn't even going to bother talking to them.

Too bad one of those working Joes had a video camera!
Put the blame where it belongs.

The Great Recession didn't happen because workin' Joes weren't working hard enough. Worker productivity was at record levels in the Oughts... (As in "we ought to have not elected that retard, Bush!")

It happened because the Rich got too greedy and stupid.

Define "working Smoe"
Define "rich"
Define "greed"
How much is too much?
How many hours in my 70 hour work week should I not work from now on so that I will become a "working Smoe", will not become "rich" and I cease to be "greedy"?

Guys, there are people who work 70 hours a week who aren't making a fortune. (not that I think for a moment you do.)

Anything over 500,000 is too much. No one is producing $500,000 worth of value. No one.

LOL, so if you had someone in your company that went out and brought in clients that bought 50 million in sales for you he would not be worth $500,000.00?

LOL, Joe you kill me. I like you man but you need to move to a commune somewhere because you have no clue how capitalism works.

That person that brings in 50 million in sales himself IS AS PRODUCTIVE AS ANY WORKER COULD EVER BE.

Not everyone carries a hammer to work Joe and no offense to those that do as my hobbies are landscaping, home improvement and small engine repair. My grandfather was a union carpenter in New York from 1919-1954.
Not that I think you or Ernie are rich as you claim you are. (actually, I find nothing more sad and pathetic than people who get behind a screen name and brag how much money they are supposedly making. Except maybe guys who get on the internet and brag about their penis size.)

But, yes, I do judge the fact that the wealthy wrecked the economy. the ironic thing is, they had it pretty good under Clinton. Yeah, they had to pay a whopping 39% tax rate, but they were making obscene amounts of money. They just had to give some of it to the working Joes.

Can't have that. They'd rather crash the economy than share. First, let's get the retarded son of an ex-president in there. Yeah. that ought to do it.

That is a different version than we normally see from you Joe.
Last week it was wealthy folk with large penises that wrecked the economy.
Your communist fetish with how much money people make has divided this country as you treat and discriminate folks based on nothing other than how much money they make.
You are no better than the homophobes and racists.

As far as I'm concerned, the division came when those rich people weren't happy with just being rich, and decided that they needed to be FILTHY rich.

So you got Mitt Romney telling people who paid more for a lunch than most Americans make in a year about how those people were all lazy and were going to vote for Obama and he wasn't even going to bother talking to them.

Too bad one of those working Joes had a video camera!

So that was you taking dirty pictures Joe?
Report to my office at 7 am tomorrow morn for your next assignment!
poet, see, Joe and I go at it and are on the opposite side most of the time.
But see how we are both in agreement on how YOU deserve equal rights to marry and to be treated as a FIRST CLASS citizen if you are conducting yourself that way be you gay or not?
That was my point here in needling Joe once again and getting him to react to it. Note: Joe does the same thing to me and gets the same or more of a reaction back!
The spectrum of folk on your team is wide poet. Believe me, many and probably most are silent on it but watch the flood gates open with folks on your side.
May be a while my man but be patient as it WILL happen and I believe it to be very soon.
LOL, so if you had someone in your company that went out and brought in clients that bought 50 million in sales for you he would not be worth $500,000.00?

LOL, Joe you kill me. I like you man but you need to move to a commune somewhere because you have no clue how capitalism works.

That person that brings in 50 million in sales himself IS AS PRODUCTIVE AS ANY WORKER COULD EVER BE.

No, he wouldn't be worth 500,000 because frankly, if there are 50 million in sales, that's being generated by workers making the goods or services. He'd have jack-diddly to sell if the work wasn't being done, and wasn't being done reliably. He'd just be writing bad checks.

The unfortunate thing was, in the Bush economy, we had a whole economy based on that. Gutting the middle class through union-busting, offshoring, outsourcing, right to work and at will employment. Until the whole facade collapsed.

Now you are stuck with Obama, a Guy I'd have never voted for 10 years ago.
That is a different version than we normally see from you Joe.
Last week it was wealthy folk with large penises that wrecked the economy.
Your communist fetish with how much money people make has divided this country as you treat and discriminate folks based on nothing other than how much money they make.
You are no better than the homophobes and racists.

As far as I'm concerned, the division came when those rich people weren't happy with just being rich, and decided that they needed to be FILTHY rich.

So you got Mitt Romney telling people who paid more for a lunch than most Americans make in a year about how those people were all lazy and were going to vote for Obama and he wasn't even going to bother talking to them.

Too bad one of those working Joes had a video camera!

So that was you taking dirty pictures Joe?
Report to my office at 7 am tomorrow morn for your next assignment!

Ahhh. funny. That was kind of clever, actually.

Nice deflection from the point.

The point is, you can't have that much disparity in wealth and then not have it bite you in the ass.
LOL, so if you had someone in your company that went out and brought in clients that bought 50 million in sales for you he would not be worth $500,000.00?

LOL, Joe you kill me. I like you man but you need to move to a commune somewhere because you have no clue how capitalism works.

That person that brings in 50 million in sales himself IS AS PRODUCTIVE AS ANY WORKER COULD EVER BE.

No, he wouldn't be worth 500,000 because frankly, if there are 50 million in sales, that's being generated by workers making the goods or services. He'd have jack-diddly to sell if the work wasn't being done, and wasn't being done reliably. He'd just be writing bad checks.

The unfortunate thing was, in the Bush economy, we had a whole economy based on that. Gutting the middle class through union-busting, offshoring, outsourcing, right to work and at will employment. Until the whole facade collapsed.

Now you are stuck with Obama, a Guy I'd have never voted for 10 years ago.

You are lost Joe. So the truck drivers that drive that product to the stores are not workers?
And the woman in accounts payables in not a worker and the hundreds of others not involved in production are not workers?
How about the products that ROBOTICS make?

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