Be honest. "Gay rights" is code for more affirmative action.

Your outright hatred suggests homosexuality is a huge thing in your mind. I can't tell if you're the type who beats weaker gay dudes and then rapes them or if you're the type who just hits the gloryholes to get a quick fix to deal with your sham of a life but it's pretty much a fact you've had a dick in your mouth before.

Is this the kind of disgusting dialog that you think is productive for ANY cause?

For a homophobe closeted bigot piece of shit like that? Absolutely. That man has had a dick in his mouth before and he hates himself for it. But that's no one's fault but his own and he shouldn't deny others their rights or their individuality because of it.

You of course realize this is an adult forum and that sounds like highschool locker room nonsense right?
Is this the kind of disgusting dialog that you think is productive for ANY cause?

For a homophobe closeted bigot piece of shit like that? Absolutely. That man has had a dick in his mouth before and he hates himself for it. But that's no one's fault but his own and he shouldn't deny others their rights or their individuality because of it.

You of course realize this is an adult forum and that sounds like highschool locker room nonsense right?

Why did I say that was wrong? Okay... substitute "penis" for "dick" if you feel this conversation isn't adult enough. And it's not nonsense, his uneven hatred of homosexuality clearly denotes it's a large part of his psyche and he's had a messed up history with it. I'm just pointing it out.
Your outright hatred suggests homosexuality is a huge thing in your mind. I can't tell if you're the type who beats weaker gay dudes and then rapes them or if you're the type who just hits the gloryholes to get a quick fix to deal with your sham of a life but it's pretty much a fact you've had a dick in your mouth before.

Is this the kind of disgusting dialog that you think is productive for ANY cause?

That's exatly what is wrong with queers, just no sense of decency, it doesn't even compute.

I mean Jesus, look at what this closeted self-hating homosexual is saying. It's obvious.
We saw it with blacks and hispanics and women and disabled. They say they want equal rights but it's just the opposite. They want special treatment in things like jobs and college scholarships. The perverts are playing the same game - take from the normals and give to me.

You're an idiot. There is nothing about you that is "normal". Equality isn't special treatment. And affirmative action is about racial and/or gender discrimination, moron.

Interesting. Then when are black people going to protest for more white NBA players and more white professional atheletes in general to make sports, "look more like America"??
We saw it with blacks and hispanics and women and disabled. They say they want equal rights but it's just the opposite. They want special treatment in things like jobs and college scholarships. The perverts are playing the same game - take from the normals and give to me.

Actually I have seen a lot of gay bashing of certain people at work. So unlike some exaggerations by minorites and women about not getting promoted because of their background, I think gay people have some legitimate grievances about work treatment. As far as gay marriage, if it makes them feel good, then why not? Marriage is a very flawed institution but if gay people want it, so be it. No problem with that...
Is this the kind of disgusting dialog that you think is productive for ANY cause?

That's exatly what is wrong with queers, just no sense of decency, it doesn't even compute.

I mean Jesus, look at what this closeted self-hating homosexual is saying. It's obvious.

You're the one thats unhinged. Clearly you're getting a little over-emotional over something I said. You think I am bitter and full of hatred, when in reality I am sitting here reading this thread and just laughing my ass off at you loons.

:night: :ahole-1:
Aberrant? You have your nerve. You insult me, and other gays in the forum, to our faces, in open forum, and I'm supposed to abide you???????? Who cares if you don't accept.

Well, not exactly. Aberrant is essentially defined as abnormal or unusual so gay is, by that definition, definitely Aberrant. You cannot argue that something that 5% of the population practices or experiences is normal. It is the way that it is but let’s not get caught up in language because we feel that there are negative connotations here.

Sorry but the AMA views gay as "normal variant"...and I'll take their word over yours.
5 % of the population? Try 20 %, "low-balling". And drop the condescending tone.

Condescending? What the hell are you talking about. I have not been condescending this entire time. I simply said that aberrant was not an incorrect word to use. i cant help it if you do not understand what words mean.

20% is not even in the ball park by the way.
By states, the HIGHEST percentage is 8 percent. 5% is far closer to the average with a whopping 8 whole states that are higher than 5%.
LGBT demographics of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1 District of Columbia 8.1%
2 New Hampshire 6.6%
3 Washington 5.7%
4 Massachusetts 5.7%
5 Maine 5.2%
6 California 5.2%
7 Colorado 5.1%
8 Vermont 5.1%
9 New Mexico 4.9%
10 Minnesota 4.7%

The LGBT community is NOWHERE near 20%. It is likely even far lower than 5%:
A Gallup report published in October 2012 by the Williams Institute reported that 3.4% of US adults identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.
Last edited:
Point 1, Most of the prejudice remaining is fueled by resentment. It's not bad enough that blacks are so over represented on the welfare rolls, since AA, qualified white males have lost out in employment and college admissions.

Point 2. Maybe they don't get call backs because no white man knows how to pronounce Laquishatanyatoma.

In my experience, most blacks with "black sounding names" were raised by parents that don't want to be identified as Americans, but as African Americans. Any person I hire needs to be able to interact with my clients. If they were raised with a resentment against "white society", I really don't need them representing my firm.

NOTHING racist in any of that and I agree.
And you will not find anyone on this board more pro gay rights as me.
My question for affirmative actions is, as I supported it when it passed, is when DOES IT END? Who determines when things are "equal" and the "catching up" has been accomplished?
Affirmative Action was accomplished and needs to end yesterday.

White males have always had "affirmative action".

You mean like in Arlington Cemetary where it's mostly white males??
Nobody can force you to accept a social agenda.....only a legal one

If you personally choose not to accept a gay couple as don't have to
But legally, in official do

I agree with you, legal is a civil union. Social is a marriage.

If granted a civil union, then they are equal in the eyes of the law. It's the wording on an official document.

The movement went from a civil union, to marriage. Why?

Based on our societies history towards gays, they thought civil unions were the best they could hope for

Tolerance towards gays has shifted dramatically. So, they thought ...why not go for the whole thing?

Separate but equal is never equal

Not sure if I agree, l think it is an agenda acceptance driven, more than legal. I think they are going about it wrong.

I do appreciate the civility.
Well, not exactly. Aberrant is essentially defined as abnormal or unusual so gay is, by that definition, definitely Aberrant. You cannot argue that something that 5% of the population practices or experiences is normal. It is the way that it is but let’s not get caught up in language because we feel that there are negative connotations here.

Sorry but the AMA views gay as "normal variant"...and I'll take their word over yours.
5 % of the population? Try 20 %, "low-balling". And drop the condescending tone.

Condescending? What the hell are you talking about. I have not been condescending this entire time. I simply said that aberrant was not an incorrect word to use. i cant help it if you do not understand what words mean.

20% is not even in the ball park by the way.
By states, the HIGHEST percentage is 8 percent. 5% is far closer to the average with a whopping 8 whole states that are higher than 5%.
LGBT demographics of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1 District of Columbia 8.1%
2 New Hampshire 6.6%
3 Washington 5.7%
4 Massachusetts 5.7%
5 Maine 5.2%
6 California 5.2%
7 Colorado 5.1%
8 Vermont 5.1%
9 New Mexico 4.9%
10 Minnesota 4.7%

The LGBT community is NOWHERE near 20%. It is likely even far lower than 5%:
A Gallup report published in October 2012 by the Williams Institute reported that 3.4% of US adults identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.

LOL. 20 % is closer to the truth. I thought you knew. I hope you fathom the ramifications. All your friends and relatives ain't been telling you the truth.
Sorry but the AMA views gay as "normal variant"...and I'll take their word over yours.
5 % of the population? Try 20 %, "low-balling". And drop the condescending tone.

Condescending? What the hell are you talking about. I have not been condescending this entire time. I simply said that aberrant was not an incorrect word to use. i cant help it if you do not understand what words mean.

20% is not even in the ball park by the way.
By states, the HIGHEST percentage is 8 percent. 5% is far closer to the average with a whopping 8 whole states that are higher than 5%.
LGBT demographics of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1 District of Columbia 8.1%
2 New Hampshire 6.6%
3 Washington 5.7%
4 Massachusetts 5.7%
5 Maine 5.2%
6 California 5.2%
7 Colorado 5.1%
8 Vermont 5.1%
9 New Mexico 4.9%
10 Minnesota 4.7%

The LGBT community is NOWHERE near 20%. It is likely even far lower than 5%:
A Gallup report published in October 2012 by the Williams Institute reported that 3.4% of US adults identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.

LOL. 20 % is closer to the truth. I thought you knew. I hope you fathom the ramifications. All your friends and relatives ain't been telling you the truth.

Who cares poet? Does not matter if it is 1%.
Soon the day will come where you will have your equal rights.

Point 1, Most of the prejudice remaining is fueled by resentment. It's not bad enough that blacks are so over represented on the welfare rolls, since AA, qualified white males have lost out in employment and college admissions.

Point 2. Maybe they don't get call backs because no white man knows how to pronounce Laquishatanyatoma.

In my experience, most blacks with "black sounding names" were raised by parents that don't want to be identified as Americans, but as African Americans. Any person I hire needs to be able to interact with my clients. If they were raised with a resentment against "white society", I really don't need them representing my firm.

Hey, Ernie, I want you to tell me again how you aren't racist, because that never gets old.

Seriously, anything I would say would just detract from the hilarity

Point 1, Most of the prejudice remaining is fueled by resentment. It's not bad enough that blacks are so over represented on the welfare rolls, since AA, qualified white males have lost out in employment and college admissions.

Point 2. Maybe they don't get call backs because no white man knows how to pronounce Laquishatanyatoma.

In my experience, most blacks with "black sounding names" were raised by parents that don't want to be identified as Americans, but as African Americans. Any person I hire needs to be able to interact with my clients. If they were raised with a resentment against "white society", I really don't need them representing my firm.

Hey, Ernie, I want you to tell me again how you aren't racist, because that never gets old.

Seriously, anything I would say would just detract from the hilarity

What ever joe. I know what I am and for shit sure, I'm happy I'm not the bigot you are.

Point 1, Most of the prejudice remaining is fueled by resentment. It's not bad enough that blacks are so over represented on the welfare rolls, since AA, qualified white males have lost out in employment and college admissions.

Point 2. Maybe they don't get call backs because no white man knows how to pronounce Laquishatanyatoma.

In my experience, most blacks with "black sounding names" were raised by parents that don't want to be identified as Americans, but as African Americans. Any person I hire needs to be able to interact with my clients. If they were raised with a resentment against "white society", I really don't need them representing my firm.

Hey, Ernie, I want you to tell me again how you aren't racist, because that never gets old.

Seriously, anything I would say would just detract from the hilarity

What ever joe. I know what I am and for shit sure, I'm happy I'm not the bigot you are.

I judge people based on what they believe, and their inability to use logic.

Judging by the statements above, you judge folks on their skin color.
So I can go to Virginia and my marriage will be recognized as legal as anyone else who has a marriage license?

If you get married to someone of the opposite sex, yea. That was easy.

Just as easy as your hate and ignorance.

Consider the fact that the Framers conceived of the Constitution to protect citizens from the likes of you.

You’re proof we need the Constitution and its case law now as much as any period during our Nation’s history, if not more so.

sure they did Jones....i bet gays were accepted back then....especially gay men...
Hey, Ernie, I want you to tell me again how you aren't racist, because that never gets old.

Seriously, anything I would say would just detract from the hilarity

What ever joe. I know what I am and for shit sure, I'm happy I'm not the bigot you are.

I judge people based on what they believe, and their inability to use logic.

Judging by the statements above, you judge folks on their skin color.

I also judge people based on their inability to use logic. That's why I judge you to be an idiot.
We saw it with blacks and hispanics and women and disabled. They say they want equal rights but it's just the opposite. They want special treatment in things like jobs and college scholarships. The perverts are playing the same game - take from the normals and give to me.

Nah. They just want the same rights as everyone else.
Hey, Ernie, I want you to tell me again how you aren't racist, because that never gets old.

Seriously, anything I would say would just detract from the hilarity

What ever joe. I know what I am and for shit sure, I'm happy I'm not the bigot you are.

I judge people based on what they believe, and their inability to use logic.

Judging by the statements above, you judge folks on their skin color.

No sir! I judge people based on their character. You, however judge based on religion.
We all stereotype people to a certain extent it can't be helped. I tend to judge based on experience. Experience tells me that people who give their kids pseudo-African names self identify as African American. A great many of them are the same folks that sat in pews on Sunday and listened to the Jeremiah Wrights of the world convince them that whitey wants to keep them down. I don't want someone of that attitude because they were raised in that environment, representing my company. I want competence, not attitude and I don't give a shit what color skin competence (or attitude) wears.
I've got news for you. Us capitalistic pigs have no interest in keeping the black man on the plantation. If you're poor, you suck as a customer.
Defined by you and other bigots...not by me.

Defined by society hundreds of years ago... Do you have quotes by me that indicate that I'm a bigot, or are you talking out of your ass again?

Your disdain for marriage equality makes you a bigot.
Society? What was "kosher", in society, in the past, does not define society today. Things change. People change. Try to come into the 21st century.
They'll be forced to eventually. Their kind is a dying breed.
What ever joe. I know what I am and for shit sure, I'm happy I'm not the bigot you are.

I judge people based on what they believe, and their inability to use logic.

Judging by the statements above, you judge folks on their skin color.

No sir! I judge people based on their character. You, however judge based on religion.
We all stereotype people to a certain extent it can't be helped. I tend to judge based on experience. Experience tells me that people who give their kids pseudo-African names self identify as African American. A great many of them are the same folks that sat in pews on Sunday and listened to the Jeremiah Wrights of the world convince them that whitey wants to keep them down. I don't want someone of that attitude because they were raised in that environment, representing my company. I want competence, not attitude and I don't give a shit what color skin competence (or attitude) wears.
I've got news for you. Us capitalistic pigs have no interest in keeping the black man on the plantation. If you're poor, you suck as a customer.

What a crock. You'd have to have "character", to assess character. You're blinded by stereotypes and your own distorted perception of reality. For you to label me as a racist for merely calling the racism of white forum members here, certifies you as "unstable" and "clueless". Black racists do not invite whites to their homes, have any interaction with, and/or "cajole" and socialize. The fact that I, indeed, do, belies any suggestion that I could possibly be a racist.
That being said, what is it to you how folks "self-identify" (as if they had to answer to you)? African Americans naming their offspring "non-traditional names", doesn't speak to how they identify, as it could be for a variety of reasons, none of which are any of your business.
And due to the First Amendment of The Constitution, folks are free to practice whatever faith or religion they so choose, and to listen to whomever, for whatever reason or rhyme.
There is no need to convince anyone of certain truths: "Whitey" (as you put it, not I) has not only kept minorities "down", but has disenfranchised, murdered, tortured, raped, castigated, institutionalized and generally oppressed them, without the insight or the rhetoric from the Jeremiah Wrights of the world.
And truth be told, you have no notion of what someone in your company thinks of you, truly. In order to keep a job, they probably wouldn't call you the SOB you are, to your face, but will allow you fall on your ass (or face) should the opportunity present itself.....mainly, because you're an asshole. Yeah, let's take a vote on your company morale and loyalty.
And you most certainly do care about skin color, else you wouldn't have gone off on me and mine. Hypocrite.

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