Bashar al-Assad is still the problem

regarding LITERACY------I have no doubt that a higher percentage of the population of Syrians ----now----are literate than was the percentage of americans in 1776. The US constitution is not BASED on the Magna Carta

You didnt even know about magna carta, now you are an expert ha :)
You thought US became what it is in one night :D

I didn't know about the Magna carta? I was educated in US public schools---
we learn about the magna carta in the fourth grade------not that it was such a big
deal. The whole country INCLUDING lots of people was owned by the
"UPPER CLASS"-------- like Downton Abbey ------serfs had did not get any
rights------the situation was no different than it was in the times of Robin Hood
except the "Lords and Ladies" had a bit more control over their own lives.

No wonder.....

"Magna Carta exercised a strong influence both on the United States Constitution and on the constitutions of the various states."

Magna Carta and the U.S. Constitution - Magna Carta: Muse and Mentor | Exhibitions - Library of Congress

no it didn't ------------the idea is just a simplistic view of history. ------which is how
history is presented in the USA public schools along with pictures of happy pilgrims having thanksgiving dinner with happy Indians

Yes yes, people who wrote the constitution say they were influenced by the magna carta but what do they know.....

yeah yeah----the simplistic view of history I know it well-------I started to
learn at age 5 in kindergarten. They also thought that they were influenced
by Socrates and Plato
You didnt even know about magna carta, now you are an expert ha :)
You thought US became what it is in one night :D

I didn't know about the Magna carta? I was educated in US public schools---
we learn about the magna carta in the fourth grade------not that it was such a big
deal. The whole country INCLUDING lots of people was owned by the
"UPPER CLASS"-------- like Downton Abbey ------serfs had did not get any
rights------the situation was no different than it was in the times of Robin Hood
except the "Lords and Ladies" had a bit more control over their own lives.

No wonder.....

"Magna Carta exercised a strong influence both on the United States Constitution and on the constitutions of the various states."

Magna Carta and the U.S. Constitution - Magna Carta: Muse and Mentor | Exhibitions - Library of Congress

no it didn't ------------the idea is just a simplistic view of history. ------which is how
history is presented in the USA public schools along with pictures of happy pilgrims having thanksgiving dinner with happy Indians

Yes yes, people who wrote the constitution say they were influenced by the magna carta but what do they know.....

yeah yeah----the simplistic view of history I know it well-------I started to
learn at age 5 in kindergarten. They also thought that they were influenced
by Socrates and Plato

Yes, according to your "advanced" view of history, US became what it is in one night.

I understand....
Assad is not the problem....Gadaffi was not the problem...Egypt is not the problem!

The only problem here is Hussein Obama...the Wahhabi in the White House !

be patient----one more year

Only GOD knows how much damage he will inflict year is a long time....

we will survive

just to explain to you

I prefer Assad in Syria any other unknown devil.....

and I am on Putin's side on opposed to the wahhabi Hussein Obama ...ok?
I didn't know about the Magna carta? I was educated in US public schools---
we learn about the magna carta in the fourth grade------not that it was such a big
deal. The whole country INCLUDING lots of people was owned by the
"UPPER CLASS"-------- like Downton Abbey ------serfs had did not get any
rights------the situation was no different than it was in the times of Robin Hood
except the "Lords and Ladies" had a bit more control over their own lives.

No wonder.....

"Magna Carta exercised a strong influence both on the United States Constitution and on the constitutions of the various states."

Magna Carta and the U.S. Constitution - Magna Carta: Muse and Mentor | Exhibitions - Library of Congress

no it didn't ------------the idea is just a simplistic view of history. ------which is how
history is presented in the USA public schools along with pictures of happy pilgrims having thanksgiving dinner with happy Indians

Yes yes, people who wrote the constitution say they were influenced by the magna carta but what do they know.....

yeah yeah----the simplistic view of history I know it well-------I started to
learn at age 5 in kindergarten. They also thought that they were influenced
by Socrates and Plato

Yes, according to your advanced view of history, US became what it is in one night.

I understand....

No------I will help you with a quotation-------I read this when I was in the fourth grade
in a little book that was ------on the shelf. "If I have seen further than others, it
is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants" ---------guess who wrote that.---
ok I will tell you------Sir Isaac Newton. The stuff is already DONE FOR
THEM------the Syrians are not illiterate cavemen. The principles have been developing for many many centuries. In fact, as had the ideas expressed in
Assad is not the problem....Gadaffi was not the problem...Egypt is not the problem!

The only problem here is Hussein Obama...the Wahhabi in the White House !

be patient----one more year

Only GOD knows how much damage he will inflict year is a long time....

we will survive

just to explain to you

I prefer Assad in Syria any other unknown devil.....

and I am on Putin's side on opposed to the wahhabi Hussein Obama ...ok?

Smart pick!
Assad is not the problem....Gadaffi was not the problem...Egypt is not the problem!

The only problem here is Hussein Obama...the Wahhabi in the White House !

be patient----one more year

Only GOD knows how much damage he will inflict year is a long time....

we will survive

just to explain to you

I prefer Assad in Syria any other unknown devil.....

and I am on Putin's side on opposed to the wahhabi Hussein Obama ...ok?

thanks for your input. I see Iran and Russia as maniacal imperialists------dangerous to the whole planet------you can throw present day china in and---
BAATHISTS, in general. I do not like Putin at all. World War III is underway.
Obama did not cause it---------it has been inevitable for at least five years
Assad is not the problem....Gadaffi was not the problem...Egypt is not the problem!

The only problem here is Hussein Obama...the Wahhabi in the White House !

be patient----one more year

Only GOD knows how much damage he will inflict year is a long time....

we will survive

just to explain to you

I prefer Assad in Syria any other unknown devil.....

and I am on Putin's side on opposed to the wahhabi Hussein Obama ...ok?

thanks for your input. I see Iran and Russia as maniacal imperialists------dangerous to the whole planet------you can throw present day china in and---
BAATHISTS, in general. I do not like Putin at all. World War III is underway.
Obama did not cause it---------it has been inevitable for at least five years

I do like Putin

and I see Hussein Obama as the danger to the planet

so there you are!
Assad is not the problem....Gadaffi was not the problem...Egypt is not the problem!

The only problem here is Hussein Obama...the Wahhabi in the White House !

be patient----one more year

Only GOD knows how much damage he will inflict year is a long time....

we will survive

just to explain to you

I prefer Assad in Syria any other unknown devil.....

and I am on Putin's side on opposed to the wahhabi Hussein Obama ...ok?

Smart pick!

Lousy pick---------see it PAN OUT------right there on the border between Yemen and
Saudi Arabia. I prefer Iran and Russia out of Yemen and out of Syria

You dont need all these links. Just ask me, I will educate you.

The first picture, on the wall, left side it is Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, right side it is Ali. Middle you see one of the 12 imams alawites see as a representation of 12 different aspects of their religion.
Last picture, again Ali, in the middle, and on his 2 sides again 2 of the 12 imams. And it says ya allah, ya muhammed, ya ali. Meaning first allah, then muhammed, then ali.

Alawites in Turkey and Alawites in Syria are the same sect, just like how orthodox in US and orthodox in Russia are the same. There is no W character in Turkish alphabet, so it is written as ALEVI in Turkish, meaning "the followers of Ali".

When it was the ottoman empire, there was no borders between anatolia and syria, so these people were much more volatile. But after the war, the border was mined, and these 2 societies are not that close anymore. But Turkish ALEVIS are in full dupport of their brothers in Syria for sure........

I know, around 500,000 Alwaites in Turkey, and 10 million Alevis

they are not the same
where are you from?
please explain yourself

Where I am from is relevant to my knowledge of the Middle east or Islam? Trying to find a chink in my back ground to attack is going to make me less right or you less wrong? You are not debating the facts but trying to make this about me. Poor tactic. You did not like Wiki but you can not refute the other sites or information on them.
How did I know what sites to look for or what they would say before finding them? Maybe because I know what to look for and where to look. So why were you and great grape ape so sure I would was wrong?

Stick to points made and facts.

as for the Ottoman empire.... it has always been in a state of flux and sanjuks in part were border lines when the empire fell


And where are those sancaks in this map? You dont even know what you are looking at. Sancaks have nothing to do what came out of the 1st world war. The border between Syria and Turkey changed after the Greek-Turkish war, the war of Independence for Turkish people fought by the leadership of Mustafa Kemal. And the border changed again in 1938 and Hatay joined Turkish borders, which Syria had a hard time accepting. Turks were planning to take mousul and kirkuk as well, but British refused due to the oil reserves in these areas.

Syria-Iraq border was drawn by British and have again nothing to do with sancaks. The border was agreed in Sykes–Picot Agreement.

Ottoman empire was a highly central government when it was powerful. So sancaks meant close to nothing.

This whole post of yours have literally NOTHING to do with the subject. You are just trying to show us you know the word "sanjuk", but you even got that wrong. The correct word is "sancak", meaning "the banner".

If you have any questions, dont hesitate to ask...

The map was the change over time of the empire

the sajuks
Category:Maps of the Seljuk Empire - Wikimedia Commons

the vilayets
Vilayet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are more maps on snipview if you need

What is this a geography quiz?
Assad is not the problem....Gadaffi was not the problem...Egypt is not the problem!

The only problem here is Hussein Obama...the Wahhabi in the White House !

Yes yes, you already post this on the first page. Dont need to keep repeating... We are not stupid...

I don't know about not being stupid and stuff....

Well, we will become stupid if you keep repeating like a broken record...

Ok baboon. I heard you.

You are projecting.

No wonder.....

"Magna Carta exercised a strong influence both on the United States Constitution and on the constitutions of the various states."

Magna Carta and the U.S. Constitution - Magna Carta: Muse and Mentor | Exhibitions - Library of Congress

no it didn't ------------the idea is just a simplistic view of history. ------which is how
history is presented in the USA public schools along with pictures of happy pilgrims having thanksgiving dinner with happy Indians

Yes yes, people who wrote the constitution say they were influenced by the magna carta but what do they know.....

yeah yeah----the simplistic view of history I know it well-------I started to
learn at age 5 in kindergarten. They also thought that they were influenced
by Socrates and Plato

Yes, according to your advanced view of history, US became what it is in one night.

I understand....

No------I will help you with a quotation-------I read this when I was in the fourth grade
in a little book that was ------on the shelf. "If I have seen further than others, it
is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants" ---------guess who wrote that.---
ok I will tell you------Sir Isaac Newton. The stuff is already DONE FOR
THEM------the Syrians are not illiterate cavemen. The principles have been developing for many many centuries. In fact, as had the ideas expressed in

Yes, but europeans did fight a horrendous long religous war and ethnically cleansed their territories so they did not end up with some artificial borders where they were locked in some state as minorities, but decided to end the religious conflict and recognized religious freedom, which did create the perfect condition for secular ideas to rise.

It did take 300 years for ottoman to accept printing press.
be patient----one more year

Only GOD knows how much damage he will inflict year is a long time....

we will survive

just to explain to you

I prefer Assad in Syria any other unknown devil.....

and I am on Putin's side on opposed to the wahhabi Hussein Obama ...ok?

Smart pick!

Lousy pick---------see it PAN OUT------right there on the border between Yemen and
Saudi Arabia. I prefer Iran and Russia out of Yemen and out of Syria

Yes, you want them out. But thats not the question. The question is, who do you want in their place?

ISIS is the only other alternative and you seem to like that over the other option...
You dont need all these links. Just ask me, I will educate you.

The first picture, on the wall, left side it is Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, right side it is Ali. Middle you see one of the 12 imams alawites see as a representation of 12 different aspects of their religion.
Last picture, again Ali, in the middle, and on his 2 sides again 2 of the 12 imams. And it says ya allah, ya muhammed, ya ali. Meaning first allah, then muhammed, then ali.

Alawites in Turkey and Alawites in Syria are the same sect, just like how orthodox in US and orthodox in Russia are the same. There is no W character in Turkish alphabet, so it is written as ALEVI in Turkish, meaning "the followers of Ali".

When it was the ottoman empire, there was no borders between anatolia and syria, so these people were much more volatile. But after the war, the border was mined, and these 2 societies are not that close anymore. But Turkish ALEVIS are in full dupport of their brothers in Syria for sure........

I know, around 500,000 Alwaites in Turkey, and 10 million Alevis

they are not the same
where are you from?
please explain yourself

Where I am from is relevant to my knowledge of the Middle east or Islam? Trying to find a chink in my back ground to attack is going to make me less right or you less wrong? You are not debating the facts but trying to make this about me. Poor tactic. You did not like Wiki but you can not refute the other sites or information on them.
How did I know what sites to look for or what they would say before finding them? Maybe because I know what to look for and where to look. So why were you and great grape ape so sure I would was wrong?

Stick to points made and facts.

as for the Ottoman empire.... it has always been in a state of flux and sanjuks in part were border lines when the empire fell


And where are those sancaks in this map? You dont even know what you are looking at. Sancaks have nothing to do what came out of the 1st world war. The border between Syria and Turkey changed after the Greek-Turkish war, the war of Independence for Turkish people fought by the leadership of Mustafa Kemal. And the border changed again in 1938 and Hatay joined Turkish borders, which Syria had a hard time accepting. Turks were planning to take mousul and kirkuk as well, but British refused due to the oil reserves in these areas.

Syria-Iraq border was drawn by British and have again nothing to do with sancaks. The border was agreed in Sykes–Picot Agreement.

Ottoman empire was a highly central government when it was powerful. So sancaks meant close to nothing.

This whole post of yours have literally NOTHING to do with the subject. You are just trying to show us you know the word "sanjuk", but you even got that wrong. The correct word is "sancak", meaning "the banner".

If you have any questions, dont hesitate to ask...

The map was the change over time of the empire

the sajuks
Category:Maps of the Seljuk Empire - Wikimedia Commons

the vilayets
Vilayet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are more maps on snipview if you need

What is this a geography quiz?

What does have any map to do with anything?

What does Selcuklu have anything to do with anything?

What are you talking about??????
what is a sancak?

alternate transliteration turkish pronunciation

No, it is not "alternate", it is "correct" pronunciation.

And where did you see the "sanjuk" pronunciation?

You havent anywhere, because there is no such pronunciation. The alternative would be "sanjak"...

And again, have nothing to do with anything here, but have been brought up by you, just to prove you know something about anything. But it is wrong... The pronunciation is wrong, your claim that you know 500.000 alevis and 10 mil alewites is wrong..... ALL WRONG....
Assad is not the problem....Gadaffi was not the problem...Egypt is not the problem!

The only problem here is Hussein Obama...the Wahhabi in the White House !

be patient----one more year

and 14 more months of Assad?

so? is that too secular for you?

do you need more islamic brotherhood....sharia law shit?

c'mon what is wrong with you people?

Not secular enough. Too alwaite, too abusive, too unjust, too corrupt
Too Assad

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