Barrett The Least Popular Nominee


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
She could be good for the country. She could be bad.

But her popularity? According to The Economist she is the least popular in 27 years.

"The Economist lists nine Supreme Court nominees, going back to Ginsburg in 1993 under President Bill Clinton. The least popular of the nine, The Economist reports, is Barrett — and the second least popular is Justice Brett Kavanuagh, nominated by Trump in 2018. The third least popular, according to The Economist, is another Trump nominee: Justice Neil Gorsuch, who Trump nominated in 2017 to fill the seat once held by the late Justice Antonin Scalia."

The polling data that The Economist used for its list came not only from its own polling, but also, from polling by Gallup and CNN. All of that polling showed that Trump’s three nominees have been the least popular.

Raw Sewage spam...

the Republicans are throwing the election away. FOR WHAT? An inadequate white Catholic woman?...who would not have been nominated had Ginsburg not died and went to heaven up there

we need to serious Supreme Court reform, court-packing being one of the options, my friends

to all you women out there, you should be appalled by this woman

and to the men, pretend you're a woman for a second, and imagine how appalled you are!
She could be good for the country. She could be bad.

But her popularity? According to The Economist she is the least popular in 27 years.

"The Economist lists nine Supreme Court nominees, going back to Ginsburg in 1993 under President Bill Clinton. The least popular of the nine, The Economist reports, is Barrett — and the second least popular is Justice Brett Kavanuagh, nominated by Trump in 2018. The third least popular, according to The Economist, is another Trump nominee: Justice Neil Gorsuch, who Trump nominated in 2017 to fill the seat once held by the late Justice Antonin Scalia."

The polling data that The Economist used for its list came not only from its own polling, but also, from polling by Gallup and CNN. All of that polling showed that Trump’s three nominees have been the least popular.

From the crappy poll you posted..

Only 42 percent of Americans support her appointment to the court, while 46 percent disapprove of the nomination. With a net -4 points of support, she faces the most public opposition of any recent nominee.

Did they also poll since 1993 to show how MANY Sup Ct justices the "American Public" can name? When you're talking "inside D.C." stories -- only 20% or LESS of "american public opinion" is INFORMED and not TOTALLY partisan..

So the REAL STORY IS here -- SupCt nominations have gotten MORE PARTISAN.. The POLL actually proves that.. But ya didn't need a POLL to prove it.. Just look at the history of Senate confirmation votes since 1993.. USED to be nominated by "super majority".. So most of those required over 60 votes.. The poll is shit because ALL they proved is "more partisan".. And ya dont need to poll to prove that..

But you seem to stock up on shit every week. Must have some coupons or some damn thing goin on...
She could be good for the country. She could be bad.

But her popularity? According to The Economist she is the least popular in 27 years.

"The Economist lists nine Supreme Court nominees, going back to Ginsburg in 1993 under President Bill Clinton. The least popular of the nine, The Economist reports, is Barrett — and the second least popular is Justice Brett Kavanuagh, nominated by Trump in 2018. The third least popular, according to The Economist, is another Trump nominee: Justice Neil Gorsuch, who Trump nominated in 2017 to fill the seat once held by the late Justice Antonin Scalia."

The polling data that The Economist used for its list came not only from its own polling, but also, from polling by Gallup and CNN. All of that polling showed that Trump’s three nominees have been the least popular.

From the crappy poll you posted..

Only 42 percent of Americans support her appointment to the court, while 46 percent disapprove of the nomination. With a net -4 points of support, she faces the most public opposition of any recent nominee.

Did they also poll since 1993 to show how MANY Sup Ct justices the "American Public" can name? When you're talking "inside D.C." stories -- only 20% or LESS of "american public opinion" is INFORMED and not TOTALLY partisan..

So the REAL STORY IS here -- SupCt nominations have gotten MORE PARTISAN.. The POLL actually proves that.. But ya didn't need a POLL to prove it.. Just look at the history of Senate confirmation votes since 1993.. USED to be nominated by "super majority".. So most of those required over 60 votes.. The poll is shit because ALL they proved is "more partisan".. And ya dont need to poll to prove that..

But you seem to stock up on shit every week. Must have some coupons or some damn thing goin on...
I am not The Economist and only posted what they said. Take your shit and blow.
She could be good for the country. She could be bad.

But her popularity? According to The Economist she is the least popular in 27 years.

"The Economist lists nine Supreme Court nominees, going back to Ginsburg in 1993 under President Bill Clinton. The least popular of the nine, The Economist reports, is Barrett — and the second least popular is Justice Brett Kavanuagh, nominated by Trump in 2018. The third least popular, according to The Economist, is another Trump nominee: Justice Neil Gorsuch, who Trump nominated in 2017 to fill the seat once held by the late Justice Antonin Scalia."

The polling data that The Economist used for its list came not only from its own polling, but also, from polling by Gallup and CNN. All of that polling showed that Trump’s three nominees have been the least popular.

From the crappy poll you posted..

Only 42 percent of Americans support her appointment to the court, while 46 percent disapprove of the nomination. With a net -4 points of support, she faces the most public opposition of any recent nominee.

Did they also poll since 1993 to show how MANY Sup Ct justices the "American Public" can name? When you're talking "inside D.C." stories -- only 20% or LESS of "american public opinion" is INFORMED and not TOTALLY partisan..

So the REAL STORY IS here -- SupCt nominations have gotten MORE PARTISAN.. The POLL actually proves that.. But ya didn't need a POLL to prove it.. Just look at the history of Senate confirmation votes since 1993.. USED to be nominated by "super majority".. So most of those required over 60 votes.. The poll is shit because ALL they proved is "more partisan".. And ya dont need to poll to prove that..

But you seem to stock up on shit every week. Must have some coupons or some damn thing goin on...
Why do you think it's known as "Raw Sewage"?
She could be good for the country. She could be bad.

But her popularity? According to The Economist she is the least popular in 27 years.

"The Economist lists nine Supreme Court nominees, going back to Ginsburg in 1993 under President Bill Clinton. The least popular of the nine, The Economist reports, is Barrett — and the second least popular is Justice Brett Kavanuagh, nominated by Trump in 2018. The third least popular, according to The Economist, is another Trump nominee: Justice Neil Gorsuch, who Trump nominated in 2017 to fill the seat once held by the late Justice Antonin Scalia."

The polling data that The Economist used for its list came not only from its own polling, but also, from polling by Gallup and CNN. All of that polling showed that Trump’s three nominees have been the least popular.

From the crappy poll you posted..

Only 42 percent of Americans support her appointment to the court, while 46 percent disapprove of the nomination. With a net -4 points of support, she faces the most public opposition of any recent nominee.

Did they also poll since 1993 to show how MANY Sup Ct justices the "American Public" can name? When you're talking "inside D.C." stories -- only 20% or LESS of "american public opinion" is INFORMED and not TOTALLY partisan..

So the REAL STORY IS here -- SupCt nominations have gotten MORE PARTISAN.. The POLL actually proves that.. But ya didn't need a POLL to prove it.. Just look at the history of Senate confirmation votes since 1993.. USED to be nominated by "super majority".. So most of those required over 60 votes.. The poll is shit because ALL they proved is "more partisan".. And ya dont need to poll to prove that..

But you seem to stock up on shit every week. Must have some coupons or some damn thing goin on...
Why do you think it's known as "Raw Sewage"?

Because there's no purification or effort put into PROCESSING the shit? LOL..
She could be good for the country. She could be bad.

But her popularity? According to The Economist she is the least popular in 27 years.

"The Economist lists nine Supreme Court nominees, going back to Ginsburg in 1993 under President Bill Clinton. The least popular of the nine, The Economist reports, is Barrett — and the second least popular is Justice Brett Kavanuagh, nominated by Trump in 2018. The third least popular, according to The Economist, is another Trump nominee: Justice Neil Gorsuch, who Trump nominated in 2017 to fill the seat once held by the late Justice Antonin Scalia."

The polling data that The Economist used for its list came not only from its own polling, but also, from polling by Gallup and CNN. All of that polling showed that Trump’s three nominees have been the least popular.

From the crappy poll you posted..

Only 42 percent of Americans support her appointment to the court, while 46 percent disapprove of the nomination. With a net -4 points of support, she faces the most public opposition of any recent nominee.

Did they also poll since 1993 to show how MANY Sup Ct justices the "American Public" can name? When you're talking "inside D.C." stories -- only 20% or LESS of "american public opinion" is INFORMED and not TOTALLY partisan..

So the REAL STORY IS here -- SupCt nominations have gotten MORE PARTISAN.. The POLL actually proves that.. But ya didn't need a POLL to prove it.. Just look at the history of Senate confirmation votes since 1993.. USED to be nominated by "super majority".. So most of those required over 60 votes.. The poll is shit because ALL they proved is "more partisan".. And ya dont need to poll to prove that..

But you seem to stock up on shit every week. Must have some coupons or some damn thing goin on...
I am not The Economist and only posted what they said. Take your shit and blow.

If you quote the Economist, you stand behind the Economist.

And when they blow shit, you get covered....which seems to be a lot.
She could be good for the country. She could be bad.

But her popularity? According to The Economist she is the least popular in 27 years.

"The Economist lists nine Supreme Court nominees, going back to Ginsburg in 1993 under President Bill Clinton. The least popular of the nine, The Economist reports, is Barrett — and the second least popular is Justice Brett Kavanuagh, nominated by Trump in 2018. The third least popular, according to The Economist, is another Trump nominee: Justice Neil Gorsuch, who Trump nominated in 2017 to fill the seat once held by the late Justice Antonin Scalia."

The polling data that The Economist used for its list came not only from its own polling, but also, from polling by Gallup and CNN. All of that polling showed that Trump’s three nominees have been the least popular.

Barrett The Least Popular Nominee

Haha...ofcourse she is...she’s religious, legit, a real American....and we’ve never had more illegitimate Leftist filth with a say in our nation...WTF, where have you been?
She could be good for the country. She could be bad.

But her popularity? According to The Economist she is the least popular in 27 years.

"The Economist lists nine Supreme Court nominees, going back to Ginsburg in 1993 under President Bill Clinton. The least popular of the nine, The Economist reports, is Barrett — and the second least popular is Justice Brett Kavanuagh, nominated by Trump in 2018. The third least popular, according to The Economist, is another Trump nominee: Justice Neil Gorsuch, who Trump nominated in 2017 to fill the seat once held by the late Justice Antonin Scalia."

The polling data that The Economist used for its list came not only from its own polling, but also, from polling by Gallup and CNN. All of that polling showed that Trump’s three nominees have been the least popular.

Yeah, ok. "Least popular" nominee among some random group of people. And in 3 weeks she will be the "least popular" judge sitting in RBG's seat.

The American Bar Association rated Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett “well qualified” ahead of the nominee’s hearings on Capitol Hill.

“The Standing committee confines its evaluation to the qualities of integrity, professional competence, and judicial temperament,” ABA Standing Committee Chair Randall D. Noel wrote in a Sunday letter to Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the chairman and ranking member, respectively, of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“A substantial majority of the Standing Committee determined that Judge Barrett is ‘Well Qualified,’ and a minority is of the opinion that she is “Qualified” to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States,” the letter continued. “The majority rating represents the Standing Committee’s official rating.”

The American Bar Association rated Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett “well qualified” ahead of the nominee’s hearings on Capitol Hill.

“The Standing committee confines its evaluation to the qualities of integrity, professional competence, and judicial temperament,” ABA Standing Committee Chair Randall D. Noel wrote in a Sunday letter to Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the chairman and ranking member, respectively, of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“A substantial majority of the Standing Committee determined that Judge Barrett is ‘Well Qualified,’ and a minority is of the opinion that she is “Qualified” to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States,” the letter continued. “The majority rating represents the Standing Committee’s official rating.”
Has zip to do with a popularity poll now does it?
She could be good for the country. She could be bad.

But her popularity? According to The Economist she is the least popular in 27 years.

"The Economist lists nine Supreme Court nominees, going back to Ginsburg in 1993 under President Bill Clinton. The least popular of the nine, The Economist reports, is Barrett — and the second least popular is Justice Brett Kavanuagh, nominated by Trump in 2018. The third least popular, according to The Economist, is another Trump nominee: Justice Neil Gorsuch, who Trump nominated in 2017 to fill the seat once held by the late Justice Antonin Scalia."

The polling data that The Economist used for its list came not only from its own polling, but also, from polling by Gallup and CNN. All of that polling showed that Trump’s three nominees have been the least popular.

That bitch needs to get her ass back in the kitchen

According to progressive woke slate :p

girl power.jpg

The American Bar Association rated Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett “well qualified” ahead of the nominee’s hearings on Capitol Hill.

“The Standing committee confines its evaluation to the qualities of integrity, professional competence, and judicial temperament,” ABA Standing Committee Chair Randall D. Noel wrote in a Sunday letter to Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the chairman and ranking member, respectively, of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“A substantial majority of the Standing Committee determined that Judge Barrett is ‘Well Qualified,’ and a minority is of the opinion that she is “Qualified” to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States,” the letter continued. “The majority rating represents the Standing Committee’s official rating.”
Has zip to do with a popularity poll now does it?
And a skewed poll has nothing to do with the fact that she WILL be confirmed, does it???
She could be good for the country. She could be bad.

But her popularity? According to The Economist she is the least popular in 27 years.

"The Economist lists nine Supreme Court nominees, going back to Ginsburg in 1993 under President Bill Clinton. The least popular of the nine, The Economist reports, is Barrett — and the second least popular is Justice Brett Kavanuagh, nominated by Trump in 2018. The third least popular, according to The Economist, is another Trump nominee: Justice Neil Gorsuch, who Trump nominated in 2017 to fill the seat once held by the late Justice Antonin Scalia."

The polling data that The Economist used for its list came not only from its own polling, but also, from polling by Gallup and CNN. All of that polling showed that Trump’s three nominees have been the least popular.

Cool story... want to hear a better one?
Barrett will be confirmed. The end.
She could be good for the country. She could be bad.

But her popularity? According to The Economist she is the least popular in 27 years.

"The Economist lists nine Supreme Court nominees, going back to Ginsburg in 1993 under President Bill Clinton. The least popular of the nine, The Economist reports, is Barrett — and the second least popular is Justice Brett Kavanuagh, nominated by Trump in 2018. The third least popular, according to The Economist, is another Trump nominee: Justice Neil Gorsuch, who Trump nominated in 2017 to fill the seat once held by the late Justice Antonin Scalia."

The polling data that The Economist used for its list came not only from its own polling, but also, from polling by Gallup and CNN. All of that polling showed that Trump’s three nominees have been the least popular.

That just proves that the sources are mere propagandist hate mongering/demonizers.
Just yesterday, the nonpartisan American Bar Association (ABA) gave Judge Barrett its highest rating of “well qualified” in a letter sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Senate Democrats have called the ABA the “gold standard” in rating judicial nominees.

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