BARR told Trump to his face, "you're going to lose, you're humiliating yourself: pettiness, acrimony, punching down, chaos--we're tired of this shit"

That depends on which propaganda you read.

No but I am blaming Hillary for trying her best to ruin the Trump presidency. Hillary is a vindictive witch.

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Nope, still no evidence that Trump was spied on, no matter how loosely you define "wiretapped." Your link is merely an op/Ed pointing out some ex-members of Trump's campaign were spied on. Ex-members are not Trump.
Nope, still no evidence that Trump was spied on, no matter how loosely you define "wiretapped." Your link is merely an op/Ed pointing out some ex-members of Trump's campaign were spied on. Ex-members are not Trump.
There will never be enough evidence for a brainwashed sycophant like you. That is why your posts are unnecessary.
He still wasn't wiretapped.

Of course, I'm saying this to a raving lunatic who still believes the 2020 election was stolen even though he can't prove after 16 months and counting.

I predict one day in the future the historians will admit the 2020 election was rigged by the Democrats. That fact can’t be admitted today because of the backlash.
Thee FISA warrant is way more invasive than a conventional warrant for a US citizen. It includes all electronic communications and goes 3 layers deep. The subject of the warrant, anyone he communicates with, anyone they communicate with, etc.

Your address book, everyone on your address book's address book, and on down.

3 layers. It's a Foreign Intelligence surveillance tool.
I predict one day in the future the historians will admit the 2020 election was rigged by the Democrats.

Do you have an ETA on the announcement about the rigging?

Seriously, of course there will be some flavor of historian who will say as much. Partisan historians are likely saying it right now. And partisan historians will likely say it later.

But the weight of today's evidence illustrates a clean election (as such things go. There is always low-grade pettyass fraudsters, like we saw over at the Villages in Florida). In fact, the guy DTrump appointed to oversee the election, Chris Krebs, said it was done right. DTrump fired the guy for saying so. is important to note: It WAS Trump's guy who said it. Not some holdover from some prior Administration.

Here's a brief note from MarketWatch:

“The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history,” the statement said. “There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”

In a tweet from his personal account Tuesday night, Krebs maintained: “We did it right.”


And, while we are speaking of one of "Trump's Guys".....we must not forget his favorite pollster, Tony Fabrizio, who did an extensive polling right after the election. And he told Don Trump what he found out. Which was: More people thought Don Trump was untrustworthy and incompetent than people who though it he wasn't either of those things. And that was why he lost. Not cheating by anybody.

So there is that.
Page was working with the CIA.
I know.

So did the FBI know. They knew before they opened the investigation into Page in August. They knew after they opened the investigation, and forged an email to conceal the fact that they knew.

They only got concerned about him after he joined the Trump team in 2016. Then all of a sudden he was a suspicious person, possibly a Russian agent.

Like I said, banana republic crap.

Popadopolous goes to jail for getting a date wrong, but the FBI guy that forges a document for a FISA warrant gets probation, and the DC Bar reinstated his license even though he hadn't even finished his probation.
Page was working with the CIA.
To continue on this a bit. Page was traveling to Russia on his own business, and was briefing the CIA on his visits and the people, etc. So he wasn't traveling on their behalf, but he wasn't hiding anything and didn't have any security clearances and no one in government was suspicious of him. He was just a source for the CIA, they had interest in people he met with, or whatever.

They didn't have anything like probable cause to open any of the individual investigations. The entire basis was the notion that someone was communicating with the Russians, and who are the most likely people? We will investigate them.

Because Downer said Popadopolus said something about Russians, but he never said who in the Trump campaign was supposed to be talking to the Russians, so let's investigate everyone.

FISA allows you to do that, I guess.

WOW, I don't need to add ANYTHING to that. Well except his appeal to VIOLENCE and the violent. Barr didn't mention that, at least in this reporting...

"You're going to lose because there's going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are
just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent
chaos, and they're just going to say, 'We're tired of this sh*t.' "
If... (big word there... IF) Barr used the sh word like that and talked so disrespectfully to his president

I have lost all respect for him...

But I don't believe everything I read on the internet...

I don't accept everything some partisan says is true just bc it is there in black and white... guess I am kind of funny that way...

not buying this at all... When i see the same story on Newsmax or OANN or what have you... then I will consider the veracity thereof

until then... better things to do...

Do you have an ETA on the announcement about the rigging?

Seriously, of course there will be some flavor of historian who will say as much. Partisan historians are likely saying it right now. And partisan historians will likely say it later.

But the weight of today's evidence illustrates a clean election (as such things go. There is always low-grade pettyass fraudsters, like we saw over at the Villages in Florida). In fact, the guy DTrump appointed to oversee the election, Chris Krebs, said it was done right. DTrump fired the guy for saying so. is important to note: It WAS Trump's guy who said it. Not some holdover from some prior Administration.

Here's a brief note from MarketWatch:

“The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history,” the statement said. “There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”

In a tweet from his personal account Tuesday night, Krebs maintained: “We did it right.”


And, while we are speaking of one of "Trump's Guys".....we must not forget his favorite pollster, Tony Fabrizio, who did an extensive polling right after the election. And he told Don Trump what he found out. Which was: More people thought Don Trump was untrustworthy and incompetent than people who though it he wasn't either of those things. And that was why he lost. Not cheating by anybody.

So there is that.

The ETA will likely be 75 years to a century from today.

Let’s say the CIA was behind JFK’s assassination. That info might come out someday after there is no longer a CIA.

Every once in while sometime interesting pops up that goes against the agends.

The ETA will likely be 75 years to a century from today.

Let’s say the CIA was behind JFK’s assassination. That info might come out someday after there is no longer a CIA.

Every once in while sometime interesting pops up that goes against the agends.

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Which of course turned out to be bullshit
Are you blaming Hillary for Trump's mouth... His constant tweets, lies and conspiracy theories?
Hillary created the entire "Russia! Russia! Russia!" hoax, moron. She paid someone to create the Steele dossier. People that worked for her were the sources for it. That's what Durham just announced.
Actually the calls to the Russian embassy is what generated the FISA warrants. The NSA had been wiretapping the Russian embassy from the beginning of time.
Hmmm, horseshit. The Steele dossier was the basis for the warrants, and that was a fake document created by HIllary Clinton
Which of course turned out to be bullshit
Of course the news media automatically calls every report of election malfeasance bullshit as soon as they appear. That’s one reason why I suspect the claims might be true. The news media protests too soon and too often.
Of course the news media automatically calls every report of election malfeasance bullshit as soon as they appear. That’s one reason why I suspect the claims might be true. The news media protests too soon and too often.'s been debunked.

They don't just say "bullshit"...they show why
I predict one day in the future the historians will admit the 2020 election was rigged by the Democrats. That fact can’t be admitted today because of the backlash.

I predict one day in the future that historians will know that Trump lost fairly and squarely and tried a soft coup to change the result. You conspiracy theory whackadoodles crack me up.
Also not true.

Page had been investigated for his dealings with Russians back in 2013-2014
No. He had interviews with the FBI in New York at least as early as June 2009, when he told them that he regularly reported his contacts to the CIA. They interviewed him again in 2013 about some different Russian agents that he met, and again in 2016 in connection with an indictment that was brought in 2015 against 3 Russians.

They opened the New York investigation on April 6, 2016. It was transferred to the Crossfire Hurricane team after August 1, when they opened their individual case against Page in D.C.

Page joined the Trump campaign in March. The next month the investigations into Page started.

Page was never considered a suspicious character, both the CIA and FBI had been dealing with him for years.

Horowitz report, page 61-63.


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