Barr outs Trump: No systemic election fraud


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
Well Trump’s Attorney General just outed the con. Says no systemic voter fraud, no need to seize voting machines, seen no evidence that a special investigation around Hunter is needed.

Barr says no need for special counsels to investigate election or Hunter Biden

Washington (CNN) - Attorney General William Barr on Monday rejected several of President Donald Trump's inflammatory and unfounded statements regarding the presidential election, saying at a news conference that he doesn't plan to appoint a special counsel to investigate President-elect Joe Biden's son Hunter or the election.

"If I thought a special counsel at this stage was a right tool and was appropriate, I would name one, but I haven't and I'm not going to," Barr said in response to a question on the presidential election. He said that widespread fraud wasn't found in this election.

Barr also roundly rejected suggestions from the President's supporters in recent days who've called for the US government to seize voting machines.

"To the extent there's an investigation, I think it's being handled responsibly and professionally currently within the department, and to this point, I have not seen a reason to appoint a special counsel, and I have no plan to do so before I leave," Barr said when asked about Hunter Biden. Federal prosecutors and IRS investigations are conducting the probe, and Hunter Biden has not been charged with any crime.
Barr the FBI state legislators Governors and the fake news media....

Well Trump’s Attorney General just outed the con. Says no systemic voter fraud, no need to seize voting machines, seen no evidence that a special investigation around Hunter is needed.

Barr says no need for special counsels to investigate election or Hunter Biden

Washington (CNN) - Attorney General William Barr on Monday rejected several of President Donald Trump's inflammatory and unfounded statements regarding the presidential election, saying at a news conference that he doesn't plan to appoint a special counsel to investigate President-elect Joe Biden's son Hunter or the election.

"If I thought a special counsel at this stage was a right tool and was appropriate, I would name one, but I haven't and I'm not going to," Barr said in response to a question on the presidential election. He said that widespread fraud wasn't found in this election.

Barr also roundly rejected suggestions from the President's supporters in recent days who've called for the US government to seize voting machines.

"To the extent there's an investigation, I think it's being handled responsibly and professionally currently within the department, and to this point, I have not seen a reason to appoint a special counsel, and I have no plan to do so before I leave," Barr said when asked about Hunter Biden. Federal prosecutors and IRS investigations are conducting the probe, and Hunter Biden has not been charged with any crime.

TrumpWorld just keeps getting smaller.
Barr the FBI state legislators Governors and the fake news media....

View attachment 431893

The Swamp is deep and wide.

Not only in the Justice Department but also the Supreme Court.

All hail our new Chinese masters. Their Big Guy will be in the White House, paid for lock, stock and barrel and cherished by the Useful Idiots.
that never registers with these stupid dumbass trump haters.
Barr is a fucking swamper liar....withholding evidence of crime from the American people involving Biden and his son??? that should be a crime in its self....

Well Trump’s Attorney General just outed the con. Says no systemic voter fraud, no need to seize voting machines, seen no evidence that a special investigation around Hunter is needed.

Barr says no need for special counsels to investigate election or Hunter Biden

Washington (CNN) - Attorney General William Barr on Monday rejected several of President Donald Trump's inflammatory and unfounded statements regarding the presidential election, saying at a news conference that he doesn't plan to appoint a special counsel to investigate President-elect Joe Biden's son Hunter or the election.

"If I thought a special counsel at this stage was a right tool and was appropriate, I would name one, but I haven't and I'm not going to," Barr said in response to a question on the presidential election. He said that widespread fraud wasn't found in this election.

Barr also roundly rejected suggestions from the President's supporters in recent days who've called for the US government to seize voting machines.

"To the extent there's an investigation, I think it's being handled responsibly and professionally currently within the department, and to this point, I have not seen a reason to appoint a special counsel, and I have no plan to do so before I leave," Barr said when asked about Hunter Biden. Federal prosecutors and IRS investigations are conducting the probe, and Hunter Biden has not been charged with any crime.

A lot of talk on what Barr would do but he did nothing. No one jailed. Ni ine facing charges. I could have done a better job. He should have been fired ir better yet never been given the position in the first place.
The Useful Idiots rationalize putting China Boy in the White House by claiming he actually won the election. LOL!

The only person that won anything was Hunter Biden's cocaine dealer. Dat boy won the lottery!
Interesting that the right thinks Donald Trump the TV personality and son of a wealthy father is the only person on Earth that can be right about anything. Dude is more right than Jesus to the conservative lap dogs.
Real Americans spoke loud and clear and voted for American greatness: President Biden and Vice President Harris.

You mean only democratic ballot printers are the only real Americans?! Where does that leave the other 99% of the country?

If we voted for American Greatness, then how did Joe Biden become the P-elect?

If Joe Biden is Great, then why did he never get more than 1% of the vote before, and Harris didn't get a SINGLE vote in the Primaries-- -- the two least liked, most unpopular, unelected people to ever be installed over the will of the population in order to save the Secret Society of Subversives.

Barr is a fucking swamper liar....withholding evidence of crime from the American people involving Biden and his son??? that should be a crime in its self....

Agree 100% Nothing he was involved with has seen 10 seconds of jail time. What he did was screw justice. A treasonous hack.
There actually were some well placed algorithms to flip Biden votes to Trump. They just underestimated what they were up against. It seems that McConnell's re-election is being looked into with Ky Appalachian vote totals far exceeding the county populations. Trump was right! The election was rigged!
Donald J. Trump vs
  • 52 Judgements in courts across the land
  • The United States Supreme Court
  • Republican-controlled legislatures in Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
  • The conservative Republican governor and secretary of state of Georgia.
  • Most recently Mitch McConnel.
  • His own Attorney General, who is as right-wing as it gets
...and morons on here still think he won. :auiqs.jpg:

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