Barr and Durham Publicly Disagree with Horowitz Report on Russia Inquiry

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Now we KNOW who is a DEEP STATE COUP MEMBER...and who is for the TRUTH.... You Dimwits better do something DRASTIC to stop Trump...or jail time in Trump's second term!...Lolol!


WASHINGTON — Attorney General William P. Barr sharply criticized on Monday the F.B.I.’s decision to open the Russia investigation, undercutting a major finding in a long-awaited watchdog report and at the same time showing his willingness to act as President Trump’s vocal defender.

The report, by the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, found that the F.B.I. had adequate reason in 2016 to open an investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties with Russia. Mr. Horowitz broadly rejected Mr. Trump’s allegations that F.B.I. officials conspired to sabotage his campaign, but Mr. Barr highlighted findings that underscored his and the president’s shared view that investigators were nonetheless overly invasive in scrutinizing people associated with a presidential campaign.

“The inspector general’s report now makes clear that the F.B.I. launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken,” Mr. Barr said in a statement.

Barr and Durham Publicly Disagree with Horowitz Report on Russia Inquiry
As long as we have at least one investigation that proves the deep state coup attempts I'm good.
If all investigations came up empty, when we know crimes were committed, then the Federal government would be lost to the swamp creatures.
Now we KNOW who is a DEEP STATE COUP MEMBER...and who is for the TRUTH.... You Dimwits better do something DRASTIC to stop Trump...or jail time in Trump's second term!...Lolol!


WASHINGTON — Attorney General William P. Barr sharply criticized on Monday the F.B.I.’s decision to open the Russia investigation, undercutting a major finding in a long-awaited watchdog report and at the same time showing his willingness to act as President Trump’s vocal defender.

The report, by the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, found that the F.B.I. had adequate reason in 2016 to open an investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties with Russia. Mr. Horowitz broadly rejected Mr. Trump’s allegations that F.B.I. officials conspired to sabotage his campaign, but Mr. Barr highlighted findings that underscored his and the president’s shared view that investigators were nonetheless overly invasive in scrutinizing people associated with a presidential campaign.

“The inspector general’s report now makes clear that the F.B.I. launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken,” Mr. Barr said in a statement.

Barr and Durham Publicly Disagree with Horowitz Report on Russia Inquiry
Inspector Generals rarely do what they were originally intended to - rather than expose the corruption within the system, they are there to cover it up from public scrutiny. Horowitz has been the IG since 2012.....any wrongdoing found under the Obama administration will have to be by John Durham or the GOP Senate ( don't hold your breath for that ).

I know Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh will be upping their Prozac for awhile. If they don't prosecute somebody and let these people like Flynn off the hook, they're both liable to have nervous breakdowns soon.
FISA warrant and renewals had "significant inaccuracies and omissions"
Horowitz's team of investigators found "significant inaccuracies and omissions in each of the four applications — seven in the first FISA applications and a total of 17 by the final renewal." As a result of these 17 inaccuracies and omissions, Horowitz wrote that relevant information was not shared with and considered by decisionmakers at the Justice Department and the national security court.

All of the applications also left out information the FBI obtained from another government agency about its previous relationship with Page.

Horowitz concluded that members of the FBI's team investigating ties between Russia and the Trump campaign "failed to meet the basic obligation that the Carter Page FISA applications were "scrupulously accurate."
Justice Department watchdog releases report on origins of Russia investigation
FISA warrant and renewals had "significant inaccuracies and omissions"
Horowitz's team of investigators found "significant inaccuracies and omissions in each of the four applications — seven in the first FISA applications and a total of 17 by the final renewal." As a result of these 17 inaccuracies and omissions, Horowitz wrote that relevant information was not shared with and considered by decisionmakers at the Justice Department and the national security court.

All of the applications also left out information the FBI obtained from another government agency about its previous relationship with Page.

Horowitz concluded that members of the FBI's team investigating ties between Russia and the Trump campaign "failed to meet the basic obligation that the Carter Page FISA applications were "scrupulously accurate."
Justice Department watchdog releases report on origins of Russia investigation
This dripps of political bias and a Coup D'etat.
FISA warrant and renewals had "significant inaccuracies and omissions"
Horowitz's team of investigators found "significant inaccuracies and omissions in each of the four applications — seven in the first FISA applications and a total of 17 by the final renewal." As a result of these 17 inaccuracies and omissions, Horowitz wrote that relevant information was not shared with and considered by decisionmakers at the Justice Department and the national security court.

All of the applications also left out information the FBI obtained from another government agency about its previous relationship with Page.

Horowitz concluded that members of the FBI's team investigating ties between Russia and the Trump campaign "failed to meet the basic obligation that the Carter Page FISA applications were "scrupulously accurate."
Justice Department watchdog releases report on origins of Russia investigation
This dripps of political bias and a Coup D'etat.
Yep. Wait for Durham’s report. It is not pretty for the fbi.
Oh, and more-
Additionally, the internal watchdog found "the surveillance of Carter Page continued even as the FBI gathered information that weakened the assessment of probable cause and made the FISA applications less accurate."

Horowitz's team wrote that while they "did not find documentary or testimonial evidence of intentional misconduct," they also "did not receive satisfactory explanations for the errors or missing information."

So no satisfactory explanations for their actions...
Now we KNOW who is a DEEP STATE COUP MEMBER...and who is for the TRUTH.... You Dimwits better do something DRASTIC to stop Trump...or jail time in Trump's second term!...Lolol!


WASHINGTON — Attorney General William P. Barr sharply criticized on Monday the F.B.I.’s decision to open the Russia investigation, undercutting a major finding in a long-awaited watchdog report and at the same time showing his willingness to act as President Trump’s vocal defender.

The report, by the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, found that the F.B.I. had adequate reason in 2016 to open an investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties with Russia. Mr. Horowitz broadly rejected Mr. Trump’s allegations that F.B.I. officials conspired to sabotage his campaign, but Mr. Barr highlighted findings that underscored his and the president’s shared view that investigators were nonetheless overly invasive in scrutinizing people associated with a presidential campaign.

“The inspector general’s report now makes clear that the F.B.I. launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken,” Mr. Barr said in a statement.

Barr and Durham Publicly Disagree with Horowitz Report on Russia Inquiry
Horrowitz did not have Subpoena power, and THE FBI refused to turn over documents, such as Exculpatory Evidence.

Horrowitz only made an opinion about intent, but within that, he found that The FBI with held exculpatory evidence, altered documents, altered emails, falsified evidence, submitted false affidavits, & lied under oath 17 times & did not bother to vet or verify The Dirty Russian Dossier even though they knew Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama paid to have it made.
Now we KNOW who is a DEEP STATE COUP MEMBER...and who is for the TRUTH.... You Dimwits better do something DRASTIC to stop Trump...or jail time in Trump's second term!...Lolol!


WASHINGTON — Attorney General William P. Barr sharply criticized on Monday the F.B.I.’s decision to open the Russia investigation, undercutting a major finding in a long-awaited watchdog report and at the same time showing his willingness to act as President Trump’s vocal defender.

The report, by the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, found that the F.B.I. had adequate reason in 2016 to open an investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties with Russia. Mr. Horowitz broadly rejected Mr. Trump’s allegations that F.B.I. officials conspired to sabotage his campaign, but Mr. Barr highlighted findings that underscored his and the president’s shared view that investigators were nonetheless overly invasive in scrutinizing people associated with a presidential campaign.

“The inspector general’s report now makes clear that the F.B.I. launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken,” Mr. Barr said in a statement.

Barr and Durham Publicly Disagree with Horowitz Report on Russia Inquiry
Inspector Generals rarely do what they were originally intended to - rather than expose the corruption within the system, they are there to cover it up from public scrutiny. Horowitz has been the IG since 2012.....any wrongdoing found under the Obama administration will have to be by John Durham or the GOP Senate ( don't hold your breath for that ).

I know Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh will be upping their Prozac for awhile. If they don't prosecute somebody and let these people like Flynn off the hook, they're both liable to have nervous breakdowns soon.
Durham is a serious threat to obama and the Deep State
So what? Barr has proven to be a partisan hack who will do anything to preserve the power of the Shakedown King! His word is no better that the liar he works to pacify.
Oh, and more-
Additionally, the internal watchdog found "the surveillance of Carter Page continued even as the FBI gathered information that weakened the assessment of probable cause and made the FISA applications less accurate."

Horowitz's team wrote that while they "did not find documentary or testimonial evidence of intentional misconduct," they also "did not receive satisfactory explanations for the errors or missing information."

So no satisfactory explanations for their actions...
In other words, he is going to let The Criminal Probe in to The Obama FBI's Actions determine guilt.

He is saying, there is something really rotten here, but I don't have subpoena power, so Durham is going to have to get to the bottom of it.
Now we KNOW who is a DEEP STATE COUP MEMBER...and who is for the TRUTH.... You Dimwits better do something DRASTIC to stop Trump...or jail time in Trump's second term!...Lolol!


WASHINGTON — Attorney General William P. Barr sharply criticized on Monday the F.B.I.’s decision to open the Russia investigation, undercutting a major finding in a long-awaited watchdog report and at the same time showing his willingness to act as President Trump’s vocal defender.

The report, by the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, found that the F.B.I. had adequate reason in 2016 to open an investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties with Russia. Mr. Horowitz broadly rejected Mr. Trump’s allegations that F.B.I. officials conspired to sabotage his campaign, but Mr. Barr highlighted findings that underscored his and the president’s shared view that investigators were nonetheless overly invasive in scrutinizing people associated with a presidential campaign.

“The inspector general’s report now makes clear that the F.B.I. launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken,” Mr. Barr said in a statement.

Barr and Durham Publicly Disagree with Horowitz Report on Russia Inquiry
Horrowitz did not have Subpoena power, and THE FBI refused to turn over documents, such as Exculpatory Evidence.

Horrowitz only made an opinion about intent, but within that, he found that The FBI with held exculpatory evidence, altered documents, altered emails, falsified evidence, submitted false affidavits, & lied under oath 17 times & did not bother to vet or verify The Dirty Russian Dossier even though they knew Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama paid to have it made.
He only reports what he is told by the individuals. Just like Hillary’s ‘I don’t recall’. Or, ‘I didn’t know’. He doesn’t try to read past their statements to him. He then gathers evidence where he can, which is limited. He is also limited to interviewing only those still employed. Most have left the dept.
Durham is able to subpoena documents, witnesses and put them under oath.
So what? Barr has proven to be a partisan hack who will do anything to preserve the power of the Shakedown King! His word is no better that the liar he works to pacify.
Honey, go read what Horowitz was able to find, without access to all documents or players. He couldn’t interview any that had left the dept. and yet he found a boat load. Might want to prepare yourself now for the Durham report, that will have access to all documents and players. ;)
So what? Barr has proven to be a partisan hack who will do anything to preserve the power of the Shakedown King! His word is no better that the liar he works to pacify.
Barr has a reputation that is not only 10 times more honorable than Mueller's Reputation, but he has had a far more successful career.

Mueller was charged with falsification of evidence, altering witness testimony, with holding exculpatory evidence, and he knowingly railroaded people in both The Enron Case, and Anthrax Case he knew was Innocent costing The Taxpayers MILLIONS in Restitution for him bumbling. Mueller helped to cover up The Rosatom Uranium One Bribery Scandal. Mueller also Wiped Strozk and Page's phones, lied to The AG when handing over the phones and said their texts were irretrievably lost. Mueller was sanctioned multiple times (72) for FISA violations. Mueller is dishonest, sloppy, aloof, and incompetent.

Barr by contrast is a straight shooter with far better credentials and proven history.
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As long as we have at least one investigation that proves the deep state coup attempts I'm good.
If all investigations came up empty, when we know crimes were committed, then the Federal government would be lost to the swamp creatures.
The problem with an IG is that they are very limited in scope. Plus, given the show currently being all the rage, I'm thinking that this IG was concerned about his next meal if he didn't at least attempt to clear this.

It may be that this is an honest report of limited scope and that would be the reason for the discrepancy between the IG and the DOJ. Time will tell and we'll know more if indictments start dropping.
So what? Barr has proven to be a partisan hack who will do anything to preserve the power of the Shakedown King! His word is no better that the liar he works to pacify.
Barr has a reputation that is not only 10 times more honorable that Mueller's Reputation, but he has had a far more successful career. Mueller was charged with falsification of evidence, altering witness testimony, with holding exculpatory evidence, and he knowingly railroad people in both The Enron Case, and Anthrax Case he knew was Innocent costing The Taxpayers MILLIONS in Restitution for him bumbling.

Barr by contrast is a straight shooter with far better credentials and proven history.
And Mueller was sore cause he literally was turned down for the position he was hoping for the day before he took this case.
As long as we have at least one investigation that proves the deep state coup attempts I'm good.
If all investigations came up empty, when we know crimes were committed, then the Federal government would be lost to the swamp creatures.
The problem with an IG is that they are very limited in scope. Plus, given the show currently being all the rage, I'm thinking that this IG was concerned about his next meal if he didn't at least attempt to clear this.

It may be that this is an honest report of limited scope and that would be the reason for the discrepancy between the IG and the DOJ. Time will tell and we'll know more if indictments start dropping.
No access to players that had left the department, which most had. And no subpoena power.

He did state the explanations given for their actions were not satisfactory.
FISA warrant and renewals had "significant inaccuracies and omissions"
Horowitz's team of investigators found "significant inaccuracies and omissions in each of the four applications — seven in the first FISA applications and a total of 17 by the final renewal." As a result of these 17 inaccuracies and omissions, Horowitz wrote that relevant information was not shared with and considered by decisionmakers at the Justice Department and the national security court.

All of the applications also left out information the FBI obtained from another government agency about its previous relationship with Page.

Horowitz concluded that members of the FBI's team investigating ties between Russia and the Trump campaign "failed to meet the basic obligation that the Carter Page FISA applications were "scrupulously accurate."
Justice Department watchdog releases report on origins of Russia investigation
This dripps of political bias and a Coup D'etat.
The FISA renewals werent the origins, it was Papadoplous bragging.
This article your replying to says there were procedural errors but overall no "political bias" by the FBI.

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