Barney Frank and Inheritance Tax: Hypocricy On Display


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
If what Barney Frank says is true, that what you inherit isn't worked for thus should be taxed at 55%, what does that say about what the government gets in taxes from us?

The government didn't work for it. Why do they feel they have a right to all of that money? This assumes that what we didn't actually work for automatically belongs to the government.

This is why Barney Frank's argument is wrong. You shouldn't be taxed higher just because, in his opinion, you didn't work for it. As long as it's legal it doesn't matter how you got it. What right does he have to decide the level of taxation according to how it was obtained?

Watch the video:

Barney Frank and his hypocrisy

The number one goal of Marxism is the removal of private property. The ownership of all property by the government.

I think we're seeing this in Barney Frank.
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So the work of a Life time is basically split between the Fed's, the Insurance Companies, and the Estate planners, with a tiny bit left for your those that really matter? What a Utopia We live in Comrade!

Government's favorite past time is playing God. Why don't the Puppet Masters want us to have any toys Mudwhistle? Is it us or is it them?
Oh boo hoo hoo!

I'll only get to start out with a sum only equivalant to 100 years the median average PRETAXED incomes of the American family.

That's not fair! wah! wah wah!
Oh boo hoo hoo!

I'll only get to start out with a sum only equivalant to 100 years the median average PRETAXED incomes of the American family.

That's not fair! wah! wah wah!

It's about the Principle, not the Principal, Sparky. Warren Buffet really thanks you for the scheme you just implemented to make him richer, him and his Insurance Companies. Get a clue.
I've been watching this estate tax argument for a while.

Why the hell should Uncle Sam get any part of someones estate?? Money earned has already been taxed. Talk about double dipping.

Who would expect anything else from Frank and his lefty, looney friends. After all. It other peoples money.

Greedy bastards.
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I'll also not the hypocrisy of someone who has a huge pension to be paid for by taxpayers for his "services" of overseeing the financial crisis saying that parents who save some money for the future can't pass it along to their children.
Oh boo hoo hoo!

I'll only get to start out with a sum only equivalant to 100 years the median average PRETAXED incomes of the American family.

That's not fair! wah! wah wah!

Have you always lusted at others wealth?
Oh boo hoo hoo!

I'll only get to start out with a sum only equivalant to 100 years the median average PRETAXED incomes of the American family.

That's not fair! wah! wah wah!

Have you always lusted at others wealth?

Hey, don't blame me because you're incapable of making it with only the amount equal to the PRETAXED annual income of 100 American families.

If you can't make your way with that amount to start out with, you probably shouldn't announce it to the rest of the world because they obviously can.
Oh boo hoo hoo!

I'll only get to start out with a sum only equivalant to 100 years the median average PRETAXED incomes of the American family.

That's not fair! wah! wah wah!

It's about the Principle, not the Principal, Sparky. Warren Buffet really thanks you for the scheme you just implemented to make him richer, him and his Insurance Companies. Get a clue.

It's important to note that Buffet has significant investments in Life Insurance Companies.

The Life Insurance Lobby is one of the strongest supporters of the Estate Tax. One way to get around the Estate Tax is to buy very expensive life insurance coverage.
If what Barney Frank says is true, that what you inherit isn't worked for thus should be taxed at 55%, what does that say about what the government gets in taxes from us?

The government didn't work for it. Why do they feel they have a right to all of that money? This assumes that what we didn't actually work for automatically belongs to the government.

This is why Barney Frank's argument is wrong. You shouldn't be taxed higher just because, in his opinion, you didn't work for it. As long as it's legal it doesn't matter how you got it. What right does he have to decide the level of taxation according to how it was obtained?

Watch the video:

Barney Frank and his hypocrisy

The number one goal of Marxism is the removal of private property. The ownership of all property by the government.

I think we're seeing this in Barney Frank.

"The number one goal of Marxism is the removal of private property. The ownership of all property by the government. "

And once that happens we are no longer a nation of freedom, liberty or independence. We are serfs and Soros and the Obama admimistration are just waiting to ride the tide...
Oh boo hoo hoo!

I'll only get to start out with a sum only equivalant to 100 years the median average PRETAXED incomes of the American family.

That's not fair! wah! wah wah!

Have you always lusted at others wealth?

Hey, don't blame me because you're incapable of making it with only the amount equal to the PRETAXED annual income of 100 American families.

If you can't make your way with that amount to start out with, you probably shouldn't announce it to the rest of the world because they obviously can.

LOL I dont make that much so I want yours.

Typical whack job. Maybe at some point in the future, you could be honest about your lust for others wealth. Oh boo hoo someones getting ahead and it isnt me, we need the government to take it from you, I need it.

Yes whack job is too mild for you.
Oh boo hoo hoo!

I'll only get to start out with a sum only equivalant to 100 years the median average PRETAXED incomes of the American family.

That's not fair! wah! wah wah!

It's about the Principle, not the Principal, Sparky. Warren Buffet really thanks you for the scheme you just implemented to make him richer, him and his Insurance Companies. Get a clue.

It's important to note that Buffet has significant investments in Life Insurance Companies.

The Life Insurance Lobby is one of the strongest supporters of the Estate Tax. One way to get around the Estate Tax is to buy very expensive life insurance coverage.

Bill Gates jr and sr. also support the estate tax, are you gonna tell me that they have a vested interest in life insurance too? - Gates Sr. supports estate tax
Bill Gates Fighting Microsoft, Ballmer, Allen And Other Billionaires On Tax - Steven Bertoni - Money Talks - Forbes
Yep all income should be taxed exactly the same no matter how you got it.

Even if it's already been taxed once? Tell me, do you pay taxes at the grocery store on the food you buy and then pay taxes again when you eat it?

How many bites of the apple does the gubmint get?

you do pay income tax on your paycheck and the sales tax on consumable goods? what isnt that double taxation? damn did i just through a wrench in your argument about the same money being taxed twice?

and food is actually not taxable.
It's about the Principle, not the Principal, Sparky. Warren Buffet really thanks you for the scheme you just implemented to make him richer, him and his Insurance Companies. Get a clue.

It's important to note that Buffet has significant investments in Life Insurance Companies.

The Life Insurance Lobby is one of the strongest supporters of the Estate Tax. One way to get around the Estate Tax is to buy very expensive life insurance coverage.

Bill Gates jr and sr. also support the estate tax, are you gonna tell me that they have a vested interest in life insurance too? - Gates Sr. supports estate tax
Bill Gates Fighting Microsoft, Ballmer, Allen And Other Billionaires On Tax - Steven Bertoni - Money Talks - Forbes

Until you people look at the loopholes for Gate's and Buffet's estates, I certainly wouldn't be using them as stellar examples to prove your points. The relatives will be well taken care of through the Trusts. Not much will be able to be taxed, because of the charities within the Trusts.
I have to laugh at some of you for even bringing these fine examples of capitalism to the forefront.
Working in Congress isn't work now?

Hookay..what other blanket proclaimations do you want to make?

That assumes that they are providing a service that is constitutional or asked for by the voters.

We didn't ask them to do termite research or any of the other 6000 ear-marks they put in the last bill.

They're primary job is providing National Security and interstate commerce, not saving Polar Bears and anything else they think will get them a few extra votes.

It seems the only thing Democrats work for is assuring they get re-elected. And they use our taxes to buy their votes. If an independent arbiter were to choose for them they'd never be able to pull that sham on us.

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