Barack Obama’s Werewolf Jokes Appear to Have Hurt Herschel Walker’s Feelings

It's amazing how Trump or one of his minions says something stupid and then when called on it, Trump Humpers like you come along and claim we took it out of context.

In what context did you take this quote from Racist *Joe?

“ I don’t want my kids growing up in a racial jungle”
Democrats are such classy people. Everyone can easily see who the problem is with American politics.
It’s even more amazing that you try to deny truth. Listen, stupid: anyone who heard Hershel make that meaningless dopey comment about vampires and werewolves knows damn well that — in context — he wasn’t being or trying to be literal.

If you had limited your commentary to the observation that Walker spun a nearly incoherent rambling story, nobody would deny it. But you didn’t limit your rancid commentary to the truth.

Scumbags like you are fundamentally dishonest.
What about bulls jumping fences to fuck other cows?
How about being rapidly anti-abortion, yet paying for them with your girlfriends....
I’m guessing you meant “rabidly.”

You and words are natural enemies.

And how about the denial? Yiur coting a mere claim. So, wtf? I guess I can cite the denial.

All in all, you’ve yet to make a point. 🤪
I’m guessing you meant “rabidly.”

You and words are natural enemies.

And how about the denial? Yiur coting a mere claim. So, wtf? I guess I can cite the denial.

All in all, you’ve yet to make a point. 🤪
Both of them?

Do we actually know how many children that he owns up to or paid to terminate?
anyone who heard Hershel make that meaningless dopey comment about vampires and werewolves knows damn well that — in context — he wasn’t being or trying to be literal.
1). You don't even know how to spell his name.
2). Here we go again with......this is what he really meant to say.
3). Pathetic ^^^^^^
4). Fucking LOLLOLLLOL, will your cries of voter FRAUD come out Tuesday, when Walker Loses by a Landslide????
I don’t. And I’m sure you don’t either. So, why make up accusations or repeat any?

Damn; you’re stupid.
30 days ago it was zero and now we're at two.

Of course, he's also on some police force...
Love it when the Grammar Nazi tries to put down another all while failing in her own grammar.
Fuckstain has me on ignore because I OWN her.
Do me a favor and tell that POS to follow me and attempt to respond.
30 days ago it was zero and now we're at two.

Of course, he's also on some police force...
False. He has denied paying for any abortions.

Your stupidity and dishonesty are already legendary. But don’t let me stop you from confirming just how much you suck! 😎

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